
Like the Gordian Knot, our relationship with blame needs a good sharp blade to set us free. This Virgo Full Moon has help from the Great Liberator, Uranus, to do just that. But first it pulls shadow responses out into the light. Yes, a knee jerk reaction, that is anything but an adult response, will likely make an appearance or two.
Once again, this is not the Universe out to punish or humble us. It is in service to our ability to move from conditioned reactions and into present response. If you feel an eye roll coming on, I understand. This theme just won’t go away. That’s how embedded it is in our individual and collective psyches. Our trauma brings about coping skills that got us through. So now we can keep pointing to the reason for the coping skills, or we can gently, thoroughly rewired those responses instead of justifying why we have them.
Pain needs a witness. Which is why I highly recommend you be your own best witness. Journal, write, record on your phone if you loathe the written word. This Virgo Moon encourages us to know where and how we can be present, compassionate and brave with our existing explanation for whatever happened or is happening in our world. Blame then becomes a good place to begin giving to or doing for ourselves, in a healthier way.
With Saturn moving into Pisces, we are going to learn how to manage the pain in the world better. We do this only as well as we manage our own pain. When you see someone being coldly unresponsive to the pain they see around them, trust me, they do that to themselves as well. If you avoid looking another’s pain in the eye, you may not know how to be with it and not drown in the sorrow. There is a kinder way to be with yourself and then with others, and it is yours to construct.
And you share that learning curve with everyone around you. Judgement (blame) of others is an inefficient way to set boundaries and keep out what you don’t want. Good boundaries, by contrast, are a way to invite people in so that they respect the space you occupy. You can construct your invitational boundaries using whatever material at hand, including blame, judgement, criticism and anything else that illustrates what you don’t want. These are raw materials and you can rework it into its contrast. When you see what doesn’t work for you, then what is the behavior or choice that does work for you? Finish what blame starts on a more connected note.
This Virgo Full Moon offers a chance to be uniquely you, your best version and enjoy life from the healthy independence that makes true connection possible. Leverage what you have and where you start. Build an entry way to your world that suits you well and allows those who can honor you to move closer. I wish you joy in the journey as you step away from the focus on what isn’t right around you and into the space where you make it more so for yourself, right now. The Cards and Stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
3/7 Virgo new Moon four of swords
Once again the message that speed is not your friend appears. This is echoed in the Stars and Cards, lest you were in doubt the last 20 times it was offered. Mars is square the Moon, Neptune and the sun. A lineup that highlights where our actions quite clearly are not a match often enough for what we wish to bring about. Nor are they always a match for what we prefer to believe about ourselves. This isn’t a criticism, it’s the truth for almost all mankind. When this Four shows up, it is a caution that our mind has worn us out.
In fact, the warning light is blinking that if we let our mind keep driving us, we are likely to get sick just to give us a chance to rest and reset what we are doing. Virgo is the sign most associated with health and healing. Whatever we suffered in the past already happened to us, often when we were vulnerable and/or alone. Current circumstances offer far more options to right that past. The question is where can you help make it your new normal to look for and connect with resources there for you right now?
This begins with giving your whole self quality time for whatever you feel. Can you look your conditioned responses in the eye and see what others may experience on the receiving end? Be very mindful with this Mars square that you aren’t offending from a wounded position. That’s how we wound up traumatized in the past, most likely. Wounded people let their trauma drive the bus right over you.
So when you take time to give yourself space for what you feel and what you need, you stop that cycle. Everyone benefits from strategic rest. Take yours, review, reset and take good care of you. Because from there, you can be sure you are giving better than you were given. This makes the world a kinder place, and who doesn’t want that, right?
3/8 the tower
This card is the trumpet sounding, the moment of change is here. It feels right to share this quote, “Trauma creates change you don’t choose, Healing is about creating change you do choose”, by Michelle Rosenthal. You can’t erase the fact that from this moment forward, you have the power to create the change you do choose. You can do it with all the trauma you’ve ever experienced. Thanks to a cozy trine between the Moon and Pluto, this Tower can signal a turning point that is welcome!
It doesn’t wipe out the difficulties you’ve experienced as much as it knocks down the construction you put up to defend yourself, long past that point that the structure serves you. Now this isn’t something that happens to you, that is just more trauma. This is something YOU can do for yourself. It is a simple as setting an intention to heal, in whatever way is best for you. That little acorn of an intention can become a gentle giant of strength, shelter and shade for years to come.
So the invitation is there, decide what you want to do now, in this moment, with anything that triggers you. You decide how you treat your own emotions as they come up. It’s your choice to act on them in ways that serve your current interests. You can release the pressure that has you try to change the past and redirect it to what you wish to create today, now, in this moment. There are people who would love to do just that with you. Find those connections and start fresh.
