It’s a bold title, but the stars and cards back it up. We’ve just spent Mercury Retrograde peeling back the stories we’ve collected over time. Beneath them lies more of the real you. Now, the New Moon in Virgo brings pressure to keep evolving your sense of self. Thanks to Virgo in the mix, we see that complaints, shame, and blame are often just the starting points for making a brave statement or request. This mix of expansion and contraction to define you in a foundational way continues through next spring. An evolutionary spiral allows us to expand and cover familiar ground from a bigger, broader understanding perspective.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
9/2 Virgo New Moon – Emperor: Master of Your World
9/2: Audio:
9/3 The HAnged Man: Time For Heart To Lead
9/3 Audio:
9/4 The World: Your Limits are temporary
9/4 Audio:
9/5 Ace of Pentacles: Small Efforts bring big Results in time
9/5 Audio:
9/6 Four Of Wands: Marriage of Heart and Head
9/6 Audio:
9/7 Queen of Cups: Good Fortune Mastering Big emotions
9/7 Audio:
9/8 King of Wands: Patience While Empowerment Pays Off
9/8 Audio:
Can you learn to trust the good in the Universe and work with what’s yours? It means leaving manipulation and passive aggressive tactics in the rearview mirror. We have more on that this next week. For now, trust your authentic yes, no and not yet. Practice them often. Observe when and where they get used and trade in judgement, criticism or rationalization for a cleaner, confident ask for what you want. It takes you in a direction you can absolutely trust and enjoy.
See you next week,
Lisa & Mike