April is not quite as pivotal as March, which is not a huge amount of relief. Though the storm of change continues to blow great gusts in new directions. I want to take this opportunity to get ‘hands on with you’. So let’s do that together. We start with the Heart Line, the top line on your hand for a reason.

This Libra Full Moon is opposite the Aries Sun sitting almost on top of Chiron, the Wounded Healer in us all. In traditional Palmistry, the Moon and the mind have a strong link. Here’s how that plays out in my understanding. What we love, we fear losing. A Libra Moon craves partnership, connection and belonging. With the Sun and Chiron in Aries opposite the Libra Moon, it presents us a choice, yet again. Do we let our wounded ego decide the new path or do we see the situation with fresh eyes and begin to connect in braver, healthier ways. (Click here to get a short description of your heart line placement)
When your Heart line ends somewhere under the middle finger and ends closer to the fingers than lower down, it lands in the Air Heart region. (See Image) So you have an extra bit of effort and reward this Moon Cycle. Because our Mind is logic and reason. It’s the great sorting machine that labels and explains things. What is hot is therefore not cold. What is good is the opposite of bad. This compartmentalizing is how the mind processes the huge amount of data it takes in on a daily basis. However it can be caught in analysis paralysis. What can be done about that, right?
Air likes to take that big picture and drill down to task specific options it considers right or wrong by specific results. Time is measured, efficiency is expected, and comparison creeps in. The catch to that is our hearts aren’t on a grid system. Feelings are fluid. How does that apply to this Full Moon Cycle. Well, even if you aren’t an Air sign, there is a balancing act to do these next couple of weeks. How does your mind work in service to your feelings so you can safely expand and connect to more of what you love? Where do you let it distance you as opposed to how you apply it so it sees possibilities and manages the risk as you unfold?
Because Uranus, the Great Awakener is strongly featured with Venus it influences this Full Moon. Which is good news, you can get off the treadmill or out of the rut. Since Venus is in the picture, it’s likely a change we’ve longed for, if we stay open to what change shows up as. Since trauma responses want clear cut control and outcomes, our fearful thinking wants to know it will be safe. You can be kind when those impulses show up, you just don’t give them the steering wheel. Because with a little patience with your internal process this moon cycle can get you closer to what you’ve longed for, even if it’s a little unnerving to head off road towards it!
Those with an Airy Heart Line can be like a traffic controller, keeping all the bits of information organized and efficiently applied. But it also keeps you from being in the experience of traveling more of the world. You are too busy in the tower, keeping things safe. It’s okay to be triggered, this Moon Cycle has a lot of the electric energy of the last month trying to land in your body. How you take in the changes and apply them in ways that work for you matter. And, it’s not an overnight fix. Still, it’s more intriguing, exciting and tempting to change it up! Grab a friend by the proverbial hand and go for it.
Because both elements of Air and Fire (Libra Moon/Aries Sun) show up in your hands as lines that reach the outer edges of your palms (top for heart line and side for head line), interactions with others really matter. You can literally map out new ways of enjoying interactions and then do that. Switch it up so you spend more effort outlining how someone can meet you in a desirable way than you do screening the undesirables out. Notice how much time you spend contracting versus expanding. Even resistance to a defensive pull back counts as forward progress!
This is key to sow seeds for a rich harvest this epic Spring Full Moon. When you sculpt what does work for you and ask for it, stay open to it, then it edges out too much effort spent on what you don’t want. Switch focus from what you don’t like to what you do, practice it with others and watch what happens. This harvest time is going to yield a rich bounty. Besides, it feels so much better to focus on what you do want then what you don’t. And we know what you focus on expands. Which is why you don’t want it to be your waistline, right? Why not let the Cards, Stars and the Truth in your hands help you, right? It’s a big job after all.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
4/5 Libra full moon king of pentacles
Like a multivitamin, this Moon packs a lot into a short space. This King is the slowest moving one, but promises the greatest reward when you are deliberate and sure. This doesn’t mean sure of the outcome, which your inner critic will quickly point out when it falls short of expectations. Rather it is about inner confidence that this is the best choice possible for you right now. If the future brings you more input, you can adjust accordingly. But in this moment, pay attention to the small decisions, invest in what you love more than what you fear and let the outcomes reveal themselves.
