8/4 Leo New Moon/Mercury Retrograde – Uniquely YOU


This New Moon introduces several significant elements. Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo and then moves into Leo, where it spends the majority of its backward motion. Before this transition, it meets Venus in Virgo, helping us shed what isn’t truly ‘us’. Depending on its position in your chart, this process could be as simple as removing borrowed clothes or as uncomfortable as a bad sunburn you know will peel. Rest assured, the Universe isn’t trying to punish or be cruel. Our resistance to change is part of what we can release to discover and uncover our unique selves, which lie beneath the layers of adaptation we’ve developed for survival.

Trust that everything you let go of has an upgrade waiting. Our task is to stop trying to control what that update looks like. Instead, put your heart’s desire out there. Stay open and curious. Interact with what comes your way.  Notice when you become defensive or offensive and ask yourself why. Then, adjust your response to match current circumstances.

Most of our initial reactions to unfamiliar situations stem from fear and doubt. Pack a little more patience into the mix and look for humor in these situations. This allows your creative self to play with possibilities. When you do this, the results can exceed expectations precisely because you stop limiting yourself to predetermined outcomes. Don’t be stingy with yourself or others.  Instead, look for equitable exchanges, engage with them, and watch abundance increase.  There’s nothing you give up that you can’t receive the next generation of in its place, when you’re open and patient.  The Cards and Stars will help!

Thank you,

Lisa Greenfield

P.S.  Check out the Leo Season Forecast for E News if you feel curious…  


8/4  Leo New Moon – Three of Swords:  Letting Go

8/4 Audio – Leo New Moon

8/5 Five of Swords: Free Yourself Of Unnecessary Self Doubt

8/5 Audio – Five of Swords: Doubt Your Doubts

8/6 Eight of Pentacles: Master A Personal Response

8/6 Audio – Eight of Pentacles: Learn As YOu Go

8/7 Princess of Swords: The Inner Critic AS Brakes On Expansion

8/7 Audio – Princess of Swords: Communicate Effectively

8/8 Seven Of Cups: Dream and Then Do

8/8 Audio: Seven of Cups: Do You Know what YOu Really Want?

8/9 Page of Pentacles: Feelings & Actions Align

8/9 Audio – Page of Pentacles: Go Beyond Conditioned Response

8/10 Knight Of Wands: Courage To Act On Your Behalf

8/10 Audio – Knight of Wands: Have the Brave request


Your feedback made a difference! We will send you one week at a time, especially with the Mercury Retrograde. We are committed to share what supports you and not overwhelm you. Thank you for your patience with the evolution of the forecast.

Wishing you a good week ahead. Remember you can’t get YOU wrong. So give yourself quality time and attention. When you do, it actually improves all your relationships, because you aren’t stuck in unhealthy or unbalanced connections.

This month is a great reset. So take it one conversation at a time, keep your focus on how to authentically feel, sense and act on your behalf. You’re world will grow in so many good ways when you do.

Thank you,

Lisa Greenfield & Mike Lacey

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