John A. Shedd once said, “A ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” If you’re going to sail into open waters, who knows what you’ll encounter? This Full Moon in Gemini closes out a chaotic Mercury Retrograde—a time for realizing how confidently wrong we can sometimes be. So, what are you going to do with those lessons? The invitation here is to let go of certainty and embrace curiosity instead. If nothing comes to mind right away, take a moment to pause and reflect. Why is that? When we’re too sure of ourselves, we miss out on the details and the richness of a landscape that’s more expansive than our assumptions.
The way we experience the world came up in a recent conversation. A friend threw out a thought-provoking question: If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would it be? The debate that followed was both hilarious and surprisingly deep. Some people were convinced that losing their sense of smell would be the easiest to cope with. But another friend, whose family members had lost theirs, passionately disagreed. He explained that smell has a powerful connection to memory and plays a big role in how we taste food—way more than we realize.
That conversation got me thinking. I decided to spend a day focusing on each of my senses, one at a time, to fully appreciate them. For sound, I asked myself: What do I hear when I really listen instead of letting background noise fade into nothing? I’m inviting you to try it, too. Pick a sense and dive into it. If it’s smell, notice the aromas and flavors that shape your day. This practice has reminded me how important it is to savor the richness each sense brings.
Weirdly enough, this lines up perfectly with the vibe of this Full Moon. When I stay curious about my senses, I start noticing things I’d completely taken for granted. The crows cawing in the big tree across the street sound different from the hummingbirds chattering as they battle over the feeder. A toddler’s first attempts at words drift through my window, and even though her parents speak Russian, I can pick out a few words. Who would’ve thought her learning to talk could teach me a bit of Russian? All because I chose curiosity over assuming I already knew my world.
Now that Mercury is direct, Mars is still retrograde until the end of February. That means you might hit roadblocks or feel like progress is slow. Annoying? Definitely. But it’s also a chance to be more deliberate. Instead of charging through familiar territory, you can decide what really matters and focus on that. When obstacles show up (and they will—Mars Retrograde is famous for that), they push you to rethink your priorities. What’s worth the extra effort? There’s a lot to gain from stepping off autopilot and digging a little deeper.
So, what new ways of experiencing life will you discover as the unique person you are right now? Let curiosity be your guide as you navigate the next few weeks of this Lunar Cycle and head into the New Year. The Cards and Stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
Tarot for the Lunar Cycle
Mind: The Mother Star – Universal Creativity
This card is the Empress on steroids. It highlights being receptive to all that is present and use it to create something in this moment. It is the perfect representation of the unlimited possibilities that this Mercury Retrograde opposite Jupiter highlighted. It’s more a statement of what is than a recommendation to try to comprehend the infinite potential in our world. It feels more like validation that if your mind is swimming, there is good reason you feel that way. The information on offer right now is overwhelming.
Which is all the more reason to slow down and manage your input. Too much screen time is like pouring tea into a cup that already overflows. Be kind to your mind. Don’t ask it or task it with much right now. There are better ways to navigate your day to day this lunar cycle. Remember the mind is third in line. First we intuit what’s possible, then see how we feel about it. Give your emotions time to register and engage with what’s in front of you before you act. Heart is second but it is the one with all the magnetic attraction. So be sure you have it on board before your mind figures out the how. Mind is third in line. If you keep that in mind it helps manage the overwhelm.
Body: The Empress – Endless Abundance
Well the certainty of abundance is unmistakable this lunar cycle. First we have the Mother Star followed up by the echo of physical application as guidance for the body this lunar cycle. This is a reminder that nature has its own rhythmic cycle. No one stands over flowers with a clipboard telling them to bloom. There is wisdom and guidance that has timing down perfectly. So whatever your imaged timeline or schedule, revisit it. When things don’t meet your preferred schedule, check for signs of progress and make adjustments to your expectations. Things unfold on a natural flow we have lost track of in our westernized world.
