
This eclipse is chock full of aspects to keep things hopping. Probably simplest to say that you have a mission the next six months. Well, you can always have this mission, it’s just particularly pivotal right now. Get to the heart of what you believe and how you act on those beliefs. Are those beliefs a true reflection of you our are they a mishmash of collected opinions from previous authority figures, inherited guidelines and unchecked stories that built up over time?
While that may seem like a silly statement, after all, aren’t you doing that already? Perhaps not as much as you may think, is my answer. The global shifts in our day to day worlds distill down our core self. The true you has been cellaring, the term they use in wine making. This is where the grapes are changed from the raw state they came from into the product they will become. The more care you take in this process the finer the vintage ‘you’ that will emerge.
The caution against over reach, over action, over almost anything is still strong. Small steps and pauses help you far more than they hurt you. The caution in this cycle is the swim of information. Neptune, the watery one, has us swimming in assumptions and conclusions that require investigation. Like Santa’s List, you need to check twice before you land on anything concrete, no matter how sure you may feel at first glance.
Because our assumptions are precisely what reveal more about what we believe and how we act on those beliefs. Are they driven by fear or love. Remember that is the fork in the road we are at as a World. It’s fine if fear is present, just take back the steering wheel when it tries to drive. This is needed since fear always underestimates you and overestimates a potential threat. What is more likely to be true this eclipse season is those unexpected twists and turns offer a ‘dare to be great’ moment. Instead of contracting around a less than ideal landscape, time to find your unique creative approach to making into something more appealing.
Saturn squaring Uranus has one more final close square off this month, to help us fine tuning our expansion/contraction. Some areas need us to spread out, speak up and occupy bigger space. Others require us to pull back, dial down and listen and reflect. Important tip on expansion, if you speak up you want to consider the other party. Black and white thinking, good and bad categories aren’t appropriate here. There are too many layers, everyone is in their version of the butterfly soup. A wise woman once said to me, ‘be as generous with others’ faults as you’d like them to be with yours’. Good words to operate with these days.
In fact the more energy you can put into feeling good about your process, whatever that process looks like at the moment, the better the space you occupy feels. Accept what you are going through. Allow others to be in their own version of change. Get curious and creative and you will be amazed when the fuzzy little caterpillar of you emerges full-fledged out of the cocoon to take flight. The Cards and the Stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
12/3/21 Solar eclipse – three of wands
Someone once described this card to me as a ship that made its way across the vast ocean and was in sight of the harbor. It’s not at the dock yet, but it is close enough to see. Three is the energy of Mercury and communication, so with wands we feel the shift and even though we can’t touch it yet, we know it’s there. It can be hardest to exercise patience when things are so close but you still can’t touch them. I can’t stress this enough. Let each step be completed in its own time.
Don’t try to push for outcomes. Instead go within yourself. When you tend your inner state of mind and feeling you make it easier for good fortune to have a place to land when that ship reaches dock. Prepare yourself not just for expansion, but for deliberate exploration of what intrigues you. What adventures wait for you out in your one wild and precious life? Gather stock in all the wisdom you’ve gleaned from difficulties of the past. Let the trauma also fertilize your new growth with recycled strength and trust that you are strong enough to live a bigger life safely.
This eclipse is with the South Node, which means the things it affects are winding down. There is a natural conclusion of things that reach their expiration date. This eclipse ends this current Sagittarius/Gemini cycle that began in May of 2020. We won’t have them in these signs again for another nine years. So look back at what the theme has been for the last eighteen years. The midpoint or ‘opposition’ was nine years ago. Reflect on where you changed and it what way. What did you believe then that is no longer accurate or fitting for where you are now? Get to your updated core values and how you live them now, that’s the present of this Eclipse.
12/4/21 Queen of cups
Command of the emotions is the focus today. This watery Queen usually announces good fortune and love. However her shadow side is up for examination with Mars feeling feisty in tense aspect with Eris who insists those unacknowledged grievances get air time. Chances are you will not get your emotional needs met through outside forces. This is a day to go within and self soothe. Take a good look at those sore spots, the ones you typically race past, ignore or feel ashamed to own.
Those old wounds have a story woven into them. Untangle those threads and let go. Look for a kinder way to view yourself and what you went through without blame or shame for anyone. Gather up evidence you’ve learned from past mistakes and not just to avoid certain people. Practice a better view of you and draw a line from where you are now back to those old tender spots. You are not alone, you are not helpless and you can do a lot with all that you’ve gained from whatever you’ve been through. Celebrate that.
