Week #2 Pisces Lunar Eclipse – Tell The Right Story


This Lunar eclipse, occurring in a water sign, may affect you even if it doesn’t strongly impact your chart, as we are all interconnected. The key is not about telling a story perfectly, but about telling your true story. Striving for perfection is rooted in performance and can be exhausting, but embracing your imperfections brings freedom. With Mercury opposite Saturn, you may find yourself tempted to get things “just right,” but true growth happens when you stop chasing perfection and accept your flaws. This allows you to use your energy constructively, transforming challenges into opportunities. The eclipse is a chance to tell your authentic story, where your strengths and weaknesses work together. Trust that the universe will guide you.

Thank you,

Lisa Greenfield


9/24  Five of Swords: Calmer Waters

9/24  Audio:

9/25 Empress:  Abundance takes skill

9/25  Audio:

9/26  Transformation (Death):  SEasonal Change Required

9/26  Audio:

9/27  Five of swords:  Doubt Is Evidence of expansion

9/27  Audio:

9/28  Five Of Cups:  Break UP With Bad Habits

9/28 Audio

9/29  Two Of Pentacles:  Past versus Present

9/29  Audio:

9/30   Ace Of Swords:  Cuts that serve

9/30  Audio:

 10/1   Ten of Pentacles:  Apply What YOu’ve Learned for next level success

10/1 Audio:

Watch out for perfectionism—it hinders progress. If you catch yourself performing, pause and choose a different path. Allow yourself a redo, and remind yourself (and others) it was just a first try. With each attempt, you get closer to the truth. It’s tough to drop the mask, but you’re far more lovable as your authentic self than when seeking approval. Though it’s scary, patience, practice, and humor make it easier.

See you next week,

Lisa & Mike

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