Confidently wrong. These two words capture the essence of this Mercury Retrograde New Moon in Sagittarius. There are countless ways to apply them. Can you be wrong and still maintain confidence in yourself? Or can you let go of the need to always be right? New Moons offer wonderful opportunities to set intentions and watch them grow. The first couple of weeks are for planting seeds, with their full bloom emerging six months later under the Sagittarius Full Moon.
This Moon cycle also gains momentum from Mars turning retrograde, placing it opposite Pluto not once, but two more times. Pluto transits invite us to dig deep for treasure, though the path often leads through dark and challenging depths. Adding complexity, both the New Moon and the Sun square Saturn. Saturn, the cosmic timekeeper, asks us to examine what cycles have ended and what new ones are ready to begin. Sagittarius, the sign of enthusiasm, excitement, and exploration, reminds us that being confidently wrong is an integral part of growth.
With Mars retrograde starting in Leo and rolling back into Cancer, the focus shifts to our unique contributions to the world. Yet, our deep-rooted desire to belong often leads us to perform in ways that earn approval and feel safe—whether as a good child, friend, employee, or boss. Beneath this performance lies a more authentic version of you, waiting to emerge. The New Moon and Sun in Sagittarius, squaring Saturn, challenge you to redefine what you believe about yourself. Meanwhile, Mars retrograding into Cancer signals that old family narratives no longer steer your course—you just need to take back the wheel.
Here’s the tricky part: we instinctively avoid failure and pain. Yet, the most authentic versions of ourselves often lie on the other side of a few missteps. How do you treat yourself when you mess up? What’s your process for handling mistakes? Since we tend to treat others slightly better than we treat ourselves, how you handle your own missteps matters. There’s a sweet spot where failure becomes a learning opportunity rather than an occasion for judgment and punishment piled on top of natural consequences.
Sagittarius encourages us to build better belief systems. With Saturn in Pisces squaring the New Moon and Sun, these beliefs can be crafted to benefit everyone. Mars retrograding into Cancer—the sign tied to home and family—asks us to transcend traditional ways of seeing and believing. Meanwhile, Pluto adds its transformational energy, urging us to dig deep for hidden treasure and uncover a more authentic expression of ourselves.
Let me share a quick story to illustrate this. My family has long-standing holiday traditions, including a specific lineup of movies we watch while decorating. Even when we lived in different states, this ritual connected us. But with my sister gone and my mom slowing down, Saturn’s cosmic timer made itself known. This year, I couldn’t bring myself to start with our usual lead-off movie. It didn’t align with my mood or the atmosphere I wanted to create while hanging stockings and stringing lights. Instead, I spent some time reflecting on what truly brings me joy and chose a different film.
I’ll admit, there were moments when I felt uneasy, as if changing this tradition was somehow wrong. Yet, I embraced the shift. Whether it’s a small change like this or a significant one—leaving a job or moving homes—the message remains: not everything needs action right now. This Moon cycle invites evaluation, not haste. We’re meant to feel off balance; rushing often leads to decisions made from habit, not choice.
So why not channel Sagittarius’s boundless enthusiasm to explore new beliefs about yourself and your world? It’s okay if everything feels unclear. You won’t love every choice or outcome, but you’re gaining wisdom. Wisdom comes from making decisions that don’t always go as planned. This is a beautiful time to practice learning from mistakes and creating a safe space for others to do the same. The Cards and Stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
P.S. On the west coast the New Moon was late last night, 11/30/24. It was to good of a mistake not to leave as proof I can be wrong confidently and do better next time!
Discover the insights waiting for you with a personalized Year Ahead Reading. This offers a unique blend of Tarot, Astrology, and Hand Analysis to help you navigate the upcoming year with confidence, clarity, and purpose.
Tarot – Mind, Body, Heart, Spirit
For each Lunar cycle I am pulling four cards to give us a theme to help understand how we think, act, feel and intuit wisely. It’s a little added insight to pair with the astrological break down down by Mike Lacey from AstroDaddy.com. Trust your interpretation of how to best apply the cards and the insight. This works best as a co creative effort!
Mind: Princess of Pentacles – Inner confidence
Pentacles always carry the grounding strength of Mother Earth. Paired with the Princess, this card points to your mental state as the wellspring of inner confidence. While external validation often reinforces us, this Moon cycle calls for your opinion to matter most and count first.
Listen to feedback, yes—but approach new ideas, concepts, and perspectives with measured caution, especially now. Focus on exploring your view of the world and your place within it rather than rushing into external action. When things go sideways, look inward. Sagittarius offers a bubbling good humor; let challenges amuse you when they can. Remember, mistakes don’t define you—what you do afterward does. Use your missteps as stepping stones to wisdom rooted in your own understanding, not someone else’s worldview.
