The cosmic quick bit
This Full Moon is a fiery mirror, demanding authenticity, courage, and emotional truth. It illuminates where we are clinging to comfort, where we need to grieve, and where our true strength lies. The universe is rewiring thought patterns, burning away illusions, and offering a choice: resist and suffer, or surrender and rise.
✨ This is a recalibration of power—emotional, mental, and spiritual.
✨ Let go, align, and watch the quantum shift unfold – The Stars and Cards will help…
A larger horizon
It takes courage to expand our lives into unfamiliar territory. In this emotional swirl, dark and light intermingle. There is a certain hubris in daring to create a life beyond what is simply offered when we passively accept the day’s events. Yet, ego holds us together as we venture into the unknown, learning as we go. Innocence weaves through this process, much like a child learning to walk—quickly stumbling into risky terrain if an elder isn’t watchful. This Full Moon in Leo extends both a promise and a caution: Where do you have enough faith in yourself to step into the unknown? And how well does your support encourage your expansion?
Uranus, the Great Liberator, takes center stage, shaking the foundations of self-identity and challenging what we hold as certain. While we need a stable sense of self to navigate new landscapes, we must also be willing to abandon outdated certainties to fully embrace transformation. This Full Moon reminds us that our souls cannot engage in relationships conventionally—any attempt to conform will inevitably collapse, forcing a reset. Expect magnetized, fated, or rapidly shifting connections that push you deeper into self-discovery.
The Leo Full Moon illuminates personal expression, sovereignty, and authentic selfhood. Squared by Uranus, it demands radical liberation from outdated emotional patterns and conditioned roles. Prepare for spontaneous insights, emotional upheavals, or even quantum timeline jumps triggered by inner rebellion. Resisting change may invite unexpected disruptions, while embracing Uranus’s energy unlocks an entirely new reality paradigm. This energy is wild and non-linear—flow with it, and you break free from limitations; resist it, and life will shake you loose from attachments that keep you small.
Let’s ground this in experience. I had two conversations in a single day—one with someone young and just beginning their journey, the other with someone much older, keenly aware of life’s final chapters. Both reached out for support, and I’ll admit, my ego swelled a bit, pleased to be their call of choice. Yet, each conversation unfolded in ways I didn’t anticipate.
The first was with someone struggling to find his authentic path. Every option he had pursued met resistance—except for one, which felt deeply misaligned. My first inclination was to offer advice through reframing the misalignment. Whoops. Then I recognized this astrology called me to my own work: Could I operate with fresh eyes and step out of familiar habits? I know I excell at the reframe, so I offered him my best. That wasn’t the best to lead with in this situation—he needed a mirror, a sounding board. Was I willing to help him build confidence in what he felt and how he made sense of things, before strutting my stuff?
I had to resist the urge to “fix” things more than once. Instead, I tried to ask questions, painted visual pictures to illuminate possibilities when he asked, and circled back to validate his instincts. My new goal was to help him see himself more clearly so he could make his own decision. It was not mine to make, no matter what my opinion might be. It wasn’t about how I would handle his challenge, it was could I support him exploring different ways he could approach his dilemma.
The second conversation was far trickier. She wanted a specific outcome and empathy for her pain when that outcome failed to materialize. Her situation required both parties involved to consider each other’s perspectives, yet neither was willing. She tried enlisting me to confirm her stance and to help persuade the other to change. Any attempt to help her see her part landed for her as criticism and she bristled.
This conversation triggered my own judgments. I wanted to shake her loose from her resistance, to make her see where she held power to create change. I found myself doing to her what she did to him, expecting her to change so the pain would end. My challenge? To hold genuine compassion for her pain while gently but firmly holding myself accountable for my behavior. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t end with any resolution. Now my real work was clear: Could I release my own judgment and trust her process? Could I change how I held our interaction and perhaps show her what it felt like to shift?
This Full Moon is about how we inhabit our emotions and shape our feelings. Emotions are raw energy; feelings are our interpretation of that energy. With Uranus’s destabilizing presence, expect to have buttons pushed. The challenge is to let raw emotions inform your experience while authoring a new narrative—one that doesn’t default to old, limiting storylines. Can you sit with discomfort rather than rushing to soothe anxiety pulled from familiar but outdated scripts?
For me, this meant letting go of my own desire for simple or quick resolution.
