This long Lunar eclipse lasts nineteen minutes and serves up a recipe for change with obstacles as a featured ingredient. Necessary obstacles mind you. There are more celestial connections than space allows to describe them. So let me boil it down. This Lunar eclipse offers the opposite of a fork in the road. Instead you have two ways to approach the single path ahead of you. And it’s a very important path for you. Which may be why time is part of the recipe. Are you playing a long game or going for short term results?
That’s not the only decision this Lunar Eclipse serves up. Are you seeing life through wounded or powerless lenses when you act? Or can you make intuitive adjustments to your actions that call on the instinctive self as you are now? Whatever you desire, whatever your goals, those challenges in front of you offer a gift. Remember the old saying, “necessity is the mother of invention”? Time to take a creative approach` from an empowered place with some patience and see what comes of it.
Since Mercury is Retrograde in its own sign, this is a good time to discover your intelligence supply. It’s there. Everything you’ve been through has helped you get to this point. The point where you discover untapped resources within and without. Or you can squeeze back into small space and continue to walk ahead from there. You decide. Feel the accumulated knowledge of everything you’ve been through. It’s there in cellular memory. You survived it all. Learned more than your mind wants you to realize. Because then you’ll keep growing. Risk failure. It’s time to put a longer arc on what results mean and rework your interpretations in the present.
In fact reworking your story on what you think may be happening is a magical place to play. I had an encounter the other day that when I first looked at it, all I saw was my fear that I traded my authenticity in order to belong. Old pattern and not a favorite. Turns out that wasn’t what happened. But the punishing voices are quick to point out my failures and they know just where to attack. They want me back into safe space. Except, in reality I actually did speak my Truth in the exchange.
My friend and I hold similar perspectives, but while she stopped at the shared view, I dared speak of what was next. It made her uncomfortable, so I did risk belonging in order to be myself. She acknowledged that she wasn’t there yet, which was vulnerability on both sides. Intimacy, vulnerability and truth. Good first steps.
She still feels safer controlling outcomes when she’s on uncertain ground, I’m actively working on just speaking what’s mine and releasing control. What someone does with what I share is up to them. If I had listened to my fears I wouldn’t have seen that where our exchange was more than same old, same old. When I ran it by another trusted friend, she helped me see where I went further than I have before. Victory.
Where can you find your victory?
It may not look dramatic. In fact it may not even be obvious at first glance. And yet it’s there. I’ll bet you anything it is… if you slowly review. Mercury Retrograde loves to review, reimagine, rework and redo. This retrograde has a lot of support and insight to help you do just that. It just takes time. And you’re worth it. The Cards and Stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
5/15 empress Lunar eclipse scorpio
Oh the riches in this eclipse cycle. Taurus and Scorpio are all about tangible and intangible wealth. In Vedic Astrology it is in the constellation of Visakha. In Human Design it’s in the gate of Bounteousness. How perfect that the Empress shows up with the same message. You have something uniquely you to contribute to the world. Yet we’ve traded authenticity in order to belong. We let compromise after compromise whittle away the essence of who you are. Yet we cannot create without engaging in the world around us. So what is to be done?
This is our collective learning curve in history now. Can we collaborate instead of compromise? Where can differing views drive a bigger playing field? It requires patience. How you do one thing ultimately defines how you do most things. Take your own inventory. Make small adjustments. The Scorpio moon is square to Saturn, making sure uncomfortable investigations pay off. Willingness to look at those compromises that chip away authenticity yields riches. It offers you a chance to be you, without trading away key parts for cheap belonging. Because first and always, you must belong to yourself.
When you belong to yourself first, the quality of what you contribute goes up dramatically. Not because it’s perfect. Not by a long shot. If you can be imperfectly you the strength of what you add is exponential. This is not something new I share with you. Yet this eclipse season and long Lunar eclipse squaring Saturn promises rewards when you keep doing the internal work. The pay offs are getting bigger and the consequences of not doing it are getting more difficult. Not because the Universe is out to punish, rather it wants to correct.
This cycle is all about looking at the obstacles, challenges, imbalances and seeing them as necessary to your success. They aren’t a problem, there are a means to bring out the fullness of you. Difficult circumstances no longer have to define you, you define the circumstances. Why not let them be an adventure, tailor made to bring out the best in you. You’ve got time…
5/16 ten of cups
The Moon in Sagittarius is in sweet aspect to Jupiter in Aries today, bringing illumination to dark fear corners. Because the Moon will also stand opposite Mercury today, we get a good view of the lies our fear brain tells us. Pay attention to the stories your mind serves up. You want to separate out what is fact and what is fiction. The landscape now is not the same one you’ve had in the past. Update the map inside your brain. Or maybe burn the maps.
