This New Year is on a Super Full Moon and offers a wild ‘wish come true’ trine window that’s truly magical for Monday Night. Followed by a planetary pile up in Capricorn then asks, ‘what are you willing to do to make it come true’? In other words, this New Year begins with a seduction. You’ve got that powerful wish magic swirling around you, to tempt you into right action. What is right action? That’s going to be part of the alchemy. Feel your way. Be the adult in your life, communicate from absolute knowledge that you can handle this. Any twists and turns are merely your ‘dare to be great’ moments. The temptation of the wish helps you take one more step and then another. Watch it come true before your eyes with your help.
This is a wonderful rhythm to get into that will keep you dancing through the changes ahead in 2018. I’ve highlighted some big ones and some personal ones, sign by sign, in the audio below. This way you can listen as you roll through the next couple days. If the bite sized bit of what your Astrology has to offer this year leaves you hungry for more, I’m offering my special 2018 Year Ahead 12 Month Forecast through Tuesday January 2nd at midnight. You get a banquet of insight on what’s ahead so get yours Here and prepare to feast.
Meanwhile this 20+ minute audio has the 2017 Wrap up and forecast by sign for 2018. Happy, healthy New Year to you and yours.
All the best,
Lisa Greenfield