The contrast between these two conversations was striking. The first was a process driven from the inside out—he wanted to be responsible for his choices and simply needed encouragement. His energy was easier to match. It felt fluid, even as I navigated my impulse to advise (the worst vice). I wanted to be open, curious and supportive for him, as good practice for how to treat myself.
The second, however, felt sticky and difficult. Hello, Full Moon invitation to shift my ego limits! t’s so easy to see what we want another to change, do, be in order to feel our influence. But when I release the ego drive to be right, where might that take me? My growth required both conversations, just as they were. Could I accept what is and work with that on my own stuff, that’s the question. What I do with them now—that’s the exciting part of expansion. Time will tell.
What will you do with yours…?
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
Change in Hand: Join us for live discussion of relationship gifts & blocks revealed in your hands.
Did you know if your heart line curves up closer to the your fingers it brings down your anxiety when you talk through issues.
Yet if you have a straighter heart line, one that hangs out in more of the middle of your hand, it can bring UP your anxiety to talk through issues.
Then there is your mind line, the one that reveals what the world sees, even while your heart line holds your emotions in a more closely to your chest.
If your curious, get the scoop here. If you know you want it, need it and are ready to jump in – receive over 7 hours of hands on instruction and discussion for your relationship upgrade HERE.
The Cards for Leo Full Moon Cycle 2/12 – 2/26
Mind: Four of Pentacles – ✨ Letting Go to Level Up – The mind may resist change (Four of Pentacles), but the universe is demanding expansion, trust, and movement.
Light: The Four of Pentacles shows mental focus on stability, security, and holding onto what has worked. In this Leo Full Moon energy, it could indicate a desire to stay safe while the cosmos is urging expansion. There’s wisdom in knowing what to preserve while shedding what no longer serves.
Dark: This card can signal mental rigidity, fear of change, or resistance to the unknown. The Uranian influence is pushing against this grip—if the mind refuses to evolve, the universe may force it through unexpected shifts.
Body: Five of Cups – ✨ Emotional Evolution is Happening Fast – The Five of Cups signals a shift in emotional reality, possibly sudden, with Uranus shaking up past attachments.
Light: This card invites emotional alchemy. It’s a call to acknowledge grief, release regret, and recognize what remains. The Leo Full Moon is lighting up the emotional body, offering clarity about what has been lost and what is still waiting to be embraced.
Dark: The presence of Uranus in the T-Square suggests unexpected emotional jolts—old wounds surfacing, unexpected endings, or rapid changes in personal connections. If clinging to the past, this energy will feel like a cosmic whiplash.
Heart: Strength – ✨ Heart Sovereignty is Key – Strength reminds us that true power isn’t in force, but in presence. The heart leads this transformation.
Light: Strength is the exact card we want under a Leo Full Moon. It represents the integration of heart, courage, and the wisdom to lead with authenticity. The message is clear: this is not about brute force—it’s about deep, sovereign presence.
Dark: Strength reversed (or shadowed) can mean inner doubt, struggle with self-worth, or feeling overpowered by external chaos. This is the Leo lesson—owning the light without needing validation.
Spirit: Five of Swords – ✨ Not Every Battle is Worth Fighting – The Five of Swords warns against ego-driven conflicts—the quantum leap requires choosing alignment over control.
Light: The Five of Swords challenges the soul to release battles that no longer serve, choose peace over control, and recognize when the need to “win” is actually a loss. The Leo-Aquarius axis teaches us when to step forward and when to detach.
Dark: In its shadow, this card warns of conflict, power struggles, and unnecessary ego clashes. The Uranian disruption might trigger old competitive wounds, authority struggles, or a need to prove something. The spirit must ask: Is this fight worth my energy?
Astrological Transits Daily by Mike Lacey from Astrodaddy
2/12 Leo FUll Moon
- Mars Trine Saturn – within a degree, is still in effect
- 4:27am – Moon Squares Uranus
- 5:54am – Moon Conjunct Sun – Full Moon in LEO
- 11:10am – Moon Opposes Mercury
This is incredibly intricate energy with lots of planets aspecting the FULL MOON. To work with this complex energy, it’s best to strike a balance between embracing the change while staying grounded and clear. Here’s how you can flow with it:
1. Embrace the Insights: Mercury’s recent Cazimi brings clarity and mental breakthroughs, so take advantage of any sudden insights or realizations that come your way. Trust your intellectual clarity and allow it to guide you toward decisions.
2. Balance Emotion and Logic: With Mercury opposing the Moon, you might feel like your head and heart are in conflict. It’s important to honor both your intellectual and emotional sides.