Like a good gardener, you don’t need to manage each seed. Instead focus on a safe and healthy environment to grow. You will have surprises. Resilience is being open to getting more than what you asked for instead of hurt or angry that it didn’t turn out as planned. But that requires patience. This turtle-paced King of Pentacles reminds us that good things can take time to come about for us. So practice being curious, present, and flexible for best results. Especially put that into practice with those around you. Relationships count highly right now. Mercury with the North Node helps us speak our truth and improves both the delivery and reception with a little patient attention to detail. Remember expectations are just premeditated resentment waiting to happen, so park yours before you speak.
When emotions show up that are rooted in the past hurts, don’t shame or blame yourself. Give those feelings ten minutes of air time, that’s how long it takes to travel the body. Then put them in a soft spot and keep going. The adult version of you has an exciting life to live. People aren’t monsters, even if your fear labels them that. Mostly they are just oblivious and in survival mode. Know that is true… it helps move away from a need to protect yourself all the time. Instead let them inform your current wants and needs and put your energy there. Weed out what’s a match and what isn’t but keep your eyes on what does work for you more than what won’t. This way the Universe can bring you all kinds of unexpected ways to receive all you wish for and more.
4/10 the devil
We have Neptune in the news today and sure enough, the Devil shows up. Neptune is associated with blurred boundaries, addictions of any kind at its lowest expression. Now on the higher end, it’s the compassionate ability to connect with the whole world. Which is why the goal is to find the most ‘you’ way to do your part for those you are in relationship with and those around you. It’s part of the Aries/Libra Moon cycle to find that me/we balance. Most people are afraid of compassion and empathy because when they put themselves in another’s place they feel overwhelmed. Which is when you see some of the harshest reactions, like blaming the victims.
It’s too much to include for a single day, but find your resources and support to help you land on how you can bring more compassion to yourself and your world. It begins with a willingness to admit we often over or under function in the helping game first. Let a goldilocks ‘just right’ fit be the prize. Include a learning curve, and why not make it generous. It takes time to learn how to show up for another in the way that feels effective, healthy and can make a real difference. This may be as simple as identifying what your current coping skills are now. Do you over give, or under give? Ask those closest to you if you dare.
Can you inquire as to what’s going on with someone when they do something you don’t like? And do it in a way they can hear? Or can you give them the benefit of the doubt, even if you strongly dislike what they said or did. Keep in mind it’s not the whole picture of them. Little things like that can add up. It takes practice to keep an open mind, locate what you feel and need that’s appropriate to this moment and express that.
Are you able to express it without feeling the need to justify what you feel? What do you need to simply state ‘this is what I feel and this is what I need’? When you can do that, you contribute to finding the right match for what you need. When we all do that, there’s a lot less hurt in the world, because the answer to it can be connected more easily. Now that’s good work for the day.
4/11 The magician
Oh how I love this card. You are the magic. With Venus trine Pluto you can really release some of the hellish thoughts and stories from the past that color the present. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect now. However, it does give us an optimism that the Sun/Jupiter meet up can add to as the day unfolds. Watch for egoic exchanges, especially where something didn’t go as planned. See if you can find a sense of humor about it all. Our ability to laugh at ourselves is one of the best things about being human, in my view. It’s the perfect foil for misplaced self importance.
There are some touchy moments throughout the day, where our old stories and actions want to assert themselves again. Deal with them kindly and firmly. They get to exist, but put those aged patterns in front of a picture window that views the treasures there in the world for you to explore. Invite them to help you pack so you are ready for whatever comes, instead of staying inside your head, afraid to risk again. Know you can take smart risks, educated risks and open up to more life. Because life has Magic in it, you’re made of it!
4/12 The heirophant
This stable, wise advisor signals a big or important decision is likely to show up today. Whether they are internal or external, it is time to put your values on solid ground. It’s easy to jump from activity to activity with a sense of urgency. It takes more effort to look at the decisions you make on a small but regular basis and how those shape the bigger quality of your life. The Moon and Mercury get cozy while the Moon also squares off with Chiron.
