Be prepared for an illuminating Full Moon cycle. The one consistent message is change—but not just any change. It’s time to leave behind the altar you’ve built to your past wounds. A world is waiting for a better story of you. You are so much more than what you’ve survived. While the seeds of this transformation may not be visible to everyone, each person has their turning point. With T-squares forming in the sky, it’s as if the road you’ve been traveling has come to a dead end. A right or left turn is required; the only mistake is refusing to choose. Going back won’t offer much either. So, the path you select will determine where the road will take you in the turbulent times ahead.
It’s tempting to choose the least threatening road—very human, even. But every road has its challenges, and those challenges will shape your life’s adventure. They’ll reveal where you’re capable of rising to the occasion and exceeding your own expectations. But first, you must face them. Don’t fear these challenges; they are uniquely designed to unveil more of the magnificent you. This isn’t something you can think your way through; you have to live it, day by day, choice by choice. Ask yourself: What’s the truest way for you to respond to any situation? Learn as you go, keep your sense of humor close, and let life dazzle you with what’s possible. A few challenges are simply the price of admission to discover what you’re truly capable of. The Cards and Stars will guide you.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
8/19 Aquarius Full Moon – King of Cups: The Magic Possible
8/19 Audio
8/20 Five of Cups: What You Break Up with this week
P.S. It’s Mercury TRINE Chiron, not square, my bad.
8/20 Audio
8/21 Seven of Wands: Anger Management
8/21 Audio
8/22 Six of Pentacles: Whole Body Choices
8/22 Audio
8/23 Four of Swords: Take A rest From Worst Case Scenario
8/23 Audio
8/24 Three of Swords: Letting go
8/24 Audio
8/25 Prince of Swords: Watch your words
8/25 Audio
Thank you for tuning in to our celestial weather forecast. We will be back with the second half next Sunday. Meanwhile, tell a better story about YOU. There’s one that comes from the core Truth of who you are now. It’s the sum total of all you’ve lived and learned. A story that is much bigger than any trauma story of what’s happened to you. One that includes all the strength and wisdom you’ve acquired. Find that story with all it’s twists and turns, good and bad. The whole truth of you doesn’t need to hide from your human moments and mistakes. Those are just rich learning opportunities to find out what you can do with them.
Wishing you so well, alway.
Lisa Greenfield & Mike Lacey
what a rich message, Lisa. thank you!
As ever ~ Brian