3. Use Uranus for Freedom and Innovation: Uranus squaring the Sun and Moon may urge you to break free from old patterns or constraints. Instead of resisting these changes, lean into the unpredictability and look for innovative ways to address situations or problems. Try to embrace any sudden opportunities for personal growth or reinvention but stay flexible and open to the unexpected.
4. Channel Saturn and Mars for Practical Action: The trine between Saturn and Mars in still just under 1 degree and still aspecting, this energy offers a grounding influence. Use this to your advantage by creating a practical plan for action, especially in emotional or home-related matters. Move forward with purpose, focusing on long-term stability and emotional security. This aspect will help you take the necessary steps toward building something lasting.
5. Create Space for Emotional Expression: Since this full moon is in Leo (a sign known for its need for creative and expressive freedom), allow yourself space to express your emotions in a healthy, creative way. Whether it’s through art, writing, or simply talking to a trusted friend, channel your emotional energy into something that feels authentic and cathartic.
In short, the best way to work with this energy is to balance sudden shifts with thoughtful, measured action. Embrace the unexpected, stay grounded with Saturn and Mars’ discipline, and allow room for both intellectual clarity and emotional processing. By doing so, you can navigate this powerful Full Moon in a way that aligns with both your personal growth and your long-term stability.
Thursday, February 13
When the Moon is the only aspect all day. It means- It’s an emotional tides ebb and flow day. The energy is fleeting, emotional and subjective. Because the moon moves quickly, its aspects influence the mood, instincts and reactions rather than bringing long-term shifts.
3:10pm – Moon Squares Jupiter
When the Moon squares Jupiter, there’s an emotional push-and-pull between feelings and expansion. It can bring big emotions, heightened optimism, or overindulgence, but sometimes in an exaggerated or ungrounded way. You might feel restless, overly confident, or tempted to overpromise emotionally, financially, or energetically. It’s an aspect that can make emotions feel larger than life—whether that’s joy, frustration, or even sentimentality.
The key here is moderation. While it’s a great aspect for enthusiasm and generosity, it’s important to check if emotions are being blown out of proportion or if expectations are too high. It’s best to stay mindful of impulses and excess, whether in spending, eating, or emotional reactions.
*Friday, February 14 VALENTINES DAY! Valentine’s Day 2025 Interpretation – LOVELY!
4:06am – Mercury enters Pisces –
2:34p – Moon Trines Uranus
1. Mercury enters Pisces (4:06 a.m.) – This sets a dreamy, intuitive, and deeply emotional tone for communication. Conversations may be more poetic, heartfelt, or even nostalgic, but they could also be a little unclear or idealistic. It’s a great time for romantic, creative, and spiritual exchanges, but it may also bring some miscommunication if emotions cloud logic.
2. Moon trine Uranus (2:34 p.m.) – This brings a sense of excitement, spontaneity, and emotional breakthroughs in the afternoon. It’s the perfect energy for unexpected surprises, last-minute plans, or a sudden realization about a relationship. If you’re celebrating, this aspect supports doing something unique, breaking from routine, or experiencing an emotional “aha” moment that sparks joy.
Overall, Valentines Day Vibe:
This Valentine’s Day carries a dreamy, intuitive, and unconventional energy. Mercury in Pisces heightens romantic and emotional expression, while the Moon trine Uranus encourages surprises and spontaneity. It’s a great day for heartfelt conversations, creative expressions of love, and breaking free from predictable routines.
It could also bring unexpected emotions—either deep connections or realizations about what’s truly needed in love and relationships. If you’re celebrating, lean into spontaneity and don’t be afraid to express yourself in a unique way.
Saturday, February 15 – Moon aspects all day – MIXED DAY
8:45a – Moon Trines Pluto
6:19p – Moon Opposes Venus
At 8:45 a.m., the Moon trines Pluto, which deepens emotions and brings intensity in a positive way. This aspect encourages transformation, introspection, and emotional empowerment. It’s a great time to reflect, tap into intuition, or even have a meaningful conversation that shifts your perspective.
With the Moon opposing Venus at 6:19 p.m., emotions and relationships may feel out of sync. You might crave connection, but there could be tension between what you want emotionally and what feels comfortable or available. It can bring moodiness, nostalgia, or a desire for affection that isn’t quite met the way you’d like.