12/5/21 three of cups
This chirpy three reminds us that shared burdens are halved ones. Find a good friend and trade venting sessions. With the Moon in Capricorn it can feel efficient as well as illuminating. You may even have a good laugh or two. The Moon squares off with Chiron bringing up that reoccurring emotional stubbed toe feeling. So it helps to have someone to lean on while you limp along emotionally. All you need to do is breathe through the day into evening where you get some sweet relief and freedom from punishing ‘shoulds and shouldn’ts’ that show up. When you should on yourself you know you are in the mind and not the heart. This three invites you to shift gears and take it down from the lofty critic into the kind heart and sympathetic ear of a trusted loved one.
12/6/21 Justice
Balance of power is highlighted today as Venus begins to draw nearer the Ruler of the Underworld, Pluto. The Moon races ahead of Venus to meet up with the shadow side and then squares off with Eris, the Goddess of Discord. We can only surrender to real love when we know our own boundaries. Otherwise it is one big power play, and not a pleasant one at that. Most love defaults into the power struggle within six months of their beginning. Because our hearts don’t listen to logic. They know a higher power. Emotions are fluid like water.
Water can wear down the hardest stone with patience and persistence. This five month retrograde trip Venus makes in Capricorn is here to help us reshape those stony structures in government, economy, education and most of all in personal relationships. Where there is no softness, the gentle persistent application of love can wear down the hardest of hearts. Start with the stony ground in the corners of your heart first. When you shift those spaces within, the outside world shifts with the collection of thousands of hearts watering a kinder way forward.
12/7/21 seven of wands
Listen to the words that come out of your mouth today. Hear the stories running through your head. Where you battle is what needs your attention the most. This seven points out that you are on higher ground then you think you are and battle needlessly most of the time. It’s likely you will feel provoked, annoyed, wounded or left out. Give yourself some quality time with your feelings so they can keep flowing. No use damning them up to turn into a cesspool. But also no reason to drown another in all your accumulated waves of emotion. Inner mastery is the prize that satisfies when you examine and realize you didn’t see you are already across the finish line, stop running and rest on what you’ve accomplished so far. Tomorrow is another day, another race. Today’s is done…
12/8/21 Queen of pentacles
Receive the benefits of the good things that come your way today. Spend a moment being grateful for the little things that go right. It’s a day of rest in the midst of stormy skies, so savor the moments. The Queen is our power receiver. It’s the place where we can be vulnerable enough to let our defenses down and open up to flow. When our armor is well in place, it protects us from threat and also shields other things from getting in as well. That includes opportunities from unexpected sources. The more faith you have in your ability to shape what comes your way, the easier it is to stay open and let possibilities tease out your creativity.
12/9/21 two of cups
Gentle communication is very effective today. Accept responsibility for any part you play in a misunderstanding and make it safe for others to do the same. No need to police them to make sure they match your generosity or kindness. Just offer up the kindest communication you can from a sure place inside of you where personal integrity is high ground that can’t be lost. Like a wave of good feeling it can wear down resistance over time. So don’t worry about the response, you do your part and let the ripples roll out from there. By all means make sure you are giving yourself that kind inner dialogue first, last and always.
12/10/21 six of swords
Six is an internal number and swords represents our mind, just what the doctor ordered for today. The Moon does it’s monthly square to the Sun before joining Neptune later tonight. Time to calm the troubled waters in our head. This is a good day to doubt your doubts, push back on those pesky fears that over estimate threats and under estimate you. You are a resourceful, you are stronger than you realize. Then all that is required is courage to trust you’ve got this. One step at a time there isn’t much you can’t manage. So take the next step, just one, once you’ve sailed out of the storm and into calmer thinking territory.
12/11/21 The hanged man
Venus meets up directly with Pluto today. Which means change that has been brewing recently will make itself known. The pressure comes from within, although you are more likely to attribute any blow ups to those around you. That’s not accurate and it’s not helpful either. Any short term release of pressure from the explosion will not out weigh the cost of losing your cool right now. Get quiet, dig deeper. Question what you believe to be true. This card signals that heart is above head, so feelings count more than thoughts. It’s not what you think, it’s how you feel about what you think.
