
This SuperMoon paints a capitol T in the sky, where a left or right turn is required when you hit the top. In fact, it’s called a T-square. Jupiter, the Great Expander, is at a 90 degree angle to the Sun and New Moon. So is the asteroid Ceres. We’ve got Aries, Capricorn and Libra serving us lessons in what we do for love. Demetra George explains Ceres as the lessons we learned in how to get love from mother (or caregivers). In other words, a portion of what you do is trained to meet the expectations of those you think you need. Our first experience of love is survival based and geared towards give to get. This hard turn says, there is a better way!
To help with that we also have Uranus in easy aspect to Venus. These two serve up lightning bolts of freedom for our desires. And this revolutionary tone sets the stage for this winter, thanks to the solstice and New Moon combining forces. This combination has purpose that’s potent. We are at living through a time of profound change. Change that shapes the centuries to come. As the age of ‘power over’ winds down its 5,000 year reign, there is necessity to learn from our past so we can better shape our futures.
We need big solutions, but ones that start from the ground up. Which comes right back to authentic desires. Let’s draw on science a moment. Our hearts have a frequency that is 5,000 times more magnetic then our minds. It is like a tractor beam that draws opportunities to us. This hard right turn insists we make choices closer to our original setting. Just imagine what happens when whole groups share concentrates that magnetic force. Time to trade in like minds for like hearts. The great adventure is what happens when shared love magnetizes help to shift and shape.
It is a Margaret Meade kind of winter. “Never doubt a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has”. And yet we have the asteroid Ixion sitting right next to the Sun and New Moon. He’s the lawless brother of Pluto who does what he wants with no apologies, no accountability and an animalistic drive to feed his desires.
Except the consequences of his behavior was also clear. He is banished to spin forever on the wheel, cut off from any true connections. He’s the cautionary tale of desire mismanagement. The question is really not just what we desire, but how we work with those emotions for benefit beyond impulse satisfaction.
We have the next three months for rest and contemplation. Mercury is is included in this New Moon at almost exactly the degree of the Saturn Pluto conjunction in January 2020. We are already beginning to see what happens when you do what you want without thought to the consequences to others. Nobody can escape the balancing of the scales.
What matters more is that you realize that no matter what your programming pattern was in childhood, it’s your responsibility now to let that inform you but not decide for you. It’s time to locate those deep desires and then master them so they serve to enrich you and the world around you.
While emotions have been flooding this past week, you are still the master of what you feel. Pain needs a witness. So honor what you feel. Then with this New Moon Jupiter moves back into Aries and offers a chance to make lemonade out of lemons. Grab some of the optimism it offers. Believe you can have different outcomes than the past, because you are no longer the same as you once were.
Feel the excitement of knowing you play a part in history’s turning point. And it is tied in to you knowing what you desire and exploring how to find like hearted others. The Cards and Stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
Wishing you and yours the very best of the holiday season. Please stay safe and warm while you do what you can, where you can, when you can to help another.
12/23 Capricorn New moon ace of swords
Interesting that this Ace is a symbolic One and so is the New Moon. It sits at One Degree of Capricorn. It’s one of five New Moons in a row that are all at the One Degree mark. The Winter Solstice turns us inward in the Northern Hemisphere, to rest and plan for the growth of Spring. But it sits at that potent launching point of the individual self. While you rest, why not tell your story as if it was a movie. What would that frame bring into focus?
Keep in mind that you have Uranus freeing up Venus to feel and attract more of what she desires. She inspires shared desires that magnetically attract unexpected opportunities and connections. Plus Ixion is conjunct this New Moon and Sun. He’s the animal expression of desire that lets it rule him with no thought of its impact. Which do you choose?
This New Moon increases the distance between those who still cling to domination as there operating system and those who look for collaboration and equitable exchange options. Call it cosmic enticement, but when you increase your individual expression without harming another’s personal expression, things get magnetically energized. In other words, there are ever expanding options and more fun exploring them.
For those committed to power over and domination, it’s going to be a grinding ten to twelve years of defeat after defeat. Live by the sword and die by the sword. I picture this as spinning on the wheels of unchecked desires that never end and don’t lead to fulfillment. Ouch.
So this quiet season matters. What you do with it counts. Ask your mind to tell a different story about your past. Where did you learn how to share power? What did you learn by doing it alone. How did your desire mismanagement (denying or overindulging) inform who you are now? There are benefits to all of it, even if results disappointed. Remember pain needs a witness, so feel it, acknowledge it and then ask it what you can take away that helps you expand instead of contract into fruitless protection.
