Hi there, I thought I’d do a quick check in with you and share a bonus, bonus, bonus from one of my favorite sources, Ann O’Brien. Our audio interview is about how do you know you are on the right path for you, especially when challenges have you feeling less sure about your choices.
Ann’s one of my (s)heroes when it comes to meditation, visualization and intuitively living her biggest life. I always learn from her and was delighted when she asked me to be part of her Empowered Living series as a speaker. Here’s the bonus AUDIO for you to enjoy.
It has insight about how your hands reveal your unique design to help you overcome YOUR challenges so they open up possibilities rather than defeat you. Plus Ann has a great meditation at the end that I enjoy and thought you might like as well.
Who couldn’t use a little ‘pick me up’ pause in our busy day to day lives, right? It’s 33 minutes or just under and the meditation is near the end, so please be my guest and enjoy!
Meanwhile if you are one of the sensitive ones already feeling the rattle of the big shock planet going retrograde at the end of the week, check out details in Tarot Card of the Day with Astrological insights for you, too. It may help reassure you that the vibrations are good, they really are!
Wishing you all the best,
Lisa Greenfield