If you are in uncharted territory, make a whole new one. This way you don’t have to be in fear that what happened in the past is happening again. You aren’t the same so the only way it can turn out badly is if you insist on seeing it the same way. Stand in front of any difficulty and ask, “how can this serve me”? Then be patient, be open, curiosity always helps too. Let the way unfold from the neutral curious space and watch things shift, as if by magic. This ten announces you can have dreams come true. Your work is to believe it when it doesn’t look exactly like it pictured. It may be even better if you stay open. Words have power, thoughts become things. Communicate with yourself so that you love hearing what you think about YOU.
5/17 three of swords
Mars meets up with Neptune today in Pisces. With several other inspiring celestial combinations, you may feel energized, optimistic and adventurous. Then the roadblocks appear. For some they may be mind driven, the inner critic shows up. For others there may be physical obstructions or lack of support. Except your perception of what’s happening is the key here. This three is about sorrow’s from the past when there is delay. It’s also a card for separation. So what if you separate from the story of lack instead of from what you are doing?
Mars and Neptune together can give high drama to the ‘woe is me’. With Mercury retrograde in slightly hostile conversation with Venus, it is tempting to five in to self pity. Choose another option. Add compassion. When you feel the world is too much, that means you see yourself as too little. This is a time to review YOU. Fear lies. It always overestimates a threat and underestimates you. That way you survive in danger, you’re over prepared. Try running a matched set of best case/worst case scenarios when you need it. One is just as possible as the other and it fives your mind a worthy task. See, you can break up with a habit of losing out.
Once again how you think, how you communicate is up for revision. When you see a more global view of you, one that includes the good, bad and ugly, your self talk has more weight. Enjoy the expanding inner dialogue as one that acknowledges mistakes, learns from them and honors the hard choices and risks taken. Retrain your brain, one thought at a time.
5/18 eight of pentacles
This eight is about mastery, physically mastering something. It goes beyond merely learning facts. It is the kind of knowledge that lives in your body. The Moon in Capricorn sets off a tense aspect with Ceres and Jupiter. We have to learn how to feed ourselves, nourish our bodies with all things good for it. That includes what we take in mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well as physically. We have support this Mercury Retrograde cycle for significant breakthroughs in how we understand ourselves and our physical limits. This eight says use it to anchor the new truth in every sense of the word. It serves you well going forward.
5/19 ten of swords
Mercury trines Jupiter today, which tends to bring fast solutions, quick thinking to help turn difficulties, delays and obstacles into exciting options. So what’s with the hardest card in the Tarot deck showing up now? We have a run of cards, the Three of Swords on the 17th, then the eight of pentacles and now the ten of swords. Together what emerges is a strong affirmation. The worst is over, let it go! You will never be as powerless as you felt in the past. The Sun squares off with Pluto to help us let the past go and start fresh. The Moon trine Uranus sends a similar message.
You may experience difficulties but you also learned how to manage your mind to make the most out of anything that comes your way. It doesn’t matter where something begins. What matters is where you take it next. Mark today as a turning point in your life. The worst is over. Everything that went before fuels and uplifts you when you work with it. Let your history nourish you. See yourself as the victor over any circumstances you encountered, just because you walked through it and are here to tell the tale. There is a whole lot of possibility ahead of you.
5/20 two of swords
We have a run of swords this first week of the eclipse. With one strong body and heart card to anchor it, the rest is all mind. This two of swords is a reminder that whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. Mindset determines the outcome. To win you have to surrender trying to think your way forward or bending things to suit your will. The Moon meets up with Pluto, giving us an emotional housecleaning signal.
It helps to think out loud but choose your discussion partner wisely. Let them know you may just need to think out loud rather than debate options. Confidence is building but isn’t on solid ground quite yet. This is new territory so treat yourself kindly, watch the inner critic’s volume and output. By nightfall the Sun moves into Gemini and prepares for the next dip on the roller coaster of this eclipse season.
