9/17 Pisces Lunar Eclipse – Tell The Right Story


This Lunar eclipse activates many things, and since it’s in a water sign, you might feel its influence even if it doesn’t strongly affect your chart. We’re all connected—water is an excellent conductor, after all. The key here is telling the right story, which is very different from simply telling the story right. The latter implies chasing perfection, as if telling the story perfectly could make us safe, accepted, or loved. It’s rooted in performance. No thanks.

Instead, it’s crucial to tell your story. This is one of those “the truth will set you free” moments. With Mercury opposite Saturn during this Lunar cycle, you might catch yourself trying to get it just right, only to realize it feels wrong. Facing our shadow selves and seeing the full truth becomes much easier when we stop striving for perfection. By acknowledging our imperfections, we can harness them intentionally and constructively. It’s far less exhausting. We no longer waste energy denying, hiding, or justifying our flaws. Instead, we use that energy to work with what we have and invest it creatively moving forward.

That’s the real magic—transforming lead into gold. It’s a solid key to making your life work for you, bringing joy no matter what comes your way. Use this eclipse to tell your true story. That’s the right story. What’s great about you is more than a match for your weaknesses. In fact, your strengths can lift your weaknesses when you allow them to work together. The Cards and the Stars will guide you.

Thank you,

Lisa Greenfield


9/17  Pisces Lunar Eclipse – See What I haven’t Seen Before

9/17  Audio:

9/18 Princess of Pentacles:  Internal Focus Gets Results

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9/19  The Emperor:  Masterful

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9/20  Queen of Pentacles:  Safe to Receive

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9/21  Heirophant:  Watch Over-telling The Story

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9/22    Three of Wands:  Believe & Act On Your Story

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9/23    Ten of Wands:  Take to Next Level

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Do remember to watch for perfectionism as the enemy of your progress.  If you catch yourself performing, good to know.  You can stop and choose to do it differently.  Take a do over!  Make it a standard practice to tell yourself (and even others) that it was just a first attempt. You get closer to the truth with each pass.  It’s trickier than we think to take the masks off and fall in love with who we really are.  Hint, you are much more lovable as a real person making good effort than you’ll ever be trading away authenticity for acceptance.  Still, it’s scary to make yourself safe while you do.  So patience, practice and lots of humor helps.

See you next week,

Lisa & Mike

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