Ever since Jupiter entered Gemini and formed a trine with Pluto, there have been abundant opportunities to try out new things or approach old ones from a fresh perspective. However, the sheer number of options available can sometimes unsettle our minds, which tend to prefer the familiar over the unknown. It’s like saying, “I’d rather deal with the devil I know.” This brings us back to the essential question of how we protect what we cherish. Unfortunately, many people haven’t learned how to handle intense emotions in a healthy manner. Instead, those emotions often spill over into others’ space, leading to verbal or even physical confrontations aimed at overcoming any obstacles standing in the way of desired outcomes. Then, individuals on the receiving end may feel hesitant to confront such aggression head-on and resort to indirect approaches instead. This power struggle creates discord and disrupts harmony.
These confrontations feel necessary when individuals fail to recognize their own power. After all, when you’re aware of your strength, there’s no need to overpower others. And when you feel empowered, there’s no urge to launch verbal attacks from the sidelines either. See where you fall on the aggressive/passive scale these next few days. Notice if it changes significantly in different settings or around different topics. The silver lining of this New Moon is its ability to reveal untapped internal resources that can help us secure what we love and desire. However, this revelation only occurs if we’re willing to reassess our resources and how we handle the challenges, without underestimating or overestimating them.
When we recognize and address areas where we habitually compensate for or with misplaced aggression, this New Moon enables us to open ourselves to joy. Just imagine how much energy you reclaim when it’s not squandered in petty power plays! It makes it a pretty tempting incentive to strive for improvement. Furthermore, any discomfort experienced from misplaced aggression adds additional powerful motivation for making wiser choices. So if you over or under react at first, just learn from your mistakes. This New Moon continues to build opportunities for you to realize the extent of your agency. So it pays to give your attention to what emerges—let the Cards and Stars help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
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Check out Mary Long and HerStory’s Podcast for Heroines and Heretics and an interview with Lisa Here.
6/6 Gemini New Moon – The Fool: Fresh Start
While it’s easy to notice Venus adding a warm, rosy glow to this New Moon, a closer look reveals heavyweight Saturn and Pluto looming in the background. This dynamic often leads us to believe we can and should change someone else’s behavior. It’s simpler to spot others’ mistakes from the outside looking in. This celestial combo can stir up aggression, especially when we think we have all the answers and just wish others would listen.
But when we channel that energy towards refining our own actions, magic happens. Mountains begin to shift, and our changes become enduring. The Fool card offers a fresh, straightforward perspective, reminding us we don’t have to battle for our desires. Perseverance may be needed, but wasting energy on outmaneuvering others only yields short-term gains. The Fool encourages us to stay grounded in the present, free from past narratives. When we do, power struggles lose their grip, as if we’ve dropped the rope in a game of Tug-of-War. It’s game over.
This liberation allows us to tap into other energies at play. Jupiter edges closer to Mercury in Gemini, fantastic for strategic thinking! It’s time to sort through the puzzle pieces of your evolving choices, arranging them into edges, corners, and color groups. This process shapes the bigger picture of your future, even without the puzzle box cover as a guide. So let’s trade unnecessary conflicts for creative energy and design the grand masterpiece of your life ahead. It’s a fresh start, if you’re ready to embrace it.
6/7 Three of Wands: Minding The Gap
The Moon and Mars join forces to infuse us with a surge of confidence in taking action. Yet, as we eagerly await the results, tension mounts. The Three of Wands evokes the image of a ship in the harbor—it’s made its voyage across the ocean, visible on the horizon, but not yet at the dock. So, how do you coach yourself through a period of progress without immediate payoff? Three is Mercury’s number, emphasizing the potential for effective communication, while Wands symbolize inspired guidance. This brings us back to the importance of your inner pep talk.
But let’s not overlook the significance of acknowledging your vulnerabilities first. Understanding where doubts chip away at your confidence is crucial information. Once identified, you can explore ways to bolster your belief in yourself while awaiting the culmination of your efforts. There’s plenty of positive material to work with, so why not make a list? Give yourself credit for what you’ve already accomplished. Remind yourself of the skills and abilities you bring to any situation. As the Moon transitions into Cancer, it facilitates a deeper connection to what you truly need to hear and see about your circumstances. Your self-talk holds remarkable power in bridging the gap between what’s on its way and where you currently stand.
6/8 Princess of Cups: Emotional Depths
Today carries a bit of tension with Venus squaring Saturn and Mercury also squaring off with Eris. However, we receive some assistance as Mars transitions from Aries to Taurus. This shift brings less intensity but more resistance to change. The Princess represents our inner state, which influences our actions. Building upon yesterday’s theme of self-talk as the key to our well-being, let’s include impulse exploration into that inner dialogue. What does that mean, you might wonder?