It’s a healthy practice to feel something in the moment, give it space then decide what you wish to do with that emotion. Help answer its need. Get inspired with like hearted others. Then nothing stops you from turning difficulties into victories you can celebrate with those who know the effort it takes to achieve them.
12/24 Lovers
The Moon meets up with Venus in sturdy Capricorn to help show us how to put what we want on firm foundations. No matter what wobbles, you get to choose how you respond. Self love is more than a massage or nap when you need one. It is the quality of accepting your feelings and desires as an expression of you. Then the next step is to lovingly hold yourself accountable for how you express and share them. We are in the holiday season and there is nothing like family to push old buttons. Try being curious. If someone aggravates you, acknowledge what you feel then see if they are open to ‘what else is possible’.
Why not see if you can de-escalate something by saying your version of ‘we already know how to have this fight, what else is possible?’ It could be just the right turn they want to make with you. If not, do remember that for some people fighting is a form of intimacy. It’s the only kind that feels safe. You engage with each other but not in a way that brings you closer or reveals too much. It’s how they learned to act – and call it love. Again, try that phrase ‘what else is possible’ if only in your own mind. You create your reality no matter what the circumstances may be. See anything that happens as an invitation to master that belief. You’ll feel so much better when you start there and who knows where it may take you.
12/25 seven of cups Merry christmas
This Seven combined with yesterday’s Lovers is often a wake up call. Don’t make the same mistakes over again. Remember, you already know what the outcomes will be. Time to make new mistakes. And you will. Because we learn from what doesn’t work as much, or sometimes more, than from what does. The Moon is in harmony with Mars today to give you just the push you need to master your internal dialogue. It’s that exchange that informs whatever you do. Mars gives us courage to risk or rushes us into battle, depending on your internal story and direction. Where did you trade what you really feel and want to belong?
Tell yourself a new story, one where you already belong. Be curious. If you screw up then own it and take a do over. See what happens when you let that be a simple thing with out all the power struggles and past history crowding to stand in today’s space. That Ace of Swords for our New Moon helps us prune dead branches of beliefs. They aren’t alive and just keep you from seeing what is there for you. So practice mastering a new thought and then a new action. Have some fun with it. If this was a movie and you were the hero, what music would be playing as you make that brave attempt. I hear Raiders of the Lost Ark or sometimes Rocky’s theme. Find your soundtrack and let your courage have texture as you try a new way of being you in present time.
12/26 king of cups
Ah, the Minor Magician shows up and he’s most welcome. Because Eris, the planet of Discord, squares off with Mercury. Once again the theme continues of do it another way. Don’t worry if chaos or triggers pop up like whack a mole. They are another opportunity to ‘go to the gym’ and master a fresh approach to old issues. Find ways to agree to disagree and get curious about what you fear when there isn’t agreement. Or perhaps it’s what others fear that drives the conflict.
Tribal thinking can demand that shared view of things in order to feel safe. Love meant you were locked into group think to survive. We are moving away from tribal thinking and into to small individual groups carving out unique approaches as a unit. These smaller groups will eventually merge with other compatible groups but that takes decades if not centuries. But that’s the alchemy this King promises. Some changes will happen ‘as if by magic’ and you can be part of that. Just do you. Do it the best you can and see how much fun you can have while you do it.
For now, individuality but operating on a group scale is what drives the global change of what is to come. So learn to disagree on the topicals while establishing a solid foundational shared feeling. If your ultimate goals are the same, how you achieve them can include variety that enhances whatever you experience, not threaten it. Still it is a learning curve. Which means some people will resist it and adapt at varying speeds. Good news is, the more you model how to safely do evolution, the faster they will find their own expression of it. Stick with your internal mastery and expression. Get solid there. The rest will follow.
12/27 Princess of wands
The Moon and Sun are sextile this morning to help light the fires of belief inside of us. The cheerleading Princess sings a song of believe, believe, believe. In fact her whole mantra can be ‘believing is seeing’. We need it for the next few days. Mercury is getting ready to go retrograde but not before hitting some challenge points. Today we have the Moon square Mars which means we can fight our way out or we can have the courage to do it a new way.
What will your fresh approach be? That is the question to pretty much anything that happens today. When you do something differently you head in a new direction, even if you start from the same old point. Believe you can change whatever happens into something that works better for you. Then find ways or people that align with the feeling underneath. Let the combined feeling resonate and magnetize new options. Do remember to be patient. It’s easy to judge results too soon as an excuse to go back to old ways. Invest in the alternative approach and let it show you more as you go.
