
It’s spring cleaning time. This Scorpio eclipse pops open the doors of issues stuffed in the closets and basements of your mind. Hard to avoid them, once you see them. So what are you going to do? For some it means sweeping changes must happen. For others it’s a ramble through the stacks with a sorting process. What stays, what goes, what needs repair? Even the shock change for the first group requires steady progress to restabilize. The question is how prepared are you to see and know your shadow?
Those things wound up shoved out of site for a reason. We are living in the transformational time where your individuality is key. That includes those dirty little secrets. However, it does pay to integrate them before you unleash them on the world around you. Out of bounds Mars just returns to ‘safe’ space this eclipse. It helped to pop those locks on the secrets as it wandered outside the normal lines. It offers support to go beyond where we’ve been. It’s also behind some of the worst behavior in the news when outlaws don’t want to play by the rules. What’s come into view the last couple weeks for you? Can you look at it? If you can’t, what’s the resistance about?
We are present at a fascinating juncture of history. It never ceases to amaze me. What’s even wilder is how important you being the most YOU is right now. Which is why being able to look at what emerges from shadows of this eclipse matters. The lie is that what you fear has any power over you now. In fact the opposite is true.
For example, I’m triggered when people decide things for me without asking my input. Probably a fairly common response. Yet the other day, I ran over on one call which squeezed into my lunch break and next call. I needed at least 15 minutes to eat. Yet rather than being vulnerable and letting the other person know that, I let this big story in my head rob me of the chance to be honest and invite their participation in my decision.
Instead I just texted I was behind and set the new time to allow myself lunch. Yes it was my decision to make, but it was also a missed opportunity to co-create instead of dictate. I’m sure he would have offered extra time had I given him the chance. But I didn’t and missed the opportunity to receive a generous response.
I don’t like knowing that I can be a bossy boots when I’m crunched. And I can be. So I decided to take a look at other places where this happens. Low and behold a pattern emerged. Those old tapes whispered I should have ended the session on time, or I should have left more room in my schedule for lunch. No matter if that’s the way I learned to think, I’m free to change that story now. Will I rationalize my behavior or just release the past and pattern to make a fresh choice now. This is why the shadow likes to hold on to those secrets, shame and habits. It keeps us in familiar space, no matter how uncomfortable it is. Looking at what’s there won’t hurt as much as the long term neglect of it will.
Consequences matter in this pivotal time of creation. The right use of power is on deck for all to learn. Will I see possibilities and play or impose my will on a situation out of a protection construct that costs more than it saves? I don’t even want to impose my will on me except in rare circumstances, like cake I crave but will send me into a sugar coma. I’d rather find a creative dance that feels good for me and invites others to join the rhythm in their own way.
What will you discover in your shadows that can set you free? Anything that says you dare not look is a lie that keeps you safely stuck. The Cards and Stars will help you shed some light that will truly set you free if you wish.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
5/5 scorpio lunar eclipse page of pentacles
This eclipse is in a place that blesses us when we go within to discover where our lack of creativity and limited access to it. The stories matter less here than what you want to do with all your resources now. Nature is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Nature always corrects. This Page of Pentacles indicates both the need and opportunity to center oneself. It’s not time for big changes outside of you. Rather, those will arise out of centered, layered shifts within you. Look at the natural world. Even as volcanos burn the landscape bare they add rich soil that can ultimately grow abundant life. But in time, not immediately.
Now is the time to recalibrate what is inside of you. Where can you claim your authority? Look everywhere. It is key to understand the overall picture. Hierarchy exists to give those who don’t know their power some measure of security. Except control in pursuit of ever more power is a disease that threatens the very world we live in at present. Those in control now mostly serve themselves rather than the collective needs of the whole. It’s out of balance. You are the linchpin that changes that. It happens when you take your own authority and use it to express yourself in a way that also serves your community. It is not only possible, but powerful to do so. Mars has the support of Neptune to help us do anything from an inspired place.