Sunday, February 16 – Moon aspects all day & looks like an emotionally charged day,
2:36p – Moon Square Mars
8:09p – Moon Opposes Chiron
• Moon square Mars (2:36 p.m.) – This can bring frustration, impulsiveness, or irritability. You might feel easily triggered, reactive, or impatient. It’s a classic aspect for emotional tension, arguments, or feeling like you’re being pushed into action before you’re ready. Physical activity can help release some of this energy instead of letting it turn into conflict.
• Moon opposite Chiron (8:09 p.m.) – As the evening progresses, emotions may turn from frustration to vulnerability. This aspect can bring up old wounds, insecurities, or feelings of rejection. It’s a time when emotional sensitivity is heightened, and past hurts might resurface. However, it also offers a chance for healing if you’re willing to face what’s coming up rather than avoid it.
Overall, this is a day where emotions might feel raw, first through irritation and later through deeper emotional wounds. The key is to stay mindful of reactions, channel frustrations constructively, and allow space for healing by the end of the night.
*Monday, February 17 – Moon aspects all day. An intense and transformative day with some interesting shifts in energy
3:23p – Moon Trines Sun
4:18p – Moon enters Scorpio
9:35p – Moon Squares Pluto
The Moon trine Sun at 3:23 p.m. creates a sense of emotional harmony and alignment between your inner self and your external world. It’s a good time for self-expression, feeling at ease with your emotions, and making decisions that feel natural and balanced. You might feel more confident and in sync with your personal goals.
Then, at 4:18 p.m., when the Moon enters Scorpio, the energy deepens. Scorpio brings emotional intensity, depth, and a need for authenticity. You might feel a shift toward introspection, craving meaningful interactions and uncovering hidden truths. It’s a good time for transformation but also a moment where emotions can become more secretive or possessive.
Finally, at 9:35 p.m., when the Moon squares Pluto, things get even deeper. This aspect brings power struggles, emotional intensity, and possibly confrontations with hidden fears or past wounds. Pluto doesn’t let things stay on the surface, so expect something to stir within—whether it’s a realization, a shift in perspective, or a moment of emotional reckoning. It’s a time to face whatever’s coming up, rather than resist it.
Overall, the day starts off smooth and optimistic but grows more intense as it progresses. It’s a great day for personal growth, but also one that requires emotional honesty and resilience.
Tuesday, February 18 – Big shift day!
2:06a – Sun enters Pisces
7:55a – Moon Trine Mercury
the Sun entering Pisces at 2:06 a.m.—ushering in a period of heightened intuition, creativity, and emotional depth. Pisces energy dissolves boundaries, making it a time of compassion, dreaming, and going with the flow. You might feel more introspective or inspired, especially if you have strong water placements.
Then, at 7:55 a.m., the Moon trine Mercury brings a beautiful flow between emotions and communication. It’s a great time for meaningful conversations, writing, or expressing yourself in a way that truly resonates with others. Thoughts and feelings align, making it easier to process emotions logically or articulate things that might otherwise be hard to put into words.
Overall, the day has a dreamy, intuitive feel—good for deep thinking, creative work, and tuning into your inner world.
Wednesday, February 19 – Moon aspects all day. Interesting emotion arc of a day!
7:58a – Moon Trines Saturn
3:47p – Moon Opposes Uranus
At 7:58 a.m., the Moon trine Saturn brings a sense of stability, emotional maturity, and discipline. It’s a great time for making practical decisions, feeling grounded, and handling responsibilities with a calm and steady mindset. You might feel more in control of your emotions, able to approach things with wisdom and patience. It’s a good energy for planning, commitment, or even seeking guidance from an elder or mentor.
But then, at 3:47 p.m., the Moon opposes Uranus, and that stability gets shaken up. Uranus brings sudden changes, emotional restlessness, and unexpected shifts. You might feel pulled between wanting security (Moon) and craving freedom or excitement (Uranus). There could be disruptions in plans, unpredictable moods, or a sudden desire to break free from routine. The best way to handle this is to stay flexible and embrace whatever surprises come your way.
It’s a day that starts with structure and ends with a jolt of unpredictability.
*Thursday, February 20 – a day has a mix of tension, depth and expansive thinking
9:32a – Moon Squares Sun
10:11a – Moon Sextiles Pluto
12:13p – Mercury Square Jupiter
At 9:32 a.m., the Moon square Sun creates inner conflict between emotions and ego. This is the first quarter moon, a time of action and challenge—where you might feel the need to push forward but face some resistance. You may feel torn between what you want and what you feel obligated to do, leading to a bit of frustration or uncertainty.
Then, at 10:11 a.m., the Moon sextile Pluto adds emotional intensity but in a constructive way. It’s a great moment for introspection, deep conversations, or uncovering hidden truths. You might feel a pull toward transformation, or something could click emotionally, helping you process whatever tension was brewing from the Moon-Sun square.
Finally, at 12:13 p.m., Mercury square Jupiter expands the mind but can also lead to overconfidence, exaggeration, or miscommunication. It’s a time when ideas flow fast and big, but details can get lost. Be mindful of overpromising or making assumptions. This aspect can also bring a clash between logic (Mercury) and big-picture thinking (Jupiter), making it hard to focus on the small but important details.
Overall, the day starts with emotional tension, moves into deep reflection, and then shifts into big ideas—though you’ll need to stay grounded to avoid getting carried away. It’s a day for growth, but with some bumps along the way.
Friday, February 21 – Moon aspects all day. A challenging start to the day but ends with a chance for emotional healing. It’s a day where pushing through the tough moments leads to wisdom and relief.
6:53a – Moon Squares Mercury
7:50p – Moon Squares Saturn –
8:40p – Moon Trines Chiron –
• 6:53 a.m. – Moon square Mercury. This can create tension between emotions and thoughts, making it difficult to express feelings clearly. Misunderstandings or overanalyzing emotions are possible. You might wake up feeling mentally scattered or emotionally reactive. It’s best to pause before speaking and be mindful of how words affect others.
• 7:50 p.m. – Moon square Saturn. A heavy, restrictive energy sets in. You might feel emotionally blocked, lonely, or burdened by responsibilities. Saturn’s influence can bring self-doubt or a sense of emotional isolation, making it a tough time for deep conversations. However, this aspect also encourages emotional maturity—if you lean into patience and discipline, you can work through the heaviness.
• 8:40 p.m. – Moon trine Chiron. The night offers a shift toward healing. Chiron, the wounded healer, helps process emotional wounds, so this is a great time for self-reflection, releasing past hurts, or finding comfort in something nurturing. If the earlier part of the day felt frustrating or heavy, this aspect provides a gentle way to ease emotional tension and bring understanding.
Overall: The day starts with mental tension, then moves into emotional restriction, but ends with an opportunity for healing and growth.
Saturday, February 22 – Moon aspects all day. The day has a feeling of uncertainty and emotional fog early on, but it shifts into a more grounded and structured energy by the afternoon.
10:41a – Moon Squares North Node
12:38p – Moon Squares Neptune
3:08p – Moon enters Capricorn
• 10:41 a.m. – Moon square North Node. This brings a moment of emotional tension regarding your path in life. You might feel unsure about where you’re headed or experience internal resistance to growth. It’s a crossroads energy—pushing you to reflect on whether your emotions are helping or hindering your progress.
• 12:38 p.m. – Moon square Neptune. Confusion and emotional haze set in. This aspect can make it hard to trust your feelings or see situations clearly. There may be a tendency to daydream, feel emotionally overwhelmed, or misinterpret something. It’s not the best time for making important decisions, as illusions can cloud judgment. Instead, lean into creativity or rest.
• 3:08 p.m. – Moon enters Capricorn. The mood shifts dramatically. Capricorn energy brings emotional discipline, focus, and a practical approach. If the earlier part of the day felt aimless or uncertain, this helps bring structure and a sense of control. It’s a great time to get organized, set goals, and take a no-nonsense approach to emotions.
Overall: The day starts with emotional uncertainty and fog but becomes more grounded and clear by the afternoon. It’s a transition from confusion to practicality.
*Sunday, February 23 – This day is a dynamic day with a mix of mental clarity, emotional tension, and a major shift in momentum.
8:57a – Mercury Trines Mars
9:51a – Moon Squares Venus
5:59p – Mars Stations Direct
• 8:57 a.m. – Mercury trine Mars. This aspect brings sharp thinking, quick decision-making, and the motivation to act on ideas. It’s great for communication, problem-solving, and getting things done efficiently. Conversations may feel energized, and confidence in expressing thoughts is high. It’s a good time to take initiative, especially in writing, business, or negotiations.
• 9:51 a.m. – Moon square Venus. Emotional and relational tension kicks in. There may be a clash between what you feel and what you desire, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction, moodiness, or awkward interactions in relationships. It’s a moment where personal needs and social harmony may feel at odds. Avoid making impulsive emotional decisions, as this energy is fleeting.
• 5:59 p.m. – Mars stations Direct. This is the big shift of the day. Mars has been retrograde, causing delays, frustration, or a lack of clear direction in taking action. Now, as it stations direct, momentum starts picking up again. You might feel a renewed sense of motivation, energy, and the drive to move forward in areas that have felt stuck. However, because Mars is just starting to move forward, it may take a few days to fully regain its strength.
Overall: The day starts with sharp focus and motivation, but emotional friction in the morning may cause some relational discomfort. By evening, Mars stationing direct signals the end of a period of stagnation, making it a turning point for forward movement.
Monday, February 24 – Moon aspects all day. It’s a great day for creativity, self-discovery, and going with the flow.
10:14a – Moon Trines Uranus
5:19p – Moon Sextiles North Node
7:28p – Moon Sextiles Neptune
• 10:14 a.m. – Moon trine Uranus. This brings excitement, spontaneity, and emotional breakthroughs. You might feel inspired to try something new, break from routine, or receive unexpected but welcome news. It’s a great time for creative thinking, innovation, or following an intuitive spark. Emotions may feel electric but in a positive, freeing way.
• 5:19 p.m. – Moon sextile North Node. This aspect helps guide you toward your life path with ease. Emotional choices may feel more aligned with where you’re meant to go. Pay attention to intuitive nudges or opportunities that appear, as they could be leading you in the right direction. It’s a good time for reflection on long-term goals or making connections that feel “meant to be.”
• 7:28 p.m. – Moon sextile Neptune. The day ends with a soft, dreamy energy. This aspect enhances intuition, creativity, and emotional sensitivity. It’s a perfect time for artistic pursuits, meditation, or simply unwinding in a peaceful way. You might feel extra compassionate or in tune with others’ emotions.
Overall: The day starts with excitement and unexpected insights, shifts into a moment of alignment with your greater purpose, and ends with a dreamy, intuitive vibe.
*Tuesday, February 25 It’s an interesting lineup of transits today. It’s a great mix of grounding wisdom and joyful celebration. You’ll likely feel loved and uplifted, especially later in the day.
4:02a – Mercury Conjunct Saturn
3:54p – Moon Sextiles Venus
6:33p – Moon Trines Jupiter
1. Mercury Conjunct Saturn (4:02 a.m.) – This brings a serious, focused energy to the day. She might find herself in deep thought, making important decisions, or feeling more introspective. It’s a great time for planning, structuring ideas, and having meaningful conversations, but it can also bring a slightly heavy or disciplined tone to communication.
2. Moon Sextile Venus (3:54 p.m.) – This lightens things up, bringing warmth, social harmony, and emotional connection. It’s a lovely aspect for celebrating, feeling loved, and enjoying good company. It could indicate a pleasant interaction with family, friends, or even a moment of self-care and appreciation.
3. Moon Trine Jupiter (6:33 p.m.) – This aspect is very uplifting and expansive, bringing good fortune, optimism, and emotional fulfillment. It’s a perfect energy for—joy, generosity, and possibly even a stroke of good luck. It could make one feel deeply appreciated and in a celebratory mood.
Overall Interpretation: The day starts with a serious and reflective tone due to Mercury-Saturn, but by the afternoon and evening, the energy shifts into warmth, connection, and abundance.
Wednesday, February 26 – Moon aspects all day. A day that brings a mix of emotional healing and sudden disruptions.
8:53a – Moon Sextile Chiron
2:04p – Moon Square Uranus
• 8:53 a.m. – Moon sextile Chiron. The day starts with a gentle, supportive energy for emotional healing. This aspect allows you to process past wounds with ease and possibly find comfort in sharing your experiences with others. It’s a great time for self-reflection, therapy, or any practice that fosters inner growth and emotional well-being.
• 2:04 p.m. – Moon square Uranus. The calm energy shifts into something more unpredictable and restless. Uranus squares bring sudden changes, disruptions, or unexpected emotional reactions. You might feel an urge to break free from restrictions or experience surprising news that shakes things up. The key here is flexibility—resisting change may cause tension, but embracing it can lead to exciting breakthroughs.
Overall: The day begins with a sense of emotional support and healing, but by the afternoon, there’s an air of unpredictability. It’s best to stay open to change and avoid reacting impulsively to unexpected shifts.