By all means, tend the metaphorical garden of your wishes and dreams. That is a great use of time and energy. It also helps ensure that things will bloom in time with your support. No need to go out and pull the buds open ahead of time. You kill possibilities of the full bloom. You do have every reason to ask and receive progress reports from the Universe. Just practice patience if the growth is less than you hoped. Trust that everything in its time will flower. In the meantime, let the rich abundance give you plenty to play with as you wait for all that will be.
Heart: Knight of Pentacles – slow & Steady Growth
The theme for slow and steady progress shows up yet again. This is the slowest moving of the four Knights. But he carries the message of tangible progress. So you can see growth, when you take time and look closely. When you find impatience creeping in, take inventory. How far have you come from where you began? Don’t make the gap between where you want to be and where you are now the focus.
Instead train your eyes on where you began and look at the details of the road you’ve traveled. That granular view matters right now. So no glossing over all the smaller measurements of progress that are there. The more you train your eyes on the whole picture, the better you feel about the cautious pace. The better you feel about it, the more smoothly you advance. Trust yourself, trust the process and enjoy how far you’ve come already.
Spirit: Two of Swords – WAIT
And the theme of impatience with pace continues. One of the meanings for this two is the timing is not quite right yet. We have Mars retrograde, we have Mercury direct but still unsteady on its feet. Remember, when you grab at a feather, the very act of rushing to snatch it creates a push that moves it out of reach. Turn your palm up, position is carefully under the feather and let it land in your hand.
Again, the delays are not permanent. In fact when you slow down you can actually see the steady progress the Knight of Pentacles and Empress promise is there. So back to that inventory. Engage all your senses to enjoy what you’ve already accomplished. Savor it and your ability to create a world that delights you.
Daily Astrological Transits
December 15 – Full Moon in Gemini
This lunation can bring sudden awareness to our lives and a rather urgent “need to know.” We may want to get an important message across, finish a communications project, or make an announcement. Travel and communications are in strong focus. Consider that Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, stations and turns direct on the same day as this Full Moon, skewing perceptions.
New moon in Gemini was 6/6/24 – what did you start then that’s coming to fruition now?
Mercury stations and turns direct
After retrograde motion since November 25th. Mercury moves in direct motion over the same degrees it traveled in retrograde motion until January 2nd–this is also called its post-retrograde shadow. We’ve been in a good position to reevaluate our projects, visions, and goals, and we’ve given more thought to their meaning. Now, Mercury retraces its steps and information unclogs.
December 16 – Mercury Trine Mars
Some quick thinking is required during this period. You are required to be decisive, honest and assertive but to be careful how you express yourself. This is an ideal time for any task that requires mental assertiveness, technical skills and mental agility. Seek co-operation from others, and express yourself calmly and tasks should be completed quickly and easily.
December 18 – Sun Square Neptune
You may briefly feel a little lost, wondering if you are doing the right thing. Your confidence may be tested by a person or an event. As a result it is an ideal time for reflection rather than action. This a time for dreaming rather than decision-making. If you can then record your dreams and inspirational ideas so that they may become clear later. You may not have clarity right now, but it will come and you will appreciate this period of introspection. You would be wise to avoid alcohol and merry-making in favor of finding inspirational and escapist activities.
December 19 – Venus Trine Jupiter
Do you feel an urge to break free and kick up your heals? Is your financial budget feeling a little constrictive right now? This is likely to be because the planets are aligning to encourage you to rejoice. On the one hand this is the ideal time to put on your dancing shoes. On the other hand you would be well advised to resist the urge to be distracted because you may have many options. Now is the time to follow your true heart’s desire. This could be a person, a vocation, or an artistic hobby. Money does not have to be a problem because you can find ways to enjoy yourself without spending up big. What gives you pleasure and costs nothing? A hug? A walk in nature? A day in bed with good books? Indulge yourself a little trusting that this will lead to creative outcomes.
