Let’s begin with the top main line on your hand. It’s the top line for a reason and it’s called our Heart Line. This is the key navigator for the map of your hand. Your heart line begins beneath your little finger and ends somewhere under the first or second finger.
We start here for a good reason. Our hearts have a brain of their own. We know this because when they transplant a heart, the nerves to the brain don’t immediately tell it to beat again. Rather it is the muscle itself that knows what to do. Research shows that the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the entire body. That’s right, the Heart is the Supreme Being of our bodies.
Which is why we start here – with our majestically resilient hearts. Let’s see if you have high placement or low placement for your line. Look at your hand. The closer the heart line is placed towards the fingers the less space there is in the hand for feelings. Emotions can pop up and dissipate quickly. The feelings of others and your own don’t occupy a big part of your day. Your operating system may lean more on words and action than feelings.
The lower the heart line, the more space there is on your map for that sea of feelings. You pick up the emotions of others more readily. With a short, low placed heart line you may walk through a room and find your mood shifted from where you start to where you end that stroll. People vibrate with thoughts and feelings. The lower the heart line sits in your hand, the more you collect those vibrations in your body.
Fun Fact: Skeptical? Wondering if genetics, not neurology, marks your palm in specific sections? There is an actual molecular structure to emotions. Dr. Candace Pert, an internationally recognized neuroscientist, helped introduce this revolutionary science to the world. So, what you see on your hand reflects a combination of your biological make up at birth and everything in between you’ve collected along the way. Emotions travel in waves in your nervous system and that reflect in the heart lines on your hand. Memories have a biological imprint that shows up on hand.

Now let’s look at the short, straight heart line, what is known as the Earth Heart. All the other lines travel through this region on their way to where they finally stop. This heart line is the element that represents the body. The one thing we all have in common. It is also the placement that shows up most often when people have been through exceedingly challenging circumstances. Those circumstances register a shock to the system and just like a person in shock, the blood flow pulls back to the core functions in order to survive. Many people have this placement after the last couple years of the pandemic. So let’s walk through what that means for you, since we all have this placement within any other heart line placement.
Earth Hearts: Masterful at well-grounded creation without being ground down
You have short, mostly straight heart lines that end under the middle finger. Notice the other heart lines travel through this territory on their way to the other regions. Earth heart line placement draws on the body for security. It means you are most comfortable in routines, pulling from muscle memory to get through your day.
Earth Heart Lines end in the middle of the hand, without an edge of the hand to help define it. This often means you have the hardest time seeing yourself and your impact accurately. Which is why alone time is non-negotiable for you. Solitude allows you to sort through what is yours and what isn’t and get to know yourself beyond all the activities that often fill your days.
It’s important for you to see yourself as more than the sum total of others views of you. Think of each person’s view of you as a puzzle piece that adds to the total picture. It takes a lot of different experiences and puzzle pieces before you understand the global view of you. Feel your way. Learn what your Truth feels like in your body. For most Earth Hearts it feels like an opening up or a release of tension in your body when you hear what is Truth for you. That’s a good place to pause for now. More to come on this heart line placement.

You are the boots on the ground, get things done people. Because Earth is the element of our physical bodies, you have a natural talent for physical manifestation. What you lack is an understanding of your impact on the world around you. It is much easier for you to see the world’s impact on you. Much like the Earth itself, you draw from what is around you to bring things to life. So you more than most benefit from careful selection of who and what you surround yourself with in day to day activities.
More to come, stay tuned…
[…] P.S. I was invited to write a chapter for an upcoming book and realized I haven’t included anything for your hands in quite a while. I use Palmistry with my readings and forget to write about it. That changes now. Here is insight for you to explore what’s ‘on hand’ for you: https://www.truthinhand.com/family/heart-line-element […]
Thank you! Very thought provoking.
[…] check in on what’s on Hand you can check back HERE for more insight this coming […]
[…] to get ‘hands on with you’. So let’s do that together. We start with the Heart Line, the top line on your hand for a […]