Today presents an opportunity to engage in a game of priority pyramid. When a desire arises, consider what you are willing to give, do, invest, or trade to bring it to life. Whenever we encounter resistance, it means change is necessary. Sometimes, change is just a reframe on how we perceive delays or obstacles. Other times, we can use these challenges as fuel to overcome whatever stands in our way. This process bonds us with our desires, as we invest effort in achieving them. Otherwise, they remain fleeting impulses, easily satisfied before moving on to the next desire. So, take the time to understand what you are willing to exchange for what you value today. This adds emotional complexity and depth to your actions and direction. You want to swim in the whole pool of life, not just the kiddie pool!
6/9 The Chariot: Effort Builds Character
We’ve got work on the agenda today, but it’s worth the effort. Keep an eye out for impulsive reactions—someone might lose their cool, so make sure it’s not you! Here’s the goal: Can you gauge what’s appropriate for the situation, respond accordingly, and express yourself without encroaching on others’ space or allowing them to invade yours? That’s a lot to consider, right?
Anger isn’t always a bad thing—it can help us set boundaries. The key question for today: Is yours in good shape to help you maintain a safe and healthy space? If not, don’t worry; take action to make adjustments as needed. You might need more or less intensity—experiment and find that Goldilocks spot that feels just right for you. Perfection isn’t the goal; it’s about understanding and the ability to adapt as necessary. The good news? The Chariot signals successful efforts! Mercury is in a place that helps make wiser choices. Even better, these efforts help you develop character that you can rely on to navigate difficult conversations on your behalf. That’s a pretty satisfying feeling, isn’t it?
6/10 Two of Pentacles: BEtween A Rock & Hard Place
There aren’t many aspects today, but we’re dealing with the lingering effects of yesterday’s Moon-Mars opposition and tomorrow’s Mars-Pluto square. Survival instincts might surface in less appealing ways. Today presents a pivotal moment for decision-making. The Two card suggests conflicting priorities in our approach. When we feel threatened, we tend to default to an “us versus them” mentality, although this perspective is often inaccurate in modern times. The person we perceive as an adversary may be unaware of the consequences their choices have on us—and vice versa.
Be mindful of your words today, both in how you communicate with others and how you speak to yourself. When Pentacles are at play, our bodies guide us toward wise action. It’s reminiscent of a joke about a job interview where the candidate humorously suggests he can describe himself using words or interpretive dance. Today, actions may speak louder than words because underlying motivations, old narratives, and wounds can unintentionally surface in conversation. Blame is a disempowering response, but remember, you hold the power. When faced with difficult choices, opt for the slower path to allow a fuller understanding to emerge before taking action. Give yourself the space to settle and trust that you can influence whatever challenges arise.
6/11 Temperance: Greater Ease
This Four aligns perfectly with today’s planetary aspects. Amidst all the unfolding changes, the temptation to retreat into familiar patterns and responses can be strong. It’s important to acknowledge and address feelings of overwhelm caused by change—it’s a genuine neurobiological response. Instead of reverting to outdated coping mechanisms that no longer serve your present self, take deliberate actions to ground yourself and establish a solid foundation for the ongoing expansion. Safety comes from recognizing your emotions rather than ignoring, judging, or overreacting to them. Start by acknowledging your initial reactions, then intentionally move towards sustainable self-care around those emotions. This forms a foundation that consistently supports your well-being.
Today, our focus shifts to our relationships, taking center stage once again. This marks the second four in the Moon Cycle, occurring back-to-back, which underscores the importance of effective communication with others. We’ve navigated through the risky territory in our discussions, presenting an opportunity to embrace diverse perspectives. Choose your interactions wisely. However, it’s common to misinterpret situations or underestimate your own worth today. While it may feel accurate, it’s not as precise as you perceive.
Once again, adjustment becomes necessary to recognize your ability to influence the situation instead of defaulting to passive or aggressive tendencies. Engaging in neutral conversations can facilitate this process. Observe whether your companions tend to be fiery or strive for peace at any cost—it doesn’t make them good or bad, but it’s valuable insight. Everyone is striving for deeper self-understanding. Contribute to this journey today and allow your mind to take a break from the constant chatter. This Four suggests exhaustion, so pressing the pause button or engaging in meaningful conversations can help alleviate fears and refresh your mindset.
6/14 Seven Of Wands: Higher Ground
What’s important to keep in mind today is that you’re likely in a better position than you realize. While tangible results may not provide the traction you desire, why not take this opportunity to refine your approach? With the Moon opposing Neptune, taking a moment to clarify assumptions brings insight. It’s all too easy to overlay a grand story onto unfolding events instead of perceiving things as they truly are. This Seven reminds us we are on higher ground than we think we are most of the time.
So if you catch yourself falling into that pattern, it’s valuable awareness. Update your perceptions to this present moment, drawing upon all your skills and abilities. There’s no need to anchor yourself in the past—you possess everything necessary to take the next step forward. If you find yourself trying to foresee the future and control outcomes, return to the present moment. It’s where you have the most access to your personal power. When you make decisions from a centered place in the here and now, you get traction. Even if the pace seems slow, this grants you the time to adapt to the unknown and embrace its offerings rather than giving over to fear.