Right now the popular belief is we not only stand apart from nature but we stand above it. This is echoed in our relationships. Instead of seeing we are part of an ecosystem, individualism and hierarchy have us separate and wading through power imbalances. Time to reshape that dynamic into the individual IN RELATIONSHIP WITH, not in power over, all that is. Instead of controlling yourself why not discover and relate to more of you. Those shadowy bits and secrets are like bass notes in music. They add volume and are places where the rest of the notes can climb up into harmony. See where that perspective changes how you feel about seeing deeper into you. Exploration, curiosity and inspiration serves you well this eclipse cycle. Spring cleaning time.
5/6 Queen of cups
The Scorpio Moon is trine Neptune bringing us sweeter notes as we dive into the deep water of our emotions. It helps to remember that our feelings are like a dashboard. They offer all kinds of good information to help us get where we want to be. Think of how much more you can do with a dashboard as customized as a starship! Spend time with the nuances. Where there is jealousy or envy, love is also present with a scarcity mentality. Where there is impatience, you aren’t aware of what you have available right now in presence. Being fully present puts pause to future thinking because you understand you are creating what you want from this very moment.
Being present with yourself gives you courage to turn a complaint into a vulnerable request for what you want or need. You aren’t stuck in the past and predicting the future based on stories that are often long gone. Emotions take roughly ten minutes to travel our nervous systems. So see how many of them pop up on your dashboard today with insight for you. Play here today and by later this evening Saturn helps anchor the good insights for long term use.
5/7 seven of wands
Wow, a seven appears on the seventh! It’s a day for adjusting perspectives, like many days in this eclipse cycle. Venus moves into Cancer where it stays until the first week of June. The combination can increase our desire to nurture what we wish for and love. Because it’s in a tense aspect with Pluto pay attention to the right use of power to achieve our goals. This Seven can point out where we argue needlessly when we don’t see our own strengths. Venus is in an awkward relationship with Pluto. Which can bring discomfort when you see your part in creating conflict, but also relief at the ability to shift things once you know. Seeing throws bright light on the power you have that impacts your world right here and now.
5/8 ten of wands
Tens are an empowered one that takes you to the next level. Like the Major Leagues, you’ve graduated. Which is why today with the Moon conjunct Eris, you tell yourself the truth. About what, you may ask? About YOU. Eris is the goddess who was not invited to the party that causes problems for those who left her out. Hint, your uninvited parts cause you more trouble than you realize. Which is why you want to claim them and give them acknowledgement. It can nip the source of conflict in the bud when you do.
It may not be comfortable. You want loving eyes, which is hard as the day goes on with a Moon/Venus opposition. Part of you wants the safety of a blind eye to those irritating or unwanted bits. But your willingness and ability to see yourself more accurately reclaims your power and raw creative material to craft a life you can’t wait to wake up to each day. Problems then show up in the context of a life that satisfies you because you are real. You can bring that authenticity in service to your relationships. It allows others to be more themselves too. Welcome to the Big Leagues. You belong and there’s work to do.
5/9 queen of wands
This bright light of a Queen stands over a day filled with potential to shine. The Moon and Mercury in Earth signs can speak into being more of what serves both you and your relationships. Because there is a dynamic change in how we as individuals function at this point in history. As an empowered individual, can you also be in service to right relationships? There are choices we make that please us and not those around us. There are sacrifices we make that light up those around us but deplete us. The middle path is one that both lights us up and serves the relationship. Those are the sweet spots.
Queens are the mastery of attraction symbol. This fiery Queen symbolizes collaboration. Since what lights her up also warms and brightens those around her. And she requires fuel. Praise, applause, recognition and respect are the fuel of Spirit/Fire. Where can you give yourself credit today? Why not fill up your own gas tank and then let that light spill onto others. Go give yourself honest praise in the mirror. Pass on a random compliment – be sure it’s from the heart. Those are the very highest quality fuel after all.
