With Mercury Direct but still wobbly and Mars Retrograde, trade certainty for curiosity to navigate bumpy roads ahead.
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Confidently wrong, the two words associated with this Mercury Retrograde New Moon in Sagittarius. Can you be wrong and still have confidence in yourself?
This Scorpio New Moon we’re invited to confront whatever feels like it threatens our safety.
This Aries Super Moon is a giant crossroad painted in Stars. How well do you know your power and where you use it – especially in relationship?
Curious about what the next 12 months have in store? I’ve got a little secret for you—you have more influence over your future than you might think!
This week we dig into reshaping the map of who we are more deliberately. Challenges can be doorways to abundance, if we have courage to engage.
This New Moon cycle helps us shed what isn’t truly ‘us’. It can be as simple as removing borrowed clothes or a bad sunburn you know will peel.
This Cancer New Moon helps us replace the unwanted with more of what we want. When we focus on creating a more desirable life, we naturally make it possible to get more of that instead of being stuck stewing over what we don’t want.
This Gemini New Moon is cozying up closely with Venus, the planet of love and harmony, which typically brings a…