I drew an Archetype card when grappling with the challenge of crystallizing my thoughts around this New Moon. There is simply too much to say about it, yet who wants to begin the year swamped! It’s peculiar to encounter this message at the onset of the year, especially on a New Moon that shapes the tone for the entire year. The card pulled to bring all the details together was The Dead End!
Let’s delve into this together. The numerology of the New Moon is 1/11/2024, placing remarkable emphasis on the individual in collaboration and the boundless possibilities arising from this union. One signifies the individual; double one combines to form two. 2024 reduces down to an eight. This number reminds us of the flexibility and resilience in balanced giving and receiving. The month, date, and year total to another 11, ultimately reducing to two. In essence, the more you strengthen your individuality, the more adept you become in collaboration. This collaboration holds infinite possibilities and the potential to contribute things that endure beyond your presence, as eight symbolizes infinity when laid down.
Why not engage in a reciprocal exchange, inhaling and exhaling life into what you do? So, why the card named Dead End? When your path reaches an impasse, this obstruction necessitates forging a new road. This year demands that you embark on this journey from a fresh space within yourself. Discover the reward in uncovering your authentic, present self. The outcomes can surpass your imagination if you permit it. The open road is calling. Leave the Dead Ends behind, but don’t discard the lessons they offer.
Reject control; instead, master the art of commanding yourself moment by moment. The way you comfort and uplift yourself is crucial. It enables you to confront the genuine truth of your flaws and reclaim the energy spent on judgment, denial, or perpetual self-improvement. Let it flow with the moment. When you find yourself in a dead-end street, blind to your impact in this moment, chart a new course.
This New Moon poses challenges, yet within them lies great promise and rich potential. Embrace the need for effort and the suspension of premature judgment. You will face tests, make mistakes, and find room for learning and laughter—if you are willing. Alternatively, you can wage war against life, demanding it meet your expectations lest you feel unloved by its offerings.
Grant yourself forgiveness and reclaim the energy to make this moment better than the last. Embrace your flaws, learn from them, and elevate your perspective and efforts. This year unfolds like a spiral, the ascending eight, populated by you as an individual and everyone you encounter. Learn, grow, live, and acknowledge your significance. Your unique contribution makes an immeasurable difference. The Cards and Stars are here to guide.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
1/11/2024 Judgement: Recognition and Caution
Venus weaves its celestial threads throughout this New Moon, orchestrating conversations among the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto—all dancing in Cancer. However, Pluto, in the final degrees of Capricorn, concludes a 248-year cycle, marking the end of old structures. Now, the choice is yours: sift through beliefs, religions, governments, community roles, and archetypes, and discern what still holds vitality. In alignment with both Human Design and Vedic astrology, this cosmic alignment encourages uprooting the rotten and disharmonious, making space for the new to thrive.
This lunar cycle presents a fusion of optimism and realism. Enthusiasm sparks as we envision our dreams, yet the reality of shaping inspiration into tangible form necessitates effort—a process that, far from punishment, constructs the framework for those very dreams to flourish. Judgement assures us that genuine efforts will find recognition and reward, while simultaneously cautioning against the inner critic’s perfectionistic tendencies that may hinder expansion. It prompts us to resist fixating on dislikes, wants, and unmet expectations—forces that embody contraction. Expansion, on the other hand, invites us to persevere and learn from contrasts, avoiding stagnation.
Delve into the relationship report card with curiosity, for how you think about and treat others mirrors your inner dialogue. Where might a new path be needed? Small adjustments in perception and action make a difference. Challenge yourself to consider both sides of arguments, expanding your viewpoint. Curiosity offers abundant insights and guides you away from the judgmental mind. If faced with difficulty, explore the reasons behind it. One-sided views are dead ends; you don’t need agreement to include opposing perspectives. Embracing diverse viewpoints may lead to finding middle ground more efficiently. So, let curiosity be your compass, and navigate the vast landscape of possibilities with an open heart and mind.