Moon trine Sun – 9:20pm
This is a harmonious time during which you learn that you are loved and supported. The universe is on your side right now. If you have been feeling upbeat lately then this is an even more positive and rewarding time. You are feeling good and so enjoy yourself. If you have been feeling somewhat stressed then help is nearby. You simple need to reach out and ask and the universe finds a way to answer your prayers. Take heart. Trust your intuition and seize the day.
December 21 – Moon Opposes Saturn, Squares Jupiter
There is a choice to make. If you let big emotions and fears win, the day holds disappointments and storms. When you acknowledge that your wants and needs are not being met but resolve to be responsible for the emotional waves, you build resilience and strength. By all means, be tender with yourself. But don’t expect the outside world to treat you better than you treat yourself. Set the example with thoughtful, wise ways to deal what what you want and practice patience when you don’t have it yet. The you can explore fresh ways to achieve what makes you happy. You may even find that happiness sources have expanded beyond what you’ve always counted on in the past. Call on your five senses to help you flesh out a bigger picture on what’s around you.
December 22 – Sun Square Moon
There is a battle between your emotions and your will. The sweet spot is to feel those big feelings and yet don’t be at the mercy of them. Release the need to get others to handle what you yourself have trouble managing. Determine what you feel and what that feeling needs. Do an assessment on all the different ways you can meet those needs and honor those feelings. Let others off the hook immediate gratification. Instead assess who is a match for healthy give and receive. That will prove valuable in the coming weeks and months.
December 23 – Moon Trine Jupiter
This is a brief but ideal time when you have the opportunity to take up new feel-good activities. You have the chance to take part in some enjoyable activities, to spread your wings and fly. This could be as simple as taking a day to explore your local area, put your feet up and read a book or take up a new hobby. On the other hand you may begin to think about an exciting plan to broaden your horizons – a new form of study, a trip abroad or the advent of a spiritual journey. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
Venus sextile chiron – 4:47pm
The feminine arts or a prominent woman are likely to feature during this time. It is possible that someone you care for is feeling somewhat vulnerable. You need to apply a little tender loving care to your loved ones and for yourself. Healing arts can be very soothing right now. You could treat yourself to a massage, visit to an alternative practitioner, or perhaps take some time out for a sojourn in nature. An artistic outing could also prove upliftings. Macho male energy, whether you are a male or female, is to be temporarily avoided in favor of the softer and more soothing side of life.
December 24 – Jupiter Square Saturn
This is the second of three meetups for this outer-planet transit with long-term influence. The first dust up was August 19th, and the next and final one is on June 15th, 2025, although that one occurs while Jupiter is in Cancer and Saturn is in Aries.]
With this transit, circumstances present us with an opportunity for personal or professional growth, although the rewards may be delayed. It helps us restructure our lives or plans in accordance with rules, laws, limits, and the demands of reality. Are you willing to make your dreams real with ongoing effort?cUltimately, this process can lead to a stronger, more resilient version of ourselves or our projects.
This can be a time of temporary fluctuating finances, increased personal commitments, sudden obstacles to our goals, energy dips, or ups and downs with our faith/outlook. We might ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this?” What for?” or “What’s the point?” more frequently. There can be a sense that we’re not in the right place at the right time during this phase.
During this period, the most value comes when we assess what of the old way is capable of making the transition into the new. It’s not time to begin the new just yet. First we need to clean out the dead weight on what cannot make the transition with us. We may need to make sacrifices in one area of our lives to grow in another. It’s important not to overextend ourselves now and to avoid attempting easy fixes or shortcuts. The need to adjust our expectations is a natural part of the process, and with patience and perseverance, we can confidently navigate current obstacles and challenges.
During this transit you may have difficulty striking a balance between your own personal goals and your responsibilities. Tension can arise as you feel the need to break out of old restrictions. Although your tolerance level may be low, you do well to learn who and what to help in this process, rather than confronting them head on or simply giving up on them. The benefits of this transit is that you are forced to take action in restructuring areas of your life which may have become stagnant and tired. How you do it matter every bit as much as what you do!