12/28 six of pentacles
Venus and Neptune get cozy today as this Six announces that good karma can tip in your favor. The caveat is that if you’ve leaned too heavily on someone it’s time to balance the scales a bit. But if you’ve freely given you can see where the Universe brings that generosity back around to you. Not as a give to get situation. The free flow brings you unexpected bounty not a debt repaid directly. This is that kind of ‘pay it forward’ moment that can feel soooo satisfying when you experience it. Don’t be afraid to be generous with someone’s mistake or human moment. Offer kindness where another may not be inviting it with their bad behavior.
This is NOT to try to love someone into better choices. It is rather a genuine moment of grace that allows us to be seen in our humanity and inspires us to do better. Not because it’s demanded but because it is deserved for the generosity we offer. This is the plus side of what we do for love. The raw material of the exchange can’t be quid pro quo. Rather it’s a feeling of it’s safe to screw up and learn from it.
And because we make it safe, we don’t want to keep making the same mistake again. Don’t worry about the future. If down the road the bad behavior continues, you can say no to the behavior without saying no to the person. Just for today feel into it and offer that grace, if only to yourself. Let this be an important building material in your world. It’s priceless.
12/29 princess of cups
Oh we need the tender self love this Princess brings with her. Today we face our creativity fears as Mercury stations ahead of a three week retrograde period. This is where our patterns want to keep us safe by doing what it knows we can survive, even if we don’t like what we do. Survival is one of the strongest impulses. So you need to call on all the strength and magic in this cycle to help you be brave and go beyond where you’ve already been.
Venus and Mercury and almost exactly conjunct and tightly square Eris, the Goddess of Discord. When you change what you do and how you operate, it will shake up your tidy little existence. Change can be stressful even when you long for it. So be kind to your nervous system today. Make it a habit, why don’t you? Breathe, check in with yourself. If fears come up ask them how old they are. This way you can picture your adult self standing with that younger you. Give yourself whatever feels comforting. If you know quantum physics, you may well be helping the younger you get through it just by visualizing the possibility. A the very least, it feels kind, right? That’s never a waste.
12/30 High Priestess
You cannot think your way through this day. Transformational tension is wrapped all through it. The celestial serves up change aspects. Which means your fear defense may start the day locked and loaded. Breathe. Do not, I repeat do not, rush to judgement on anything without a few deep breaths. The good news is that things are changing. It’s easy to see what the old mind serves up for protection. So if you go within instead of reacting to whatever happens, you get some leaps forward. Keep in mind what we touched on yesterday. Your nervous system requires attention. Be present with your body. Listen to the contraction energy or the anxiety mode.
What’s called for here is to harness the courage of the Sun/Mars quincunx. Hold a healthy boundary if someone invades your space. Don’t invade theirs. It sounds simple but there is a world of chaos around us because people struggle to do just that simple task. What’s yours cannot be taken away from you. There is enough to go around. Feel into where your resources are and if something in front of you is unavailable, it may help you locate more than you knew you had. Let the challenges of the day help you uncover inner strength and resources. Feel your way, don’t think it is the message the High Priestess offers up. It’s subtle but the body distills the mind, heart and intuition. Let it in on the conversation.
12/31 empress New Year’s Eve
Oh the abundance of choices this Empress offers up as we finish 2022 and ring in the New Year. The Moon squares Venus early in the morning, before dawn. This speaks to where we feel blocked expressing the ‘unpopular’ emotions. It goes on to square Pluto, which accentuates the worst interpretations we make about ourselves and our situation. Almost like the tension a starfish holds on a clam to get it to open, the aspects today give us a cosmic tug and then wait until we can’t hold the contraction any longer. Then as we start to relax, boom, it tugs again. Trust me, the Universe isn’t being cruel. And unlike the starfish, it won’t devour you upon getting you to open up.
But your fear brain will trot out all it’s old serviceable reasons to stay in the shell, keep protection at hand. It isn’t even about DOING something differently. It’s about the motivation you have for doing or not doing whatever you want. Where can find your ‘no thank you, I’m not a match’ mode. Follow that feeling. If something isn’t a fit for you, there is no big story required to justify your no. There is no amount of persuasion that can sway you from it. I do invite you to be curious and put a ‘for now’ on the choice. That’s in keeping with the Empress. If something isn’t a fit for you now, it doesn’t mean it may never fit. Just let the present be enough. Yes or no, what is your honest, bone deep answer with no justifications or explanations needed. Start the New Year from there.
1/1/2023 temperance
How fitting that we being the year with the card that highlights slow healing from deep wounds. It’s also the reminder not to push or shove your way forward. Rushing is not a good way to begin anything. Often it’s a trauma response that hurries to the results to bring down the anxiety around the unknown. Except rushing means you miss the fun of it all unfolding. You put yourself in the child’s space of waiting for something to happen to you without realizing how you can impact the moment as it unfolds. The Sun and Moon help us start the year with a harmonic connection. This makes it easier to feel the possibilities along with the anxieties.