1/12/2024 Ten of Pentacles: Power & Caution
Today, Mars trine Jupiter, empowering us to take decisive action. The earthly resonance of the ten card reinforces this theme, but caution is woven into the mix. The Moon’s square to Jupiter brings forth feelings of entitlement, a stagnant energy wrapped in protective barbed wire that hinders collaboration. Clinging to the belief of privilege maintains a one-up, one-down dynamic—a dead end. This Ten signifies karma, where actions bear consequences, especially when hierarchy is insisted upon, resulting in a cascade of vertical power plays.
Choosing to focus on amplifying your positive impact reaps tangible rewards with this ten. This year revolves around your individuality and how you bring that authentic self into interactions. Knowing your strength eliminates the need to stand on others’ shoulders; instead, you find a commanding view standing firmly on your own two feet. Forgive yourself for missteps, and create a safe space to learn from your mistakes, accelerating growth with each occurrence. By extending this safety to others, you allow them to own and learn from missteps, and cultivate an empowered atmosphere—a potent kickoff to a promising year.
1/13/2024 Ten Of Swords: Embracing Change
Embrace the promise of good fortune, my friend, as two powerful Tens align to herald a positive shift in your professional realm. The formidable Ten of Swords, though challenging, stands shoulder to shoulder with the Judgement card. This dynamic duo suggests that by transforming setbacks into stepping stones for your next endeavor, you’ll be greeted with unexpected rewards. It’s undoubtedly work – no one said it would be a walk in the park. Yet, viewing failures as moments daring you to be great can be transformative. Let these lessons be your guide, motivating and inspiring you to forge ahead or refine your approach for an even more triumphant next time.
In the intricate dance of life, obstacles and challenges aren’t roadblocks; they’re opportunities to deepen your connection with what truly matters. Your unyielding passion will not be swayed, but rather, you’ll stretch yourself in brave and innovative ways to nurture that love. The resilience you display on this demanding journey underscores the profound value you place on your dreams. This unique alignment of the Ten signifies that even when the mind falters, the heart persists. Let the disappointments serve as illuminating markers, revealing the significance of your pursuits and reaffirming just how much they mean to you.
1/14/2024 Strength: Subduing Inner Battles
Feel the ebb and flow of energy, a dance that contracts and expands, occasionally taking a sideways step come midday. Now, what will you do with the emotional concoction bubbling within you? Be wary of the tempting paths of proving your rightness and unrestrained self-expression. These are telltale signs of slipping into an adaptive child response, veering away from your authentic power. Such moments often lead to attempts at controlling others’ reactions, retaliating when hurt, or withdrawing in self-righteous indignation. Recognize that these actions signal a call to tend to your inner young self before engaging with others authentically.
Strength lies in our ability to quell the inner turbulence. When this card graces our path, it assures us of our capability. The key then is to choose a different approach. As you become more attuned to these triggering responses and prioritize self-care, you unleash a reservoir of power, shifting from battles to creation. Those repetitive skirmishes are the Dead End. When you catch yourself on the brink of revisiting old conflicts, you liberate precious energy to mend the ruptures, regardless of who initiated them. After all, isn’t that the true objective—to heal rather than to battle?
1/15/2024 Princess Of Swords: Master Inner Dialogue
This card mirrors our internal and external dialogue – the voice within, both critical and scriptwriter of our narrative. Today’s cosmic influence provides a golden opportunity to assume the role of our own enthusiastic cheerleader. Amidst the challenges of growth, seek out and revel in your strides and endeavors. Acknowledging even the smallest victories contributes to a delightful boost in self-esteem.
Keep in mind the optimal thought ratio: aim for 20 positive thoughts for every negative one. In the courtroom of personal thoughts, reaching a 5 to 1 ratio signals a mental state of divorce. Rather than obsessing over eliminating the negative, drown them out with an overflow of positive affirmations. Imagine cultivating this uplifting habit throughout the year – recognizing and applauding your daily efforts and successes. Picture this positivity cascading into your relationships, envisioning a world of wonderful connections. Isn’t that a delightful prospect?