6/15 The Magician: All You Know
The planetary aspects are relatively quiet today, offering you a moment of pause. Amidst the flurry of activity, lighter days like these are crucial for allowing our nervous systems to reset. Today presents an ideal opportunity for some mirror work. Take a moment to look yourself in the eye and offer some well-deserved compliments. Does this task feel challenging, or is it something you eagerly anticipate? Remember, you are a creature composed of the same cosmic material that the stars and planets are made of—you are truly magical. Every day, the countless cells in your body collaborate seamlessly to achieve remarkable feats. There’s no overseer commanding your knees to bend or your stomach to digest; they function in near-perfect harmony.
Acknowledge and celebrate the alchemy that is you, recognizing the countless moments in which you’ve made an impact on the world around you. Here’s a tip: While showering yourself with well-deserved praise, you can also offer your body some gentle guidance, expressing your desire for its cells to continue working together harmoniously. Even if you don’t believe they hear you, the act can feel remarkably soothing. And when is soothing ever a bad thing, right?
6/16 Queen of Pentacles: REceptive Power
When life presents us with a mixture of ease and challenge, what story do we construct to interpret it? This Queen symbolizes a magnet for tangible success, yet difficulties and obstacles often accompany these opportunities. It’s important to recognize that encountering challenges doesn’t necessarily imply wrongdoing on our part, nor does it mean that others have made mistakes. While that may play a role at times, it’s not always the case. There are instances when despite our best efforts, things may still go awry. How do we respond when faced with such situations?
Today offers us the chance to explore our reactions in these types of scenarios. It’s a moment that challenges us to embrace greatness—yet, how do we define our own excellence here? The good news is that by day’s end, we may discover more satisfying answers than those we began with, provided we exercise patience. Even more delightful is the realization that you can do it, that you hold the power to define what “better” means for yourself. The more you can reframe any challenges you encounter, the greater your ability to make the most of whatever comes your way. Cultivating curiosity, adaptability, and a sense of empowerment to shape your circumstances can replace defensive habits. You can do it. Let’s uncover what this looks like for each of us.
6/17 Strength: Power Over or Power With…
The world is entering a twenty-year period with Pluto in Aquarius, marking a significant shift in power dynamics from vertical to horizontal. Individuals and groups will emerge as the primary shaping forces, overshadowing big government and religions. Today, we witness a microcosm of this transition unfolding. As we expand, our old systems may resist, attempting to enforce compliance with what once felt secure. Regardless of the external authority figures in your life, friction is inevitable today—it may be subtle or escalate like a blister in new shoes. What’s crucial is directing attention to your internal strength to chart your course, rather than relying on outside power structures.
This shift isn’t an invitation to embrace anarchy or reject laws. Rather, it’s an opportunity to examine the systems dictating right and wrong in your world. Upon closer inspection, you may discover more outdated material than you realized. Take a deep breath and proceed slowly—there’s no need to set off alarm bells in your body and mind when you encounter significant disparities between the old and the new. This is a process that can be dismantled with time and care. For today, simply observe and pay attention to the emotions that arise, offering yourself support during moments of anxiety. Notice any power struggles that surface and reconnect with your inner sense of feeling and need, navigating from there with patience. Let your emerging desires guide the establishment of new boundaries—it’s a gentler and more organic approach that doesn’t require bullying yourself or others into compliance with outdated norms.
6/18 Six of Swords: CAlmer Seas
Today’s celestial alignments offer a sweet respite, guiding us out of the depths of the past few days and into smoother waters. When we muster the courage to confront challenging questions and allow answers to surface in their own time, we’re pleasantly surprised by how effortlessly change unfolds. By lunchtime, tangible progress awaits as the Scorpio Moon forms a harmonious trine with Saturn—a well-deserved reward for our efforts. Saturn, as always, acknowledges and rewards diligent work. As evening approaches, a pivotal choice lies before us: to cling to familiar perspectives and weather another storm, or to change course and steer clear of turbulent currents. For those turning in early, pay attention to your dreams—they might give you some helpful insights to clear away any lingering issues and guide you to smoother sailing ahead.
6/19 Hanged Man: Heart above Head
We’re blessed with more celestial harmony today as the Moon dances in sync with several key planets. Amidst all this lunar activity, one truth emerges: our hearts serve as our most reliable compass, guiding us toward the right path. While our minds offer valuable strategic support, it’s essential not to undermine ourselves by allowing logic to override our heart’s intuition in determining our direction. The Hanged Man, depicted suspended by a butterfly, symbolizes transformation—a profound shift that occurs when we prioritize love-driven decisions over purely rational ones.
Later in the morning, as the Moon transitions into Sagittarius, we gain a broader perspective on life. This shift offers valuable insight, but beware of becoming overly fixated on the distant horizon, as the present demands our immediate attention. Trust your instincts, and proceed one step at a time, prioritizing your heart’s guidance above all else. You’ll notice a palpable difference between operating from your head versus your heart, especially when you’re attuned to how you distinguish between the two. As the day draws to a close, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised by your accomplishments—a cosmic reward for your courage. Like a comforting kiss before bedtime, allow yourself to bask in the satisfaction of a day well-lived.
6/20 The Emperor: Real Power