Another Day, another card to help you create – with a mix of Astrology and Hand Analysis thrown in, isn’t it tempting to have more help to expand the rich story of you? Love or War, this week can go either way, it’s up to you whether you choose Fear or Love.
It’s about balance the next few days which may show up first by showing you what’s out of balance. Your mind is a rich field for shifting gears this week and remember it’s the servant not the master. Don’t let your fear brain have the last word, it’s not going to do you or the situation justice. It has a voice but it isn’t seeing the ‘whole’ picture.
Please do keep in mind these cards don’t decide anything for you, they draw on ancient symbols and wisdom to give you insight for better decisions!
If you’ve stumbled onto this page thanks to someone sending it with you and want to be sure you get your own copy emailed each week to have it right in your inbox HERE. Or you can check back Sundays as my gift to you.
Have questions specific to your life? Feeling like a little Tarot just isn’t enough? You can dial in with Lisa Here for personalized insight on what’s up for you and how you can make the most of it…
I wanted you to have both written and visual, so here’s your video version to add to the reading – Enjoy!
Card of the Week: Three of Bows
The threes are always about communication and this three says inspired conversations will serve you in whatever you are creating this week. Bows lead the way through inspiration and threes are always connecting the dots, communicate, communicate, communicate. Small ideas become bigger with inspired talks with those around you. Trust your gut, follow the conversational bread crumbs and see where they lead. Intellectual focus paired with good listening then speaking is the ticket and watch what comes of it this week. Include the conversation you are having in your head with you. Bows are the bravest and can lead you out of fear and into action. Connect and flourish…
Day One – The Seer
The Seer is one who sees what is hidden to the naked eye. Secrets and what lives in dark places are familiar territory for her. She gives advice from this wise place that includes your shadow and your light. Today open up to the bigger picture of you because the more generous you can be with your own guilty secrets the more you can accept those around you for the truth of who they are. The whole of us is a stronger place to live from and trust me, your shadows help define the places where you have gone beyond the small choices in live and dared greatly. The Truth is we all have our best and worst moments, choices and habits. How well do you know yourself, accept yourself?
Take Action: Take one secret that you keep and say it out loud looking yourself in the mirror. Now say I accept and love ALL of me.
Day Two – Four of Arrows
Fours mean that a firm foundation is available, but the caution is not to box yourself in and with Arrows, the box is mental. So where have you boxed yourself into a point of view that is wearing you out? Today you need to give yourself a break from that point of view. It is not serving you and has worn you out! So often we get caught in a mental track that is familiar and today you are going to give yourself a break and shift up how you think. New options are coming into view, mentally pause and let them arrive. It’s easier than you think. Use your body as a mute button. When you give yourself a task you have done thousands of time it gives you actions that can work as a mute button. If you have to watch TV, make it count, at least watch the Olympics!
Take Action: Do something that is muscle memory and give your mind a break with a repetitive task.
Day Three – Three of Arrows
I call this card Compare and Dare card rather than Compare and Despair! We are meant to be inspired by others. Once we see something is possible we then adapt and evolve incorporating the new possibilities into our lives. However our fear brain is trying to limit your expansion so it is going to have you comparing and despairing over what someone else has that you don’t. Realize that whether you are jealous or someone else feels it for you, it’s all in service of us evolving into more than we realized we could do. The lie is when you think you can’t have your version of what you see. You have to be willing to let it look the way it looks for you. Stay open, dare to stretch and don’t let fear have the last word. You can do this differently than you’ve been used to doing it.
Take Action: Take one person you are jealous of and spend five minutes picturing yourself enjoying whatever it is that you see them doing, having or being. Go ahead… visualize it!
Day Four – Six of Stones
Sixes always show us where healing is possible. Stones are the physical form so this card, especially coming after the Four of Arrows Tuesday says that our physical world has information about where we are most out of balance and what needs adjusting. Where has habit, scarcity mentality or other shadows driven you to act in a way that is out of rhythm with the natural flow of the day. Notice and make adjustments. They don’t have to be big sweeping efforts. Small steps will get you back to a more natural pace and one that is sustainable.
Take Action: Make one small correction today to where you notice a kink in your body or day to day lifestyle.
Day Five – Three of Vessels
This is the third three this week and this triple threat means creative choices paired up with the celebration three! Oh happy day, you’ve made it through the week without letting yourself get high-jacked by your fear brain. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. Heartfelt communication is called for and it also marks progress away from fear and into love and creativity. Whether it’s big or small, mark your progress this week and it’s best done with those you love. Call a friend or better yet, go out together and make a night of it. Do I hear glasses clinking?
Take Action: Whatever means celebrating to you, do THAT! Do a Victory Dance, reward yourself. You turned and important corner this week.
Day Six – The Ancestor
This card is a decision and usually signifies big ones. Taken with the whole week, it feels like you’ve shifted out of a place of making old lock-step decisions (big or small) and inspecting underlying beliefs for new creative choices you haven’t considered before. You’ve celebrated being brave in thinking new thoughts and now you begin to see that you are creating a new normal. What you are doing, thinking is forming new traditions, ones that are much more YOU than ever before. Rather than moving through the day doing what you’ve always done, the mold is being reset by you.
Take Action: Inspect what has shifted this week from the old ‘traditional’ way and broken free even in a small step. Big traditions all began with one simple action. Notice yours…
Day Seven – The Eight of Vessels
Ah, this Eight brings good news back to you. Your efforts of the week are opening ever widening circles of life for you to enjoy. What a week and this card says your efforts bring you results that feel so sweet! New beginnings appear, connections strengthen, joy flows in to greet you. Trust what is being left behind had it’s place and now it deserves a sweet farewell. Mistakes, old pathways and missed opportunities all have something to teach us. Be willing to let go of any need to punish yourself or others for what didn’t work out. Instead know there are wonderful moments ahead waiting for you to move forward. Enjoy what’s coming, you’ve earned it!
Take Action: Give yourself an ending ritual to say good bye to the old and help clear out space for what is coming in to your life. Whatever feels right to you as a ritual… do that.