3/9 the chariot
While the Chariot is most often the herald of big success, it’s also the caution against rushing or forcing one’s will even if you can win by doing so. There is a sweeping optimism for fresh starts mid morning thanks to Jupiter opposite the Moon, but the Moon will also stand opposite Chiron shortly after. This is a nod to our habits wanting to dictate how to keep us safe from whatever wounded us in the past. With slightly tense aspects to Saturn, Uranus and then the Sun, think of our Moon as a teenager that benefits from preparing for the bolder leaps just ahead.
No need to squash the youthful enthusiasm. In fact, please don’t. Rather, asses the risks, choose the best path to take and prepare for fresh paths, unknown adventures beyond your comfort zone. It helps to know you need to contend with the limits of the situation or decision, try an out of the box view or path and manage your ego. That could well mean letting a little pride in your effort to help carry you through the unfamiliar. You’ve got this, you can do it. No need to rush it. In fact, why not savor this new beginning?
3/10 prince of swords
With a laundry list of uncomfortable aspects today, it helps to think of it as breaking in new shoes. They may rub in places but imagine all the fine moments you are going to live in those spiffy kicks. There is life waiting for you to experience from those slightly stiff, very attractive footwear. This Prince is the swiftest of the Knights and also carries the caution not to rush into things headlong. Your path is diverging from the old worn roads. It’s time, it’s good news and it requires the right pace for you. Feel into it. Be aware of when you try to rush past awkward emotions.
Those emotions have electricity to be harnessed. All they need to unlock that power is ten minutes of quality attention at a time. They don’t need a big story or justification. In fact, why not let the need to justify what you feel behind in the old shoes. You simply feel what you do. Spend as much or more time on the shape and color of the emotion and what you want to create with it than you do explaining why you feel it. Once you do, you’ll find it is addictively potent. So much more fun that reworking old threads that are worn thin on why anything is what it is. Let those tangled threads by some of what is left behind. You won’t need them where you are headed.
3/11 Justice
You are equal to whatever the emotional storms are that rise up in you. Not just today, but anytime going forward. We have a sweet connection between Mars and Venus this morning to help you act on your own behalf more effectively. Be prepared, though. Expansion brings up the inner critic as Venus conjoins Eris. It helps to understand that our fear wants to stomp on the brakes as we roll along into unfamiliar territory. But with the Moon opposite Uranus, we can free ourselves from fear at the steering wheel. When Jupiter meets up with Chiron, the wound is front and center. But so is the capacity to do something with it now that you couldn’t do in the past.
Notice if you keep going by to rewrite, edit or apportion blame to what was. That’s a zero sum game. Pull your attention back to the present. This is where you have the power. When you take care of what you feel and need now, you change the story. It doesn’t change what happened in the past but it most definitely tips the scales in your favor now. Instead of demanding those around you right the wrongs of the past, you do it for yourself. Take it in chunks. No need to balance everything at once. Just start showing up for what you feel and need right now. What can you do for yourself and where do you need to risk a vulnerable ask? You aren’t needy but you do have needs. Justice says when you honor your wants and needs, balance can be restored.
3/12 six of pentacles
Today has a sense of fur being rubbed the right direction. With the Scorpio Moon trine the Pisces Sun, then Neptune, we can see how to work with our inner dialogue more constructively. We can imagine better possibilities ahead than what we’ve known in the past. When Mars hits a friendly transit to Eris we can even figure out the actions that move us powerfully out of stuck space and towards what we want. This all pairs nicely with the Six of Pentacles. Healing is a full body sport. We think, feel and act in new ways and retrain our brain that it’s not only possible, it’s pleasurable!! By the time Moon hits a cozy sextile to the Dark Lord Pluto, we are ready to find the treasure in facing our shadows and let the raw material be rich clay in our hands to make art.
3/13 Queen of swords
Easy does it today, when this feisty Queen pairs up with a square to Saturn. This particular card is like a yellow light. Better to slow down and prepare to stop, than try to blow through and beat the light. There has been a lot packed in to the last couple of days in this Moon cycle. So today with the one aspect being that Saturn square, the simplest thing is to find places to pause, rest, reflect. It’s also the kindest thing you can give yourself, space to tune in to you. You are worth your time…
3/14 princess of pentacles
Princesses represent our internal state that precedes the actions of the Knights. This earthy female calls for a round of applause you richly deserve. Take a moment and give it to yourself. The Sagittarius Moon trine Jupiter dials up the need for applause, approval and respect. You’ll need it to deal with the pesky Mars/Neptune square, which can pull back the curtain on pesky hidden desires. What do you want and do your actions move you closer to those dreams? If not, you can pull on a little inner cheerleading to get you in sync with your natural rhythm.