December 26 – Mercury Opposes Jupiter
You are mentally pushing the limits for some reason right now. This can be a positive time during which you are keen to learn and travel, but you need to be wary that you are not too grandiose in your plans. Overconfidence can be just as damaging as a lack of self-esteem. You need to think before you speak and seek wise counsel before making irreversible decisions. You have big ideas which are you are not frightened to express. Remember your opinions are valid but there is a time and a place for expressing them so that you engender co-operation rather than opposition. You also benefit from keeping an open mind and garnering as much information as you can before making decisions.
At the same time – Mercury square Saturn and the lingering Jupiter square Saturn. These 3 planets – Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
Mercury Square Saturn 11:27pm
This is a period that requires some serious thought. Someone or a single event may cause you to pause for thought. Obstructions and delays may seem to be directly opposed to your objectives, but perhaps you are being asked to think again. Is there a detail that you have missed? Are you pushing ahead on a fruitless mission? Do you need to seek some more experienced counsel? You may not realize how narrowly focussed you are being in your thinking. Take another look at aspects of your life that may be troubling you right now.
Moon opposes Uranus 11:34pm
Life is a little tense right now. It is likely that someone else or an upsetting event is affecting your equilibrium. It may be difficult to remain calm as you feel somewhat nervy. If you can avoid willful behavior and remain open to new possibilities then it is likely that all will be revealed. Someone or something might surprise you in a good way. Otherwise you benefit from being the bigger person in any current situation.
December 27 – Moon Trine Neptune
This is a feel good time if you relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams and spiritual realms. The more that you can relax and trust your own feelings then the more that you can enjoy this day. You need to cast aside logic and practicality momentarily and delight in just breathing, listening, playing and fantasizing. A swim, massage or water activity may also be soothing.
Moon sextiles Pluto 1:37pm
The transit of the Moon is usually brief, ebbing and flowing like the tides of the ocean. If the Moon is active on any one day then you are likely to be more emotional. These days can be trigger points. If there are few Lunar influences then your day may be more uneventful. The effect of this combination depends on how many other transits of the Moon are occurring today.
This is a day when truthful feelings come to the surface. The force of these feelings depends on other astrological influences. It is up to you whether or not the truth is embraced with compassion or not. It is possible that others may clash with you. Possibly you are the one initiating conflict because you want clarity in a certain situation. The result is likely to be that you accept the truth of your own emotions, express your sadness, anger, happiness or joy and the move forward in your life truthfully.
Venus square Uranus 11:27pm
An exciting creative person or project suddenly comes to light creating a little tension. Your path is unpredictable at the moment and you are best advised to go with the flow rather than resist the current. Someone close to you may be throwing a spanner in the works, but this may be a blessing in disguise. Relationships are likely to unstable, erratic and perhaps this is exciting or upsetting. Either way you are likely to make swift changes to ensure more positive connections with those close to you, as well as anything or anyone connected with your finances.
December 29 – Moon Sextile Venus
Moon sextiles Venus 12:02pm
Ain’t love grand! Affection, love and romance are in the air. Smile, laugh and enjoy because even if everything else is not going your way you are likely to have at least one loved one of your side. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way to making this day a happier one. Count your blessings and watch them blossom.
Chiron stations and turns direct 1:14pm
After retrograde motion since July 26th. Emotional truths about matters we’ve been avoiding or confused about begin to emerge now and in the coming weeks. While not always comfortable revelations, they can serve to motivate us to take appropriate action.
Moon sextiles Neptune 3:32pm
Feeling out of sorts and don’t know why? Or perhaps you do know and someone or something has confused you. The good news is that this is a passing phase and you can relieve any nerves or anxiety by relaxing and listening to some music, communing with nature or involving yourself in something artistic or spiritual. Perhaps gardening (indoor or out) would also help ground you. The feelings will soon fade away and clarity return.
Gemini Full Moon Audio:
Thank you for tuning in and please stay safe out there. Mars Retrograde drives up the potential for accidents when you rush. So slow down and get there safely, YOU MATTER.
Happy holidays and back with you soon!
Lisa Greenfield & Mike Lacey