Remember to breathe into anxious feelings and they can tip into excitement. Remember that what matters, regardless of what happens, is to find your authentic yes and no. It may take the whole year to get it into your bones, but let that be the goal. Mercury Retrograde sextiles Neptune by evening to give us a hit of inspiration. Imagine how good it will feel to live in a world where what’s a match for you is all around you, and what isn’t a match simply helps define what is. Dream of being here in the present, excited about all that’s on hand, even the unwelcome stuff. Because you know beyond a doubt that you can shape whatever you have at hand.
In fact that’s exactly why it is all there. To help you learn how to sculpt your authentic life. The artful masterpiece that is you comes together in the year ahead. Step by step, brush stroke by brush stroke you emerge. You aren’t dependent on controlled circumstances. You can work with what is to shape your space in it. And by doing so you contribute exactly what you came here to be. No rushing, no threat can derail you. Only you can box yourself in, which also means you can unbox yourself anytime you wish. Now that’s a Happy New Year…
1/2 ace of wands
The second day of the New Year has the second Ace of the cycle. Two Aces together stand for union. In partnership we prosper. The secret is in finding your good matches. There are multiple options, so don’t worry. The Sun trines the North Node, so we feel optimistic and a little hungry for what is ours. The Moon squares Saturn but trines Mercury. This combination helps us see where we need to change our interpretation of life to open up to our expanding power. When things don’t happen immediately, this Ace says refine the desire. Be sure you hold the core of what you want and aren’t limiting possibilities with control of details.
With the Sun square Chiron, change in our wounded mindset is at hand. We can be present and witness what hurts. We just don’t have to let it tell the whole story or decide how to proceed. It helps to allow the ten minutes it takes emotions to travel our nervous system so we can feel what we feel. Then make the executive decision to do something with it that feels powerful, without overpowering those around you. In fact, you can invite them to join you in dancing it off. You’ve heard the coaches cry to walk something off. Why not dance something off and in good company. Enjoy choosing the music. It may have you laughing by the time you finish.
1/3 Transformation
This card is the symbol for winter and the slow change of seasons. To everything its own time. The Gemini Moon meets up with a still retrograde Mars. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who is also retrograde at the moment. It’s a great time to revisit the narration our fear brain serves up about anything and everything. Fear always goes to work on our greatest strength not our greatest weakness. Because our strength is what ensures our growth and expansion. In fact one of the meanings for this card is a way of life invalidated by growth!
Which is why time spent on the highlight reel of what your fear brain says about you or a situation is so valuable today. Ferret out the spaces where pockets of power sit untapped. Once you get a read on where you potential wealth rests, commit to drawing on those resources more often. Don’t rush things because our fear brain is great at snapping us back into familiar space once over doing it makes you crash and burn. This card often represents the timing of one year. So season by season, set the intention to discover more riches you’ve got but barely use.
1/4 the devil
This card often means that appearances are deceiving. All you have to do is go on social media and know that those glossies aren’t the whole story for anyone’s life. With mostly helpful aspects today, like Moon trine Saturn, we can hunker down and do the hard work. The caution is not to overdue it. That is another warning the Devil offers up. Forcing change or growth is like trying to pull a bud open. It just destroys what you try to dominate. This card is also the symbol for the dark side of desires. It’s where we feel helpless to manage what we feel.
With Moon in soft aspect to Chiron, we can see through the smoke and mirrors the fear story throws out there. See instead where you are no longer helpless. Discover what impact you can have and then try the possibilities on like shoes. Find one that fits and take a lap in it today. You may love it, you may not. Don’t worry. This is about discovery not perfection. You may even have a little fun, it’s allowed as you find ways to express those desires that help you more than hurt you.
1/5 four of wands
Fours are always about a firm foundation. This one is an intuitive way to build a happy and lasting home for yourself. The Sun in Capricorn is in sweet relationship with Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is rapid change but both Taurus and Capricorn are fixed Earth. So be prepared for a little transformational tension again today. The Moon squares both the Jupiter and Ceres. Which brings up those lessons from childhood where what you wanted was conditioned by Mother so you could belong and be safe. Squares require change. Like the T-square New Moon we began this cycle with, we are back to a personal choice.
Will you give yourself space to find out what you want now? Then once you do, can you also form it into behavior that connects you with options rather than trading your authenticity or muscling others to do as you wish? The way you navigate between those two extremes sets the tone for this coming year. Again, patience helps. This is a process of both undoing and becoming. Begin as you mean to go on and you’ll enjoy this year far more than if you don’t. You are worth your time!