With Moon square Chiron, there are sore spots in everyone. How can you metaphorically kiss yours better and also offer a bandaid to someone else. Instead of being stuck on the hurt, share how well we can care for each other when wounded. Make it a natural thing to take care of whatever hurts in the moment, so little slights don’t build up big disrespect. Discover how much is possible in the sweet spot of serving both your own needs and wants in a way that really does light up those around you. It may take a little attention to arrive there, but you can do it… if you only try.
5/10 ace of cups
Aces are the start of things and this one lands us in the emotional realm. There are prickly points all through the day. Lots of squares and a Moon/Mars opposition which can lead to battles. Sometimes the war is inside your own head. When your mind is a bad neighborhood you can’t seem to get out of, landscape it for the drive. Little steps matter today. Small kindnesses for yourself or any who cross your path are helpful. What comforts you when something stings? It helps to breathe fully in and out. It can be a hold your breath kind of day, even if you just witness the tensions spill over in others. So be kind. Good. Now do it some more…
5/11 ten of cups
This is a loving card for a change filled day. The possibility of conflict is high unless you go within and locate two things. What do you feel and what does that feeling need. Mars is square Eris, so adjustments are required in how we physically act on unmet needs and wants. With the Aquarius Moon square to retrograde Mercury, go back to the stories you tell yourself about your worthiness and lovability. Are you worth your own time? Do you act in ways that make that true? This Ten of Cups promises happily ever after. It arrives when you know yourself and express your wants and needs in a way that gives others an opportunity to meet them.
Reality may not match the imagined. Watch for if your fear has you demanding letter perfect delivery. Stay with what you feel and need to give it a flavor more than a script. Doing that moves you into the realm of possibilities and resilience. From here you can work with the raw material that may be at hand. Together you can create something that exceeds what you knew to ask for. But only when you know yourself and learn to trust you will speak on your own behalf. And speak in a way that is centered in the vulnerability of the ask. That way you can be flexible with what comes back to you. This is not a rationalization. You need to sort out what works and what doesn’t. This way it can be an adventure you explore together. Now that’s happily, at least for now.
5/12 magician
Expand, contract, expand, contract. Today offers a flowing array of aspects to move forward on changes as if by Magic, with each choice you stay present to make. We learn where our mind is addicted to thought loops or refrains thanks to an assist from Mercury Retrograde and Saturn. Once you see how your mind keeps taking you back there, you can’t unsee it. However you can witness how satisfying it is to return to the familiar loop. Like a worry stone, you tell yourself the same refrain, complaint, story. It’s like running your hand over an imaginary wall that keeps out things you don’t want.
Except it’s boxed you in to much smaller space than is yours to occupy. Freedom is simply a few conscious thoughts away. Observe what you think, doubt your doubts, dig down on the old story. Get to the feeling and need underneath it. Now, once you have that how can you meet that need today? Where can you show up for it and bust through the wall of thoughts that you’ve been safely hiding behind? There is Magic when you pull from more of what you are now to get you out of the prison of the past. Right here is where possibilities sit. The past informs you about what you feel and need now. Go from there and see what happens magically.
5/13 The mother star
This unique card is the assurance that you are stronger than you realize, have gained more than you have lost and are capable of so much good. The Moon meets up with Mercury and then Saturn in easy aspect to give us a chance to face any fears. Bright light directly on those fears shrinks the shadow down to the size of your feet. You can stand firmly on the darkness and play with what shines in you. Take a look at your life with the goal of honoring what you truly are. See the connections, moments and contributions you’ve been to the fabric of life. You are woven into countless moments. Those moments of all different shades and hues make up the Kaleidoscope of you. Turn it in your mind’s eye and witness the beauty that is you. Give yourself quality time to admire who you are.