Body: Lovers – You Choose
When the Lovers card appears, it’s time to make a choice. This Moon cycle’s deep inner work reminds you that external changes naturally follow internal adjustments. Are you doing what you love or merely what you feel you have to do? Too many “have to’s” drain life of joy and excitement, but indulging every whim without considering the consequences can be as precarious as riding a tiger—thrilling, but dangerous.
Strike a healthy balance between security and risk, where your joy and purpose meet. That sweet spot holds immense potential, especially during this Mercury Retrograde. Trust that the gold you seek lies within the depths of this self-exploration.
Heart: Princess of Cups – Creative Inspiration
This card reflects the innocent creativity of childhood—the time before critics or judgment entered the picture, when you created simply for joy. Reclaim that spirit now. When your routines feel monotonous, pause. How can you turn a chore into a game? At the very least, how can you find ways to have fun with it? Creativity flows from your heart center, ready to infuse everything you “have to” do with lightness and meaning.
Here’s a caution: with two Princesses in this spread, gossip may arise. If you catch yourself in a judgmental conversation, hit pause. Critiquing others often masks our own vulnerability—an effort to feel “right” by pointing out where others are “wrong.” Resist this temptation. Instead, turn inward and grant yourself permission to make your own mistakes. Encourage yourself to imagine possibilities that stretch beyond your current limitations. Return to those innocent eyes and dream freely.
Spirit: King of Wands – Where Impossible Becomes Real
New Moons initiate seeding cycles, and the results of this one won’t blossom for six months. While this delay might frustrate or discourage, take heart. The King of Wands invites you to imagine a future that feels impossible—a vision born from your deepest desires, unbound by perceived limitations.
Focus on the feelings you want to cultivate rather than fixating on specific outcomes. For example, wishing for harmonious friendships might sound like “I want my friends to stop fighting.” But a deeper expression is: “I want healthy conflict resolution to be at the core of our circle.” The former controls; the latter invites harmony and flow, allowing everyone to show up as their best selves.
You bring the impossible to life from the inside out. When you accept your capacity to make mistakes, learn, and grow, you create space for others to do the same.
Here’s to magic in the making—may it guide you to unimaginable possibilities.
AStrological Forecast
Research by Mike Lacey/Astrodaddy.com
Saturday 11/30
New moon 1020pm – This lunation prompts a new beginning and awakens the adventurer in us. It prompts a focus on goals that increase our understanding and awareness, give us the courage to expand our horizons, and gain confidence and optimism through a broader perspective. With this potent Sagittarius energy, we discover ways to transcend the details of day-to-day life and nurture our faith, hope, and vision. It’s the first of two New Moons in December this year.
This New Moon forms a trine with Mars, supporting our energy and motivation levels on the one hand, and a square with Saturn, suggesting blocks to our efforts to begin anew on the other.
Sunday 12/1
Chiron Trines Mercury – 1034pm – Memories and dreams are strong right now. Note the messages that coming to you and learn about your subconscious. You may be surprised by what you have been suppressing. It is time to let your emotional genies out of the bottle, forgive and move on. Forgiving does not mean forgetting. It means accepting that no one person or situation is perfect. An attitude of gratitude is likely to prove helpful right now.
Monday 12/2
Venus Trine Uranus – 638am – This week augurs well for social events with a difference. You are likely to connect with bright and sparky friends and/or colleagues. Also, you are energized by your contact with other people or by an interest with a difference. You may also benefit from a little retail therapy right now although your tastes are likely to vary from the norm. Social activities are exciting. Money matters may be a little erratic but you enjoy spending some of your earnings on pleasurable pursuits or possessions. This is an ideal time to share your original thoughts and passion.
Tuesday 12/3
Moon Sextile Saturn – 118pm – This is an auspicious time for any project or circumstance demanding endurance or tolerance. Right now is also a good day for establishing new habits and rituals. Serious matters may need to be considered and you have the emotional insights to deal with these. However, you have to focus in order to achieve the most positive rewards from this short but serious period. Gather your resources and then tackle tasks, people or circumstances that are foundations in your life.
Wednesday 12/4
Mercury Opposes Jupiter 217am – You are mentally pushing the limits for some reason right now. This can be a positive time during which you are keen to learn and travel, but you need to be wary that you are not too grandiose in your plans. Overconfidence can be just as damaging as a lack of self-esteem. You need to think before you speak and seek wise counsel before making irreversible decisions. You have big ideas which are you are not frightened to express. Remember your opinions are valid but there is a time and a place for expressing them so that you engender co-operation rather than opposition. You also benefit from keeping an open mind and garnering as much information as you can before making decisions.
