
Most ‘historic’ moment feel anything but momentous when they happen. They feel tense, uncomfortable, or unfamiliar far more often than they feel a flash of victory. This Moon cycle invites you to spend a little time in those uncomfortable stretches that pay heroic dividends in time.
The secret is we have to wrestle with a couple of different change points within us this next few weeks. One place is where outside authority tells us how to measure our progress in life. What we consider success or failure is woven into the viewpoints from those around us. They come streaming in and media adds to the stack of outised opinion on how well you are doing. Whether your circle of influence is close or a more expanded one, we are culturally wired to seek connection and that often gets confused with approval. Except that can pose a sticky problem.
Right now especially we have old ideas of what success was crumbling under the unforeseen consequences of those big achievements. It is a shifting platform and finding solid ground in any group is not easily found. It’s also frustrating to try to apply someone else’s rules of how to ‘achieve’ only to have it turn out very differently for you. It wasn’t your solution, so how could the results meet your satisfaction? Then it comes down to how much of what you go after in life is structured based on rules that may not fit you, especially in today’s circumstances.
Then here’s the next bit of heroic stretch required. Logic and illusion are in a bit of a tug of war like two people on tree stumps trying to pull the other off. No matter who wins, who cares who stays on top of a tree stump? The contest is flawed and it’s easy to get pissed if you feel like you are the loser for even participating. Pay attention to what you battle over and how you got there in the first place. Hint, watch for looming ego. Too much logic or too much imagination take us far afield. The Heroes journey is to find your integration point that includes them both, guided by your inner sense and appropriate to each situation rather than one size fits all.
When results fail it is often because we don’t trust the power we have to craft a good life, our own heroic life. What we have inside of us, even when it meets no ones approval but our own, needs space. It doesn’t have run the show, yet we are meant to find places where being less than perfect at something is a good place to start. That means you have to risk failing, not being sure and doing it anyway. Like riding a bike, it’s a balancing act you acquire over time. Your heart, mind and body muscles learn to work together as the unique addition you are.
Risk the humiliation of being a student. Use the successes you’ve had at any number of things in the past to help fuel the leap now. Like a mandala or rosary, run the places you succeeded at a leap run through your mind’s eye. Add a few failures from memory but reframe them as what you LEARNED from those mistakes. It takes courage to risk, give yourself credit for what you’ve lived. Let time and good effort reveal that you are sculpting your own contribution, not someone else’s version of success. The Cards and Stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
August 8th New Moon in Leo
This fiery New Moon squares Uranus, the Great Awakener just before it meets up with the Sun. Proud Leo promises our individuality is meant to see the light of day and cautions us that excess pride goeth before a fall. There is much about balance and integration in this New Moon. With Mercury combust the Sun, it’s a place where actions speak louder than words. But before you get on your high ground and point out where others fail to come through, take a good look at yourself first – full stop.
What gets your time to each day? Do you allow imagination to stretch you off a straight path or are you hellbent on getting results, even when it sacrifices a creative yet uncertain contribution to the effort? Or do you dream endlessly without taking action on those dreams. Dreams are perfect in your imagination, so why risk less that perfect in real life. Can you learn as you go?
When tempted to measure your worth based on how others act towards you, change it up based on your own actions. Start there. This way you offer something better than lip service or obligation. Once you do that, you may inspire or invite those around you to do the same. It has a much better feel and it is a shared standard of belonging. Let your ego show you where to be healthily responsible rather than controlling or anxious. Too much responsible is a mask for control. Too little responsibility is a mask for victim. Find your goldilocks spot and claim it this New Moon.
August 9th Three of pentacles
This sturdy three comes in handy today. We need to speak things out loud in order to hear ourselves think. Choose your audience wisely as Neptune in Pisces opposes Venus in Virgo. The Venusian side of things wants to get things right and feels out of sorts when things aren’t perfect. Neptune in Pisces hates to commit to anything too definite, as it will definitely fall short of imagination. Yet to begin is magical.