The translation of that is that you can more easily see where your everyday choices may not fit with the bigger picture of the life you ultimately want to live. That one crucial adjustment, a willingness to halt forward momentum long enough to be sure all those little choices still align with your core values can affect so very much. Setting that intention can help all the smaller decisions reshape into a whole you very much like to inhabit.
4/13 two of wands
This fiery two often signals that shared ideas can spread like sparks. The downside of this can be a wildfire if those flying embers are not well managed. Passion and anger are not too distant cousins. While the day starts softly, it builds as the Moon heads into a meet up with Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, by mid afternoon. It helps to remember anger assists us to hold a boundary. Anger is misplaced when it’s used to invade another’s space to get them to comply with what you want or need.
Instead, if someone pushes in on your boundaries, visualize your anger like a red hot steel poker holding your backbone firm. ‘No’ is a complete sentence, right…When you use it effectively it opens a lot of options. When you really know it’s yours to say, eventually you find it offers additional options in with it. Like, ‘I’m not your yes for that, but I see you finding the perfect match’. Or ‘I’m not your yes for that unless, or until… ‘ That’s power. You can share with others, be excited for them because you don’t have to fight to hold your boundaries when they fly off in a direction you don’t share. You can simply say ‘no’. Who knows what possibilities open up when you work from there, right?
4/14 the tower
Now this is one of the more difficult cards in the Tarot deck. As is the Ten of Swords. But when they show up together, guess what? It means, the worst is over! Keep that in mind when your fear brain wants to take over. Because our values are being tested right now. It’s bigger than this particular day’s worth, but we as a globe are being tested on what we hold as our priorities. The routines of our lives are going to be disrupted in all kinds of destabilizing ways over the next few months as existing systems go through big overhauls. Like Air, it can change direction in an instant and blow you far off what you thought was your course.
The best thing you can do in any down time is rest and mend your nets like fisherman used to do in winter. The nets are you human network. Not the ‘social network’ alone, although that is a part of it. What is the quality of the threads that hold your world together? How comfortable are you with your own reactions to things? Because it’s very hard to be more comfortable with their reactions than you are with your own. Be sure you take space to let those destabilizing moments show you where you need support. Then practice giving or getting it for you. Encourage loved ones to do the same. Make it safe to start in a reactive space so we can then move on together to a healthier, happier way of dealing with those curve balls. They are going to happen, so normalize your response system now.
4/15 knight of pentacles
Well this is a relief, to see this slow but steady Knight reassure us that we are slowly but steadily gaining ground. The Sun is sitting in Eris, lap for a bit, which brings up those feelings of discontent that beg for our attention. But we have all the resources we need to see this for what it is. It’s an exercise in strength building. First the Moon helps reveal any discontent in order to help discover our unmet needs. Then she moves through the day to meet up with Saturn to help us build courage and patience as we find the right way to start meeting those overlooked places. With Saturn in the picture, rushing is not really an option. But stabilizing and grounding are. Take one or two solid steps and know you will see results in time. Patience…
4/16 seven of cups
The Moon makes a particularly fertile path through the day, which is perhaps why the Seven of Cups showed up. This invitation to imagine and dream has a good place here. Because all that exists today was once only imagined. So with help from Mercury to see the bigger picture in unexpected place, then an assist from Mars, we can start something new with even one tiny action. Then the Moon meets up with Uranus to remind us that fear casts a long shadow that disappears when you stand in the clear light of day directly above you. Dream and move in that direction. Let the rest flow out of that space.
4/17 six of cups
We have family dynamics to deal with today, both in the Stars and in the Cards. This is one where those with Air Hearts benefit. Because it helps to see the big picture when our familiar and familial buttons get pushed. We can get through it by evening but it takes some sorting through to arrive at a more current sense of what’s actually happening. When childhood wounds are present, the sense of powerlessness is the key. We didn’t have the same resources and connections in childhood that we do now. But we can drop into interpreting anything that happens from that original programming.
So keep in mind you will likely be triggered. Be present for your young self. Check in on how old you feel in the moment and let your adult self give the young you an age appropriate comfort. If it’s a really young reaction, don’t hesitate to hold yourself or rock yourself. This helps your nervous system trust you and the world around you as a kinder place. It also helps bring your brain back online to make more effective choices. So be kind, be curious, be present – the new mantra, right? See what happens when you re-parent yourself the way you want to be.