8/12 Leo New Moon/Mercury Retrograde Week 2 Uniquely YOU


This is week two of the New Moon, adding quite a few things into the mix for us. Mercury started in Virgo before it dives back into Leo this week on the 14th, where it meets up with Venus to help you peel back what isn’t really ‘me.’ This is more challenging for some than others.  When it sits lightly in your chart you can drop uncomfortable performative behavior like borrowed clothes.  For others those adapted behaviors deliver a deeply ingrained feeling of safety harder to shed.  So you need to reassure yourself of your safety before you peel off your conditioned responses to things.   

We have three core internal needs that drive our behaviors.  First is the need for boundaries to help us know ourselves as individuals.  Second is the need for safety as that individual.  Third we need love.  So often our quest for love twisted the map of us into shapes that helped us get one need met only to cost us the others.  So now we are consciously resetting ourselves as the ultimate authority.  It’s unnerving, because not everyone can make the cut or keep as big a space in our lives.  Yet the only way to live our authentic life is to show up for who we truly are.   

There is so much support to individuate and see yourself as you are now.  It’s a wonderful view, so please take time to witness all you are now. Have compassion for the mistakes and missteps but leave rationalizations outside.  When you know you can make mistakes and own them, you can repair them.  It builds trust in yourself and strengthens the bonds when we know we can have rupture, repair and reconnection.  Those gains are uncountable, like ripples from a stone that go out beyond your view. 

So take this week slowly, carefully and watch yourself unfold beautifully.  Every mistake gives you an opportunity to learn and take that forward.  Remember, look for equitable exchanges, play there, and watch abundance increase. The Cards and Stars will help!

Thank you,

Lisa Greenfield


8/11 Ten of Cups:  Happily Ever After requires active Participation
8/11 Audio: Ten of cups: Choose love over fear

8/12 Queen of Cups: Good Fortune Requires Courage

8/12 Audio – Queen of Cups: Can You Safely Receive?

8/13 Five of Wands: Build Confidence overcoming obstacles
8/13 Audio – Five of Wands: Difficulties In The Beginning

8/14 King of Swords: You Are Your Own Best Advisor

8/14 Audio King of Swords: Perspective Taking Builds Confidence

8/15 Queen of Swords: Get Real World Feedback
8/15 Audio: Queen of Swords: You Make Yourself Self

8/16 Four Of Pentacles: Grounded Centered Strength To Expand
8/16 Audio – Four of Pentacles: Firm Foundation

8/17 Empress: Courage to Receive Abundance
8/17 Audio – Empress: Strong Enough To Stay Open

8/18 Emperor: Who Are You In This Moment?
8/18 Audio – Emperor: You decide Your Life

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