Moon then squares up with Neptune before it opposes Mars. Time for a little quality attention for the sensitivity that can confuse and derail you. This Princess helps you find your way in the fog of over reactions and emotional sensitivity that can accompany Neptune transits. Unclear boundaries could stand attention today. Remember you want to work towards structure that allows people in under terms that feels good to you rather than just blocks their way.
3/15 three of wands
Oh your ship is about to come in when this Three shows up. It’s not at the dock yet, but it is in sight. The Moon enters rock solid Capricorn and sextiles Saturn before the sun’s up. And speaking of the Sun, it joins up with Neptune to help lend form and light to those shimmering dreams you hold. Three is the number of communication, so this is a good day to put those wishes in to words. Write them down, let them take form. You are responsible for the integrity of your wishes. In this case, integrity means how deeply aligned are those desires to what you really want? Because until you know and own what you wish for, the Universe cannot help bring them true. Perhaps the real bonanza is the ability to own and believe in those dreams. Today that’s within reach. Give them form.
3/16 High priestess
There is a wise voice inside our head that requires attention today, when the High Priestess shows up. With the Capricorn Moon square to Chiron and Jupiter before an assist from Uranus, we can navigate around the old scripts. That voice can quietly or surely offer fresh lines. Those are handy as we wander into foggy reasoning and old habits. They don’t want to go without putting up a bit of a fight for control. Don’t expect it to feel comfortable, but it will feel right to replace tired excuses and explanations. Look for opportunities to speak a new truth into being. Some of them may surprise you with how rich they are. If the familiar creeps in, watch it feel like a shoe you’ve outgrown. It just doesn’t feel the same next to those expansive, unfamiliar options. Feel your way.
3/17 queen of pentacles
Receiving tangible blessings are in order when this Queen makes an appearance. That sounds easier than it is. Too often trauma rewires us to defend against further injury by walling us in to familiar space. Watch out for the shadow that wants to dismiss, criticize, blame and otherwise distance us from the broadening effects unfolding. This is your space to rewire, map out and stand on solid ground. Pentacles are the slowest moving of the four suits. They also represent body wisdom. When the view is dim, tune in to what your body offers up. You can feel when you are ready for the next step, your body opens to it. As opposed to the tension you feel when it’s not right or the right timing.
Learn how to tell your ‘no’ from your ‘not yet’. Add complexity to your sense of a situation by adding in a ‘yes if’ component. Find your goldilocks version of editing what’s on offer. From a ‘never going to happen’ to a ‘hell yes all the way’, line up your levels of participation. When you understand those layers, you know you can trust yourself more with that unfamiliar space you have in front of you. That trust is key to enjoying the abundance this Queen carries with her. The situation is secondary to your understanding of how you feel in it. When you know how you truly feel, you act on it in the way that best serves you and your interest. Sounds good, right?
3/18 ace of pentacles
This patient Ace is a reminder to harness the excitement or enthusiasm of the day with a step by step approach to anything. Tempting as big gestures, statements or moods may be, give them a more bite size expression as a starting point. Trauma often has us rush a decision, action, judgement as a way to get to an outcome. Mediocre certainty feels less risky that outstanding uncertainty. The way to get around that is to acknowledge the temptation and still take one bite at a time. Good. Now chew it slowly before taking another bite out of whatever’s in front of. you. By day’s end, the Messenger Mercury heads into Aries and can have you champing at the bit. So set your pace early in the day and practice holding it steady. Dream big, begin small.
3/19 the king of cups
Magic is possible when this King shows up. The Moon moves into Pisces today and with the help of this fluid King, helps illustrate that soft is not weak, and might is not always right. In fact more often than not, might is misused. Pay attention to where you bully yourself with shoulds. Those leak out and onto other people. If you have a list of things other people should be doing in your opinion, that same list is there inside of you. Challenging yourself to do better is a good thing. How you do it matters greatly. Can you inspire yourself, energize yourself into action? Or can you trust a strategic pause and let the Universe rearrange things as if by magic while you do?
There is a good combination of opportunity and preparedness that goes into magical happenings. Part of being prepared is well rested. That means mentally rested most of all. So play with your worry brain today. Come up with games to lighten the load and give you a little peace. You may be pleasantly surprised at how things can come about without enormous effort or influence. It can even be a blast. Enjoy…
3/20 six of swords
Well what a lovely bookend to this Moon cycle that began with the Four of Swords. When we rest we find the storm passes and we can sail ahead on calmer waters. The Pisces Sun makes a gentle connection with Pluto, giving you a stamp of completion for lessons well learned. You did well. Really. Look back at the last couple weeks and notice the changes that may have seemed small but are part of a growing map of a more integrated, wise and empowered you. The old saying ‘begin as you mean to go on’ counts here. Those little seeds can grow mighty shade trees in time. Keep tending them, weed out what you don’t want and be patient with your progress. The worst is over, you are present to handle whatever comes with firm, flexible boundaries you choose. Congratulations!