The Knight of Wands from yesterday’s New Moon signals restless hurry . So patience is key. Measure anything too soon and it will fall short. Edit as you go and craft a thing of emerging beauty. Be willing to see the promise in what’s unfolding. Hip check your inner critic’s sweeping judgement with a short, firm reminder – too soon to tell. Instead focus on small improvements step by step. They pay off over time!
August 10th King of Cups
We need the magic in this King of Cups today, as words will reveal ourself to ourself. But not before it provokes others or has them provoke us. The best use of this prickly communication energy today is to turn our attention on what triggers us, how we respond and what we believe about what’s happening. It’s easy to fixate on words or assign meaning to what they say, but you are on murky ground there.
Nothing is certain from the outside in, so do your own exploring from inside out. You may discover some nice breakthroughs. Like the fact that you can color outside the lines and like what appears. That is the kind of magic possible. It can also be a happy surprise when you clean up your own lens. Surprise, there is more affection available for you and from you when the inner critic isn’t running the show.
August 11th King of Swords
Good conduct invariable meets with success, says the second King in a row. How you define success is part of what’s in progress today. When we rise above gossipy thoughts, actions, and suspicions, everyone benefits -especially us. Because if you think that way about another, you tend to believe that’s how they see you, too. This King invites you to see the big picture. Step back, take in the context of what you judge. That includes when you judge yourself, too. It’s not easy to express all you feel. Notice that and you will have more compassion when you see it in others. The inner critic needs time and a safe place to land.
August 12th, Temperance
Don’t push, don’t shove. Old hurts are likely to surface today. The good news – seeing them means you can tend your wounds. Really tend them. Be curious. Areyou the ‘shake it off’ response or the dissolve into a swim of emotion. Or perhaps you land somewhere in the middle on that continuum. Wherever you land, take time to kiss what hurts. Give yourself a pep talk after you comfort yourself.
You need mothering first, then fathering. You might even find it in you to be grateful the old sore point got poked. The person gave you the opportunity to show up for yourself today. Do it in a way that feels good to you now. Find the best possible method for being kind to you when life hurts. Good. Now do that whenever something stings.
August 13th Knight of cups
You will be glad of the practice of self comfort today. This is a day for changes in attitude. Definitely and inside job kind of day. It helps to notice what kind of stories you feed yourself today. Binge watching the news, not a healthy diet. Better to pick a cooking show where failure canstill be decorative or edible. This is a ‘caught being human’ kind of day. The Knight of Cups can highlight habits of shifting the blame onto others. Resist the temptation. Or if you fall for it, circle back and take a ‘do over’. Exercise builds emotional and mental muscle today and you want that strength for where you are going.
August 14th The Emperor
This card and today’s astrological dance highlight wise use of power. This is one of those days that the decisions you make and avenues you take matter. Pause. If you catch yourself reflexively acting on things today, do your best to stop and revisit the situation. Where are you more at choice then your fear brain thinks you are? Any place you are trying to force an agenda (including on yourself) rather than flowing with a current of creativity, you are in too small a space.
It may be easier to spot in those around you. Where does ‘might is right’ operate rather than ‘might makes right’. Is power being used to improve the situation for all or is there a one up mentality at work. Today is about a more horizontal, shared power-flow rather than a vertical, top down approach. Check out where your safety has relied upon knowing ‘who’s in charge’. That’s a fear dynamic, not a creative one. Shifting into a cross between creative chaos and dictatorship takes time, but it’s well worth your efforts.
August 15th Lovers
It’s a Goldilocks kind of energy today. You are likely to find what’s too hot, what’s too cold before you land on what’s right. The goal is to feel your way and notice how much control versus how much freedom you have in your day. What we love we fear losing. So that fear of loss often drives more shadow behavior than we realize.
