This week there is a dance between inner resources meeting obstacles or delays that require finesse. Still feeling the effect…
Our News
Last week’s Jupiter/Uranus opposition means we are feeling our way through relationships. Next Sunday’s full moon line up wants you…
We have lots of outer planets in play this week to ensure incentive and momentum for this year of Relationship…
Have you noticed pairs are a big deal in humans? Two eyes, ears, arms, legs, breasts, ovaries, testicles, lungs – okay…
We have a week of the unexpected to help remind us that right now we are best served doubting our…
With a little effort you can have a smashing Valentine Week with love, love, love as your theme song. Now…
The aspects this week stopped me cold, so since I can’t type at you, let’s talk! I’m offering a gift call,…
We have a New Moon this week that is challenging and painful but towards a great goal. This is a…
Well the fast and furious pace that I started 2017 with came to a screeching halt this Saturday. My body…
Happy 2017! Many are glad to leave the challenging 2016 behind and it’s good to look forward to a happy…