Sun Square Saturn – 822am – Some days you can feel like you are treading water, getting nowhere no matter how hard you try. Today is such a day. Obstacles seem to be strewn along your path. You may even feel a little down, unappreciated and that your achievements count for little. The time has come for you to reflect, realistically and not pessimistically, on the truth. Is this just a temporary period of frustration or do you need to mark some more serious decisions so that you can fully express yourself. Right now steady accomplishment is the way to go. The trick is to patiently tackle any obstacles and make those tough decisions.
Venus Sextile Neptune – 1058am – Do you feel the need to escape to a romantic island getaway? Right now you can listen to and act on your urge to dream, relax or escape even if it is limited to a luxurious bath or a trip to the local beach rather than a year’s sabbatical to a tropical island. Romance is also in the air. You may be viewing our world through rose-colored glasses so try not to make any big decisions or tackle any practical projects. As now is not the most practical time of your life you are better advised to relax, dream, plan and be creative. Perhaps you could treat yourself and/or your loved one to a romantic outing.
Moon Sextile Neptune – 311pm – This is a feel good time if you relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams and spiritual realms. The more that you can relax and trust your own feelings then the more that you can enjoy this day. You need to cast aside logic and practicality momentarily and delight in just breathing, listening, playing and fantasizing. A swim, massage or water activity may also be soothing.
Thursday 12/5
Sun Conjunct Mercury – 618pm – Good news is coming your way. You may be delighted by other people’s good fortune but it is more likely that you are creating your own luck right now. Ideas, plans and decisions flow. You are likely to be optimistic, perhaps even festive as you are buoyed by your own positive frame of mind. Your confidence is high and you make decisions accordingly. Younger people may help you with good advice.
Friday 12/6
Mars stations and turns retrograde and will remain retrograde until February 23rd, 2025, beginning in the sign of Leo and returning to Cancer in early January. We are now in the position to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Mars energy is essentially turned inward–it’s internalized, intensified, personalized, and perhaps pressurized. There can be passive-aggressive behavior during this cycle. We may be instigating problems or arguments rather than dealing with issues directly. However, this can be a good time to learn more about our inner motivations and desires, as well as to reconsider old projects and interests.
The first part of this retrograde is in the sign of Leo. Pride can push us to greater heights, but it can also keep us from expressing our true feelings or prevent us from truly learning from our experiences and from others. With Mars retrograde in Leo, we might see more sulking or pulling away to make a point. Leo rules children, creativity, recreational pleasure, entertainment, and romance. As such, we may need to re-assess our approach to these matters. We might feel some frustration or anxiety about these matters. Health issues may be a factor (especially in areas ruled by Leo, including the heart), and accidents a possibility throughout the Mars retrograde period.
Mercury Square Saturn – 554pm – This is a period that requires some serious thought. Someone or a single event may cause you to pause for thought. Obstructions and delays may seem to be directly opposed to your objectives, but perhaps you are being asked to think again. Is there a detail that you have missed? Are you pushing ahead on a fruitless mission? Do you need to seek some more experienced counsel? You may not realize how narrowly focussed you are being in your thinking. Take another look at aspects of your life that may be troubling you right now.
Venus enters Aquarius – 1013pm – a unique and unconventional approach to love, relationships, and values. When Venus moves through Aquarius, it’s a time for experimenting with new ways of relating, embracing independence in love, and focusing on friendships and social networks. Relationships formed during this time may have an unconventional or nontraditional feel.
Saturday 12/7
At 346pm Neptune stations and turns direct after retrograde motion since July 2nd. We may begin to face some illusions we’ve held onto, confusing situations become clearer, and our creativity soars, or at least, we are more inclined to apply our creativity in the real world. We have more faith in our own dreams and visions, in others, and in our belief systems. Increasingly, we seek inspiration from external sources.
Venus conjunct Pluto – 554am – The way that you relate to others and the manner in which you handle money are likely to be re-negotiated during this period. A change in a relationship, or an influx of funds could be the cause for the changes. It is possible that you part company with an important person or with some of your income but it is more likely that you are in for some blessed moments. Opportunities exist for more positive relationships that support and sustain you. If you stay tuned to your intuition then you can heal past hurts and forge new and positive relationships. Communicating your true feelings with compassion is likely to help any association with loved ones.
