Did you notice that two weeks ago we had a lot of arrows, then last week a lot of cups?…
Our News
The Dilemma Have you heard the old definition of madness? It’s doing the same thing over and over and still…
Well the cards and stars have kind guidance to help manage your mind – it is the key to survive the celestial…
I woke up to a video from a good friend this morning, perfect for the post I’ve been working on…
Get ready for something unexpected to pop up this week. I’d predict it but then it would no longer be…
Venus went direct after walking us through a more thorough look at where we stop short of making our dreams…
Well the cards and the stars want you to know there’s no place like home. However if you are attached…
During this particular two week New Moon cycle, control is a big issue. You see the futility of trying to manage…
This New Moon is the death knell for old drama in relationships. It’s as if the triangles, trauma and tensions…
It’s here, one of the most important weeks of the year my friend. Are you ready to turn a giant…