The story you tell yourself is what has to change, not the circumstances or the feelings. Because when you change the story the world changes around you and so does everything else. Not in a temporary way that you bullied (or were bullied) into existence. Patient deep shifts about who you are, what you want and how you go about reaching those dreams is what is at stake. So it’s big. Take your time, begin as you mean to go on, right? This is for long term gain… so give it a chance to really start on solid ground.
12/12/21 ten of swords
When Venus meets up in the land of Pluto, endings are part of the equation. Time to deal with grief over what is lost. Now the promise of the Hanged Man yesterday with this fatal ten today is that the worst is OVER. This is not about piling more trauma on top of old, it’s about genuinely taking time to mourn the loss of the life you lived that is no longer available.
Yes there is new life ahead bursting with opportunities, color and adventure. Except you need to have emotional real estate to take it in and enjoy it. You can’t do that if you are essentially dragging dead weight of old stories around with you. Give your past a proper good bye. Whether it is a funeral, a ritual or merely a conversational note and some gratitude for what was, mark the past as past. Celebrate what you created, no matter how much it may have fallen short of what you ‘expected’. The more you can see and honor what your life offered, in whatever form it wound up in, the more you are ready to embrace the good that is on hand next.
12/13/21 queen of wands
Mars enters optimistic Sagittarius and the Sun and Moon are in sweet harmony, also in fire signs. So today, let the light shine. Fire requires fuel so give yourself some praise, applause, recognition and respect today. Look yourself in the mirror, pay yourself an honest compliment you really deserve and would like to hear. See it, say it, hear it. Then watch as the light in you dials up for others to throw a little more fuel on as well.
You will want it as the day goes by since the Moon and Eris meet up for another look and see at those orphaned emotions rolling around in the background. Mercury moves into practical Capricorn to help you find simple, effective ways to reshape your stories so you include more of you. You are worth your time. See where you’ve made a difference, adjust for where you want to make even more.
12/14/21 Three of swords
One of the meanings for this pesky three is a break up. With swords featured, it’s a mental parting of the ways. The aspects today want you to break up with telling means stories about yourself (and others) and then acting on those unpleasant thoughts. Since this is the third three this cycle, a creative verbal approach is the ticket out of suffering. View your life as a movie. You are the hero. It has a great ending, this is just the build up to a stunning conclusion. Now view whatever is happening through that lens. What kind of story are you going to write for you? Pick a couple of favorite movies to give you a clue as to what your soul sees as a match for you. Pick good ones, don’t inflect horror stories on you unless you really love them. It’s your choice…
12/15/21 nine of cups
Oh this card promises wishes come true, so make a good one. Mars meets up with the South Node which can help dial down misplaced aggression. You don’t need to battle. Just speak your truth and see what action is required when you calmly lay it out there and don’t budge from what’s true for you. This doesn’t mean you can’t hear opposing views or even conflicting ones. It means when you know what’s right for you, then you will find the path ahead and can weed out what is on offer. What is a match you say yes to and what isn’t can be a ‘no thank you’. No battle required. Just clarity of purpose. Then do that again, one choice at a time and watch the magic that unfolds when you stop trying to plan too far ahead. Live it a bit at a time.
12/16/21 eight of swords
We get to see where we create our own drama today. What begins in an attempt to defend yourself can call out opposition and conflict if you aren’t careful. Remember, what other people think of you cannot ever mean more than what you think of yourself. So if they put a monster face on you and insist you are the problem, don’t join them. The battle is always in our head first. You get to want what you want, so do they. Then it becomes a matter of how to meet along the lines of each getting closer to what you want. You may be able to help each other but if not, at least agree not to hurt each other. Wish them well and go find those who support you moving on your particular path.
12/17/21 The magician
And here it is, the wild card to bookend this Moon Cycle. We started with your ship about to come in and end with Magic. Patience, trust and a little sense of adventure can make it all so much more fun. The Moon gets a lot of celestial help to guide us into fresh realms of exploration. We can go beyond the known when you allow magical surprises as part of the landscape. This is where believing is seeing.
When you are open to crazy synchronicities and unexpected resources it gets easier to see them when they happen. Ask for signs and have a treasure hunt to discover just how much alchemy abounds, even in difficult days. By all means, share the success stories. Magic loves to be illuminating and illuminated. So light up other people’s belief when you share your windfalls with them. Dare them to believe and find their own. It is the season of Magic after all.