1/16/2024 Five of Pentacles: Overcoming Obstacles
Navigating delays, setbacks, and flat-out denials can be a cosmic challenge as the Aries Moon squares off with Mars in Capricorn. The temptation to force outcomes might be strong, but here’s the cosmic nudge to recalibrate our operating system when things take an unexpected turn. Whether it’s a minor detour or a major derailment, the key lies in how you handle it. The Five in play serves as a reminder that poverty isn’t just about material lack; it’s a mindset that reflects in our circumstances.
Belief, or the lack thereof, becomes the linchpin. If you don’t believe, you close the door to receiving. So, where can you invite unexpected avenues for achievement? Be vigilant where your defenses kick in, attempting to control the precise route to your desires. Remember, the real obstacle might be the need for control itself. The universe is ready to deliver your wishes in its own way if you remain open to the possibilities.
1/17/2024 Nine of Pentacles: Sense Of Achievement
Today, the cosmic lineup conspires to wrap us in a comforting embrace of security and progress. There’s a palpable thrill in embracing the uncharted, making the unfamiliar feel less like an awkward acquaintance and more like an enticing possibility. With each passing day, our sense of self gains robustness, emboldening us to dance with the unknown. Daring ourselves becomes a source of excitement, transforming uncertainty from a foe into a thrilling adventure. Anchored in the practical energy of this earthy nine, we find mastery in bringing our desires into tangible existence. Armed with a clear understanding of our best interests, we navigate the path ahead with purpose. As we carry this triumphant sense of accomplishment into the unfolding year, the journey feels all the more rewarding.
1/18/2024 The World: Expanding Vistas
Oh, the vast vistas unfolding before us, teasing with far-reaching horizons! The entire world seems poised for our enjoyment. Guided by the steadying influence of a Taurus Moon, the temptation to overcompensate for past missteps may loom, urging us to bite off more than we can chew. But let’s pause, take a deep breath, and soak it all in. There’s an abundance that surrounds us, and what’s truly yours cannot slip through the cracks. It patiently exists, waiting for your connection.
Stay open, remain curious, and pace yourself—there will always be other options. It’s akin to savoring a sumptuous meal; this energy calls for holding steady, relishing every moment in front of you. Be present, let it be a rich experience, regardless of its scale. Such actions weave habits, and these habits, my friend, shape your world. So, make it a practice to turn at least one bite in your day into a celebration. In doing so, you transform the world into an endless banquet, where joy is not just a moment but a way of life.
1/19/2024 The Empress: Intentions Over Expectations
Continuing the abundance vibes from yesterday, today unfolds with even more delights sparking dreams of greater things. It’s a roadmap to amplify successes and extend those victories into the future. However, a celestial caution accompanies the lush energy of the Empress. Take a moment to reflect: are you setting yourself up for disappointment by establishing expectations instead of intentions? The former hands over power to external forces, inevitably leading to letdowns, while the latter equips you with navigation tools to weather life’s storms and obstacles.
Picture yourself like a ping pong ball, bouncing between expectation and intention. No need for self-judgment; applaud yourself for the awareness. Even if you frequently surrender your power, practice reclaiming it. With each act of mental strength, you assert the power you’ve always held to shape your experiences. This practice builds a robust mental muscle, empowering you to feel secure as the world unfolds around you. That, my friend, is when the real magic happens – when you authentically own your power and let the world reveal its wonders.
1/20/2024 Hanged Man: Prioritizing Heart Over Head
The shift today is undeniable, even if pinpointing the exact change in your world proves a tad elusive. First, the Sun strides into Aquarius, closely trailed by Pluto a few hours later. The Hanged Man, wears multiple meanings as he nudges us to prioritize heart over head, experiencing a suspension of life that navigates both feeling and thinking realms. Choices, however, come with a cost; opting for one path means relinquishing others.