5/14 the empress
Anytime the Empress shows up you know there is an abundance of options for whatever is at hand. So today the aspects walk us through how to use those resources wisely. We are often moved to care for what we love. Which invites reflection on how well we care for ourselves, all of us. This means not just the parts that look good or meet expectations get attention. It’s the ability to sit, even briefly, with what does not meet expectations. When you tend more of you – all those bits, life expands in all directions. Because those places we won’t acknowledge are like walls that box you out or in to smaller space. This Mercury Retrograde ends today and yet it doesn’t move quickly yet. There’s accumulated input to sort through from the last few weeks.
The Moon is in the gate of the Cosmic Mother, well represented by this Empress and following the Mother Star. How do you want to nurture your physical body, your mental body and your spiritual body? Your heart has room for all of you, it’s the mind that puts up guards and gates in an attempt to keep you safe. Where does that security system keep you from living rather than separate you from threat? Pain is the risk we can’t avoid when we live. But the things we love and long for can minimize suffering, when we invest in things that matter to us. Feel your way through an upgrade to your guidance system. Let it steer you into abundance worth the risk of pain. Like childbirth, there are some trade offs worth the labor.
5/15 king of cups
The King shows up to add active emotional mastery to the Queen’s receptive emotional mastery earlier in the Moon cycle. Today holds gifts for transforming the places where logic would try to make other’s wrong. Feelings aren’t logical. But then you wouldn’t immediately think that something as soft as water could reduce a rock to sand, either. Where can you imagine yourself going if you didn’t use logic to stop you from trying? This King is the minor arcana magician. It’s because when you add one plus one, like a man and a woman, you have the potential to get three instead of two. The invitation is to dare to imagine more of what you love. Then feel into just one step in that direction. There is power in action of one inspired step. Find yours.
5/16 the sun
This is the most positive card in the entire Tarot deck. It helps to remember that the Sun always rises today. There are shocks and surprises possible. If not in your immediate circle, it could be the world at large. Remember the days get longer or shorter just minutes at a time. Progress is slow but change happens. Nothing stays the same, good or bad. So why not delight in what sunny moments come your way today. Let the pure enjoyment of those good things help hold any fears of changes around you. Nature always corrects. Slowly but surely we move towards a brighter landscape and you help bring it about. Face change with the sure knowledge that ‘this too will pass’. So put your stamp on the moment with style and grace that is uniquely you.
5/18 four of swords
Rest, this card says please take a mental break today. The Moon makes tense progress through Taurus today that could include some tumultuous dreams in the early hours of the day. Set your wise self on task to sort out the useful information from any dreams. Your mind is the servant, not the master. Which means it calms down when you give it a job to do. It can actually rest when it’s on task.
So direct your mind. Don’t let it run the show. If you find yourself caught up in busy thoughts that are not helpful, redirect it. Insist that it bookend whatever the worst case scenarios it pictures with the best case options, too. The two together give you a navigational field to work with as you wade through the energy of the day. Somewhere between the best and the worst outcome you can steer your way through. Make a mental request that you find the path of least resistance, you want that today. Slowly but surely you move through whatever is at hand. No need to expend extra energy worrying about what is not likely to happen.
5/18 Judgement
This card signals an ending, and a transformational one at that. With Jupiter square to Pluto today there is an invitation to see the chaos in the world with innocent eyes. Fear robs you of curiosity that discovers new avenues and combinations. The old adage is quite literally true. “In chaos lies opportunity”. While Sun Tzu applied it to warfare, this battlefield is in your mind. Once you recognize your patterns for dealing with change, you can work with it. Reshape the pattern so you are no longer constrained by doubts about your ability to have an impact on your world.
Now that reality may sound pleasing but for most people it also trips alarm bells. Our fear brain dislikes the unknown. It doesn’t know how to survive what is unfamiliar. It prefers the known, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. So this release of limitations can set your nervous system on edge first. Soothe yourself. Recognize it for what it is. This is expansion fear. Your greatest asset is to see it, work with it and know you can go beyond it. Once you know that it’s like breaking the four minute mile. It is possible and your body registers it as survivable. Walk yourself gently through this. Be kind to your nervous system. The more you settle yourself with minimal judgement, the smoother the path ahead becomes.