Take a look behind you at what doesn’t usually get your attention as the roller coaster day unfolds. Where has fear of loss had you squeezing down into uncomfortable space to maintain a status quo that may not fit anymore. By all means, find some healthy support for those fears, just don’t let them drive the day or you’re likely to miss your own, tailored ‘just right’ moments.
August 16th Queen of Cups
We have quite an array of the court cards this moon cycle in the realm of emotions. This heartfelt Queen invites us to have compassion for when our mind is a bad neighborhood we just can’t get out of. Like Einstein said, ‘you can’t solve a problem from the same level it was created’. Which combines with this Queen so we can add compassion to the mix.
Logic will tie you in a Gordion Knot, whereas kindness for yourself will cut through the mental noise and let it all fall into place or fall away. Take a bath, plant some flowers, cook your favorite meal. Spoil yourself a bit and let the tide of time bring everything to its proper resting place.
August 17th Princess of Wands
If you pay attention you can see your younger self pop up today. Youthful impatience, frustration or feelings of blocked power aren’t there to punish you. They are there to show you what goes into the mix of how you craft your life day by day with that viewpoint. While it’s not easy when those pop up, it’s helpful to recognize and have some compassion for the younger you that didn’t have all the resources you do now.
Do an inventory of the connections, knowledge, strengths and wisdom you’ve gained. It’s is a good way to counter that initial flash of frustration. Believe in yourself, trust the Universe is here to help and know it will all turn out better than you think. Give it time…
August 18th The Star
Now that wasn’t so long to wait to see some results, right? The Star card is always a promise that when you show up to do your part, those big dreams really do come true. Today has celestial support for moving past the place where the old traumas dictated today’s choices. You can do it differently, thank you very much. You are always the captain of your ship and darn well head in a new direction, with a new crew onboard, too, if you wish.
How will you sail out of any challenge and into calmer seas when you know how much power you have, right now? Feel the strength to make that choice, see things with adult eyes that have wisdom gained over time. And make a wish, one big enough for who you are NOW.
August 19th The Magician
Uranus, the Great Awakener backs up starting today, while the Moon and Pluto meet up. The Magician comes in to remind us that lead can turn to gold with a little magic. There is nothing lost that you don’t find in better, more appropriate form in life, so let go of your grip. You may find you have diamonds there from all the tension of holding on so tight. You have to open up to see what is there.
Play with the energy today.Look for fun signs from the Universe that you are on the right track and trust them. Fear can have a voice, the critic can have a voice, there is room for everyone to chip in, just let your wise self collect it all up and put it together in a useful way. That is magic enough and you can do it anytime you wish. Try it…
August 20th Prince of pentacles
This slowest of Princes reminds us that great skyscrapers are not built overnight. Today’s astrological stew offers up plenty to help move us forward in a way that feels measurable, solid and sustainable. Do let that feeling sink in, take a moment to let it settle in your body. These aspects bring nice synchronicities that can feel like your floating down a slow moving stream, expending little effort to get where you are going. When you let those moments in your instincts can find more of them going forward. Like a homing pigeon you can set the intention to let change come with more ease and grace. Today is a good day to let that contrast inform all your senses, and enjoy!
August 21 The princess of swords
Your inner narrator has center stage today. The story you tell yourself MATTERS. Ahead of the Full Moon tomorrow a lot of mixed energy is on hand. Find your way through the tension, ride the easy waves and see if you can discover life as an adventure rather than white knuckling the changes on our doorstep. How you approach any situation brings energy to it. Watch how your story affects your body.
Fear lacks breath and it comes up when the unknown is ahead. Because you aren’t sure what in that space, you contract. Breathe into it. Then fear becomes excitement and it oxygenates your brain, too. This makes you more responsive for anything that comes your way. There is powerful dynamic unfolding, you have a part to play. See how much fun you can bring to what you do on your heroes journey. What have you got to lose except discomfort or misery?