Whew, Venus and Mercury finally stopped swimming in Pisces and hit forward momentum now they arrived in Aries. People with a lot of straight lines in their hands (or Fire in their astrology charts) are going to feel the most relief about this shift. But wait, the Sun and Neptune are still watery and Jupiter went retrograde this week.
Which means, especially between now and April 15th, it’s time to excavate those deeper motivations. For example, wherever you learned there isn’t enough love, success, opportunity or security for everyone, then greed and selfishness take root and show up in odd places and ways. This scarcity is at the root of behavior that hurts you and causes others to behave in painful ways as well.
These last few weeks with dreamy Pisces had a gathering of planets in contact with even dreamier Neptune, so feelings of suffering, fear and powerlessness popped to the surface in ways hard to ignore. If you didn’t notice it in your own feelings, those shadow emotions probably showed up in those around you. Either way, it’s time to mentally and spiritually clean out lingering fears of lack or loss in preparation for a rioting spring equinox in ten days time.
It may feel chaotic right now but there is abundance coming. In fact it will almost burst onto the scene. Where that shows up and what it looks like for each of you is very individual. It will be powerful, you will feel it and it helps if understand what is going on so it doesn’t feel quite so shocking.
I took a colleague’s advice and am simply sending you a flash sale so you can discover what that looks like for you. Something I’ve never done and yet it gets my help in front of those who want support right now. Where do fears have a tight grip that holds back more love and life? Remember fear always stands in front of the power to change, so the more fear, the greater the coming change. Where is restlessness or impatience a sign that something is about to come to life? Let’s find out and get you moving forward, feeling a whole lot better about you and your world. Anticipation and excitement are available with insight – and feel so much better than fear or anxiety.
This special is good until Sunday midnight. Imagine a small adjustment in perspective that clicks you back into flow so you can relax and enjoy whatever comes of spring. Glorious spring and new life. That’s what I want for you. If I can help, let’s do it.
Get your 20 Minute Live Call with Lisa (bonus 5 minutes) HERE.
Tight on time or budget? You can get two questions answered for the price of one question in a recorded reading from Lisa HERE.
Remember, this is good until midnight Sunday March 11th, then you still receive support, just minus the bonus time or question.
Wishing you abundance in whatever way feels best for you.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield