Are you feeling the excitement build? Or are you feeling more anxiety? The body has a hard time distinguishing between the two until you give it directions. So how about a little help nudging it in a positive direction? 2016 is a year of completion, mastery, giving back some of the wisdom you’ve gained – which means you also get to see how far you’ve come!
This week’s Tarot has the most positive card in the entire deck there for you. It promises that no matter what challenges have shown up this past week, you are moving into resolving it. The Sun will shine for you as you wrap up the year!
For those of you who want to know your own personalized year ahead, the 12 Month New Year reading is here for you. And for just three more days, when you purchase this reading you also get the full year subscription to Daily Tarot included for the price! That’s right, your customized year ahead and daily support (sent out each week) for one low price. After Thursday the subscription price goes up so do gift yourself with all the insight you can get your hands on at a steal of a deal. I want this next year to be your best year yet!
And remember, my good friend Ann O’Brien is offering a gift call this Sunday 1/3 for all those who want a little extra helping hand. It may be just what you want before you start the New Year. Register for this free call HERE.
Now on to Daily Tarot a Week at a time. If you’ve received this thanks to someone sharing it with you and want to be sure you get your own copy, go to TruthinHand.com and opt in to join the fun. It’s my way of giving you some of my favorite creation tools, to make the best stories of each day. Share them with someone you love. There’s power in the story we tell ourselves and these visual symbols help make your world a bigger, better creation!
The Card of the Week gives an overall theme to help kick in extra layers of meaning around the card of the day. Use it as a pair of night vision goggles to help clarify what’s been out of focus or shadowed.
Card of the Week: Dec 28th- Jan 3
The Green Man
This is such a great card for the week following the winter solstice, Christmas and rolling into the New Year. The Green Man is ancient symbol of giving and receiving, of bounty and plenty. This card represents the promise of life renewing itself. In the darkest hour of winter for the northern hemisphere, this card reminds us the long, sunny, warm days will return. For those down south struggling with heat waves and blazing sun, it is the promise of cool winters to follow. This card is like a cornucopia pouring out hope and vitality to begin new projects, relationships, and dreams. Like nature, it won’t happen overnight but steadily and surely, day by day, the sun will head back towards the balanced days in spring. Plant your dreams this week and watch them grow… Give yourself your time and attention and see what happens to the world around you.
Card Of The Day: This information does not decide anything for you my friend. It simply gives you additional insight to help shape the story you tell yourself about whatever is happening. Play with it, let in inspire. Lisa pulls from many different Tarot Decks for her interpretation but the images and some excerpts in this post are from the beloved Wildwood Tarot Deck.
Day One – King of Stones
This King says enjoy the good things in life today. Notice what you have around you, how many choices at the store, for cars, for services. Most of us live in a world of plenty and we only see what we don’t have yet. Before you buy one more thing today, spend a moment in gratitude for all you have. You’ve earned it in one way or another, appreciate what your efforts and time have given you. Make choices from this abundant place and give from this place as well. Those are the gifts that stand the test of time.
Take Action: Make a real or mental gratitude list. What’s number one on yours?
Day Two – Three of Bows
Ah, good fortune is about to arrive when this card appears. It may not be at the dock yet, but you can see your ship is in the harbor! Since bows are fire, which sees things ahead of everything else, you had to trust your intuitive knowing and now it’s happening for real. You can finally see it showing up, so celebrate what your inspired vision and belief helped bring home and throw some tinder on that fire! Praise, applause, recognition and respect are all fuel for even more inspired knowing. Let the clapping begin and watch the fire vision get BIGGER!
Take Action: How will you celebrate the arrival of something you’ve been waiting for? Throw yourself a little party of some kind, even if it’s a parade in your mind!
Day Three – Ace of Stones
Following yesterday’s Three of Bows, this Ace says today the ship is at dock, start unloading the good things you’ve been waiting for! Aces are always a new beginning, fresh start. The stones are what we can feel, touch, taste and experience in our bodies. It may be a small start, but you can count on it as real. Like a fresh shoot poking out of the ground, it’s come a ways from that shredded seedling, and it still has a ways yet to go. But welcome it, trust your new life and tend it carefully to ensure it grows. Watch for the temptation to compare the new beginning with to where you want to be and let it be young for this moment. The care you give yourself now in this fresh start makes sure you get closer to where you want to be. Savor this tangible proof of what’s unfolding as surely as spring.
Take Action: Plants love water so give this sprouting seed in your life a loving start. Really compliment yourself on how big this tender beginning is for you and how much it took to get here!
Day Four – The Sun
For New Year’s Eve no less than the Sun! I seriously laid out a month at a time and this is where it fell. The Sun is the most positive card in the entire Tarot Deck. Given the Full Moon last week in Cancer/Capricorn, this card promises that you are your own mother and father. Which frees you up to appreciate your parents in a whole new way, without expectations or demands. It has the same effect for you with your children. If the shadow shows up with sticky mothering or stern fathering (regardless of who does it) then it is there to show you how to make a kinder choice (mothering) for you and stand strong in what’s right for you (fathering) no matter who disagrees. This is the most positive card in the entire Tarot Deck. What a way to wrap up the old and usher in the new. I wish you all a blessed day!
Take Action: Whether it’s comfort or backbone or a little of both, make your own choices and actions for a blue ribbon day!
Day Five – Three of Arrows
Ouch, my friend, after the week long build up, time to deal with the pesky shadow side. This card says be patient with delays in seeing the results you wish to see. Or it may mean rivalry and competition as you celebrate what’s going well for you. Competition is wired into our brains that we have to be sure we have as much as the next one to ensure our survival. We can wind up triggered in all kinds of ways. Or triggering someone else. Know there is enough to go around, that what is meant for you can never belong to someone else and they will have what’s perfect for them. We are meant to compare and dare to dream of more for ourselves – not compare and despair at what we haven’t yet achieved. Let that help today and be kind to yourself and others as they struggle with the green eyed monster.
Take Action: If you are bothered by what is going on elsewhere, bring your attention back to yourself and make a gratitude list. All that is yours will come to you in time!
Day Six – The Archer
Wow, my friend! This is the third Major Arcana card of the week again. We are living in interesting times! The Archer asks you to commit to a new path, be bold with your choices and picture the life you want to live. When you commit to your dreams arrival point it’s the Archer taking aim and sending his arrows of desire out to meet the target. You can hit a Bulls Eye with this cards help today. Focus, get clear and commit yourself, commit your time, heart, belief and effort to heading towards a destination you want – then let the arrow fly. All that is yours, all that is meant to be is happening, trust what you have in your life and still ask for more.
Take Action: Share it with a friend or write for yourself, make a bold prediction of what’s possible in the New Year for you and set the arrow on its journey.
Day Seven – The Hooded Man
Ahhhh my friends, today is rest day! The Hooded Man links us back to the winter solstice on Dec. 22nd and urges you to tuck up and be still somehow today. Rest is rewarded with wisdom, knowing, clear light for the path ahead. today is not about doing, so much as being. It’s been a whirlwind this past year, a year of transformation. This new year is a nine year, about lessons learned, endings for things outgrown and teaching what you’ve learned. Part of the wisdom is knowing when NOT to do a thing. Today is the the perfect time to schedule down time. You’ve earned it and most likely need it too!
Take Action: Today’s action is to book at least 15 minutes with no electronics, people or noise around you. Stand outside if you can, or sit by a window and take a long look at what nature’s done for millennium. See the enormity of the world we live in and know you have a place in it that is unique to you.