Today’s cosmic aspects advocate for embracing the consequences of our choices. Second-guessing, self-condemnation, or labeling ourselves as wrong when outcomes disappoint only robs us of joy. It’s a punishing mental loop with minimal benefits. Sure, learn from mistakes, but don’t forget, making them is part of the human experience. If a choice haunts you, let it be a compass for a different route ahead. Often, the most profound lessons arise from painful outcomes. Allow your past to be an informative guide, not a force that defeats or paralyzes you. Our hearts overflow with kindness, even when our minds lean towards the chilly side. Opt for the warmth of the heart as your primary choice. After all, it’s the heart that often leads us to the most fulfilling paths.
1/21/2024 The Devil: Breaking Free From Fear
Today’s cosmic lineup offers not one, but two chances to dive into the realm of overthinking, overworking, and overdosing on life’s complexities. A cosmic caution, if you will. The Moon, in its intense rendezvous with Pluto and later the Sun, sets the stage for our fears to sneakily pull us away from embracing vulnerability as a strength, nudging us towards a mentally superior stance. Keep a vigilant eye on how and when this tendency rears its head.
Real power isn’t about one-upping others or asserting dominance; it lies in understanding oneself and recognizing the impact without getting entangled in power plays. Strength resides in knowing yourself deeply, navigating life’s currents with genuine impact rather than through twisted power dynamics. Remember, the most effective way to win the tug of war is to drop the rope – expending excessive effort for minimal gain only leaves you drained. Seek a better path, led by the heart’s wisdom.
1/22/2024 Knight of Swords: Mindful Sorting
Our minds excel at categorizing and labeling, neatly separating things into hot or cold, good or bad. They weave stories out of incidents, helping us make sense of the world. However, the swift Knight on the scene reminds us that this mental agility can also distance us from what we hold dear. While gaining perspective from a safe distance has its merits, tread cautiously not to rush there without marking your path back to what matters.
In challenging moments, when things seem less than rosy, consider what actions can steer them toward a better outcome. Don’t underestimate your power to share, shape, and direct the present situation. Today calls for mindfulness to avoid tossing out valuable elements in the heat of the moment. Take a breath, set your intention for the best possible outcome, and then discern what actions serve that intention now and what may not. It’s a sorting process, not a permanent split in most cases.
1/23/2024 The Hierophant: Sacred Commitments
Today marks Venus entering Capricorn, harmonizing strongly with Saturn’s potent influence. This cosmic alignment invites us to make substantial, long-term decisions about what we truly love and how we wish to navigate those emotions. Love, inherently a feeling, gains strength and depth with structure, consistent attention, care, and nurturing. The Hierophant underscores the concept of making sacrifices to sanctify what we hold dear—a wisdom passed down from the Hanged Man. What you willingly give up in service to love becomes the bedrock of its strength and impact.
Ever found yourself yearning for someone else’s success or happiness? The real question is, what are you willing to sacrifice to manifest your version of it? Each choice made by those you admire involved relinquishing something to reach their current state. This is your moment to consciously decide how you’ll navigate such choices. Constructing a values list empowers you to make decisions from a place of intention rather than reaction.
Take a moment to review and update your checklist. Are your relationships aligned with your values, or have you settled for less? These considerations are integral to your happiness and well-being as you sculpt the life you desire. Spend some time today assessing which choices resonate best. While your mind may want to lead, let your body, heart, and intuition play their roles. These seemingly smaller choices lay the foundation for more significant decisions—challenges that, when approached mindfully, bring a sense of fulfillment.
1/25/2024 Ace Of Swords: Words With Edge
Today, words carry weight, and they might just have a bit of an edge. Whether in your self-talk or communication with others, be mindful of that sharp tongue. A touch of patience can transform the challenging aspects, allowing for compassionate pruning without the risk of chopping down the entire bush. Instead of reacting impulsively, bring curiosity to the forefront. Explore what lies beneath the trigger responses surfacing today – what’s the story behind it? It’s in those narratives that the metaphorical surgeon’s blade may find its purpose. Trim away any outdated interpretations that fail to illuminate the person you’ve evolved into. As you prepare for tomorrow’s epic Full Moon, take a moment to reflect on your progress over the past two weeks. You’ve done well!