Sun opposes Jupiter – 1253pm – This is not a major influence in your life, however; it does signify a time when your confidence is tested. It is possible that you are confident and optimistic. However it is also possible that you are being challenged by someone from a foreign land, or religious bent. Events now are likely to make you question your own beliefs. Nevertheless this is an opportune moment to expand your horizons as long as you let your heart rather than your ego lead the way.
Sunday 12/8
First Quarter MOON – Sun Square Moon – emotional tension, relationship challenges but areas of growth appear
Monday 12/9
Wake up 550am to a Moon sextile Pluto -This is a day when truthful feelings come to the surface.
Moon conjunct NORTH node and opposes SOUTH node – This is a time to listen to your feelings and follow your heart. You have a moment to re-consider your path and make positive adjustments in your life’s journey.
Tuesday 12/10
Sun Trine Chiron – 952am- Healing comes in many forms. You may visit a doctor or health practitioner during this period and begin a new path towards physical health and wellbeing. On the other hand you may enjoy support from a loved one that helps you release past hurts and open your heart to new experiences. Right now you have the chance to put the past behind you and move into new experiences. If you work in a health profession then your healing powers are likely to shine.
Wednesday 12/11
Building Venus opposition to Mars all day – creativity is present in challenges. Use the opposition’s tension to spark innovation.
Thursday 12/12
Venus Opposes Mars – 250am – The combination of these two planets is likely to arouse passion either your own or someone else’s. Whether you are single or in a relationship you can enjoy the heightened senses but make sure that you do not overextend yourself. You may choose to direct your excess energy into an activity that arouses your passion. It does not have to be a person but if it is romance that you are after then kick up your heels and enjoy the moment. Just make sure that you don’t force your own heightened awareness on to others, and also be as restrained as possible with your finances as your judgement is clouded by your desires during this period.
Mercury Sextile Venus – 1145pm – This is a time when social conversations flow easily as you exchange ideas and stories with your associates. You are likely to communicate with a spirit of compromise and agreement. There are opportunities for harmonious interaction and clarity. You are also likely to have a heightened appreciation of beauty.
Friday 12/13
There are no aspects with the planets this day, but the moon is aspected all day. I wanted to see how Friday the 13th will be and discovered that with when there are no other aspects with planets and the only astrological aspects that day is the Moon aspected, then count on the day being somewhat emotional – good or bad, one will be in touch with one’s emotions when the day is driven by the Moons aspects. Some days, the moon aspects many planets, other days, none. On Friday the 13th, this will be an emotionally good day yet will get tricky at night before bed.
Moon Trine Pluto – 1012am – This is a day when truthful feelings come to the surface. The force of these feelings depends on other astrological influences. It is up to you whether or not the truth is embraced with compassion or not. It is possible that others may clash with you. Possibly you are the one initiating conflict because you want clarity in a certain situation. The result is likely to be that you accept the truth of your own emotions, express your sadness, anger, happiness or joy and the move forward in your life truthfully.
Moon Sextile North Node & Trines South Node – 242pm This is a time to listen to your feelings and follow your heart. You have a moment to re-consider your path and make positive adjustments in your life’s journey.
Moon opposes Mercury 817pm – Right now it would be best if you stop to think before you speak. Otherwise misunderstandings are likely to occur. Count to ten and then express your feelings calmly. It is just a question of finding the right words. Compassion could be at the fore-front of your mind. If something is really troubling your mind then you may be well advised to avoid communications with others until tomorrow or later in the week by which time your mind is more settled.
Moon Trines Venus – 1037pm – Ain’t love grand! Affection, love and romance are in the air. Smile, laugh and enjoy because even if everything else is not going your way you are likely to have at least one loved one of your side. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way to making this day a happier one. Count your blessings and watch them blossom.
Saturday 12/14
Moon Square Saturn – 733am – Do you want the good news or the bad new first? Well firstly this can be a time of feelings of frustration as delays block your path. You may even feel a little down in the dumps. The good news is that this is only a very brief period and if you focus on your responsibilities you are likely to come to know first hand the saying that goes: All good things come to those who wait.
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter – 1042am – This is a brief but ideal time when you have the opportunity to take up new feel-good activities. You have the chance to take part in some enjoyable activities, to spread your wings and fly. This could be as simple as taking a day to explore your local area, put your feet up and read a book or take up a new hobby. On the other hand you may begin to think about an exciting plan to broaden your horizons – a new form of study, a trip abroad or the advent of a spiritual journey. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
Astrological research and write up by Mike Lacey/Astrodaddly.com