5/21 Princess of pentacles
The aspects today require balance and flexibility. Things may move fast or surprises may pop up in odd spots. Prepare to be inspired or invigorated. Why not prepare yourself for it to be beneficial? Our fear brain likes certainty in order to survive. But the best insurance for survival is creativity. Have some fun with your day. The Princesses (Or Page in some decks) are about the inner state of being that precedes the action called for by the Knights.
This earthy princess reminds us the body knows what to do. Tune in and be mindful of soothing it when it’s triggered. When you are in a calmer, more centered state you can do the most with the information coming your way. Breathing is important, right. So notice your breath. If you find yourself surprised or knocked for a loop, breathe out, all the way. It helps bring your limbic system back online. Then slow deep breaths in and out for a couple of minutes. Good. Now look at what’s unfolding and work it to your best advantage.
5/22 Justice
We have the Moon moving into Pisces to join Mars and Neptune before she finishes. But first she squares off with the Sun and Mercury retrograde. Thanks to a Mars Pluto connection we have a chance to bring out the best in the watery sign or drown in the sorrowful worst. You decide. This card is a card of balance. The victim looking for Justice is highlighted. Except that we cannot control that which is outside of us. We can only command the our own space, and sometimes not even that.
Back to those challenges that offer you a chance to innovate. When wounded feelings crop up, how can you approach the issues and bring balance into your life. What is possible that doesn’t rely on someone or something else to change before you feel better about yourself, hmm? Fresh insights, inspiration and feelings of empowerment are near at hand. Find yours and leave the shadow place of self pity. Have compassion for what hurt. Mentally kiss your own sore spot, Then balance the situation with compassionate action on your own behalf. Way to bring things into a more just space.
5/26 the fool
This card represents both innocence and the trickster. It invites us to trust that an innocent heart can confound even the greatest con you may encounter. Because those who would cheat, lie, steal to get something can never rest easy in what they achieve. They are constantly in fear that what they did to acquire it will be done to take it away. Those fears are the worms that eat the apples of achievement. There is little nourishment in it.
So you have to decide today where you will take the hard path or the noble choice rather than cut a corner for quick results. Trust yourself and the way ahead. While it may appear longer, there are riches waiting along the way to bless you. Scarcity is a prison we carry inside of us. Limited resources, unavailable options are there to help you innovate your way forward. It can bring out the very best in you when you let it. Now that is a really good trick.
5/27 the moon
The only real aspect today is from the Moon. How perfect. It’s is a good day to rest, reflect and incorporate fresh ways of seeing and being that are present with you now. The Moon is in easy aspect to both Ceres and Pallas Athene. These two heavy hitting feminine powers invite us to be strategic with how and what we feed our minds, bodies and souls. They help sort out what is beneficial from what is junk food and empty calories.
When we gossip or watch gossipy shows we feed our natural curiosity about each other. What is a healthier diet? Try a good documentary on Prohibition or Call the Midwife. Or a little futuristic imagining might feed your soul. Star Trek: Discovery or Raised By Wolves. Find your fuel and gear up for something that stirs the imagination with this energy. You want to be well fed for the wrap up of this Moon Cycle.
5/28 two of wands
The Moon meets up with the Great Awakener today, making for inspired exchanges with this two on deck. Venus slides into Taurus, one of its home signs to bring body wisdom to the mix. Electric ideas are sparking left and right. It can occasionally fuel little spats, but even those can enlarge your understanding of what lit up in your mind. Let your body give you good feedback. Tune in to find out where it opens and relaxes around a new possibility and where it contracts or tenses up. The tension is not necessarily a NO. It may well be a ‘not yet’. Hone your intuition and figure out which one it is. Then feel your way forward, open and appreciative of those sparkly thoughts inside of you!
5/29 nine of cups
This ‘make a wish’ card is the third nine in the cycle. Three is the number of communication and nine is mastery. Where are you mastering your inner dialogue? The invitation is there to see obstacles and challenges as ripe opportunity to to redo, reconfigure, rethink and create. If you need a melt down because you are blocked, by all means have it. Then redirect that frustration into finding a better option.
Sometimes you have to scrap things and begin fresh. Other times you simply need to rework what you have and do it from another angle. What you come up with is going to be stronger, better, more needed by the Universe than your original plan, because that’s what is happening. Trust yourself, trust the Universe and play. Within the next nine months you can have your wish come true, because you help make it real. With every brave choice, with every adaptive action, you make your life richer by far. Now that’s abundance not dependent on circumstances.