Doesn’t it feel better to have an explanation for creative chaos when it swirls and we feel less in control? …
Our News
This next few days is the space to move out of your inherited limits around success and riches and into…
Thank you for your patience, June was a lost month for me. We have Mars, the planet that symbolizes how…
Tread lightly and you can go far this week as the New Moon and Mercury team up to take you…
I can hear Aretha singing as I type R.E.S.P.E.C.T… You’ll want to keep that song handy as the astrological landscape…
When you don’t see your own power and choices in any given situation, the mind’s defense mechanism is often control. …
The famous french poet Jean de la fontaine said, “I bend so I do not break”. Those are good words…
The Earth speaks to us with the volume turned up when we fail to listen. It isn’t punishment, it is…
Destruction is at hand, but of what you may ask? This Thursday through Sunday is a pivotal place in history,…
This week ahead is one of the most pivotal all year. It signals a corner turned and you decide which…