This Full Moon brings the potent energy of Uranus, the Great Liberator, to set us free. Many of us didn’t even realize we were bound, mistaking familiarity for security—even when that security is uncomfortable. But free we will be. This lunar phase offers a rich array of aspects to fuel our dreams and desires, empowering us to pursue them with confidence. However, to fully embrace the benefits, we must step into our own authority. No matter what unfolds around us, it’s our responsibility—and opportunity—to make the most of what’s there.
Take this week, for example. I had to evacuate due to the raging fires in Los Angeles, navigating ash, embers, and the surreal sight of flames roaring down the hillside behind my street. I won’t sugarcoat it: the adrenaline rush was intense, especially with small critters to corral who detest being caged. The evacuation turned chaotic when the alert escalated from “prepare to leave” to “go now,” with everyone joining the exodus. I won’t dive into every detail, but suffice it to say, the experience was eye-opening.
Initially, I responded to the trauma by over-functioning. Let’s unpack that. Our bodies typically react to threats in four common ways: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. Each serves a purpose. Fight and fawn lean into connection to cope, while flight and freeze pull away. Interestingly, even those who seem detached—appearing to “check out” or do nothing—experience strong internal reactions to trauma. The nervous system doesn’t discriminate; it just manifests differently. Here’s a hint for under-functioners: start by feeling safe within yourself, connecting with your own wants and needs.
Why does this matter? Because this Cancer Full Moon offers us the chance to examine our responses to challenges. These may not always involve life-threatening events; triggers often blur the line between real and imagined threats. It’s also worth noting that we rarely have just one response. While we may lead with one, different circumstances call forward adapted reactions. The ongoing Mars-Pluto opposition (though easing) continues to activate those fight/flight/fawn/freeze instincts. But here’s the silver lining: Mars also trines Neptune, inviting compassionate action or wise non-action. Hello, illumination! This celestial combination helps us rise above survival instincts and embrace a mindset of connection over division. You flourish when you understand your response and care for yourself no matter the circumstances.
Here’s a small example of flourishing through connection. After the immediate threat subsided, I returned home to pack more thoroughly. The air was still thick with ash, and the acrid smell of scorched buildings stung my eyes and nose. I was running on fumes after three days and two nights of high alert. Exhausted, I made the mistake of updating friends and family on social media instead of resting. Some comments felt like arrows, piercing my already fragile state. From my exhaustion, I unfairly asked people to stop being themselves. In hindsight, I needed to step away, log off, and get some sleep before revisiting that thread.
This was a hard but necessary lesson: it’s not anyone else’s job to manage my emotions. That responsibility lies with me. This Full Moon, with its sweet connection to Uranus, reminds us that we are no longer children relying on caregivers for survival. As adults, we can fall into old patterns, expecting others to fix things for us while forgetting they’re navigating their own challenges. The true magic lies in finding people who share our values and working together, even amidst differing beliefs.
Close friends and family were incredibly supportive during this time. I touched base with them and then dropped into retreat to stabilize myself. Beyond them, the next circle was less aligned but still purposeful if viewed through the right lens. It’s easy to focus on what hurts, or who disappoints, but growth comes from redirecting energy toward what helps. That’s why I’m opting out of the shame-and-blame game.
As Brené Brown wisely said:
“Blame is simply the discharging of discomfort and pain. It has an inverse relationship with accountability. Blaming is a way that we discharge anger.”
True accountability requires recognizing our power to shape our responses, no matter the raw materials life hands us. Many people resist accountability because they’ve been punished unfairly in the past. To encourage accountability, we must show others how to embrace it safely—not through fear or force, but through connection and understanding. So while we demand blamers be accountable, the bigger question is can we show them how to do it safely. I wouldn’t want to be held accountable at gunpoint. Once I took responsibility for my own reactions, I was ready to revisit the thread. I saw not just defensiveness but an olive branch—a sincere effort. That effort, however small, meant the world to me and reminded me of the value of connection.
This experience also underscored the importance of seeing people as their best actions, not their worst words. If someone’s coping mechanism is to fight, that’s still an opportunity for connection. My job is to maintain authentic relationships without sacrificing my own power through fawning. It’s not easy—far from it—but it’s empowering to face these challenges and emerge stronger. Knowing I can do hard things reassures me that, even in a polarized world, we can build bridges.
Those bridges will be vital in the year ahead. Flashpoints are inevitable, but this Moon cycle invites us to move beyond mere survival. With celestial support lighting the way, we can uncover fresh avenues, talents, and strengths. How do you want to feel, and what actions will lead you there? For me, it’s about cultivating genuine connections where I can be myself and offer others the same—especially when our coping mechanisms clash.
What’s your path forward?
The Cards and Stars can help…
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
1/13/25 Cancer Full Moon
Ernest Hemingway once said, “In our darkest moments, we don’t need solutions or advice. What we yearn for is simply human connection — a quiet presence, a gentle touch. These small gestures are the anchors that hold us steady when life feels like too much.
Mind: The Fool
The Fool encourages us to embrace the present moment. It reminds us that we carry all the wisdom we’ve gained from our experiences and observations. This isn’t the time to overthink or get too far ahead in your plans. The big changes ahead this year aren’t something we can outthink—they require us to care for ourselves deeply so we can, in turn, care for others.
The Fool symbolizes innocence and a fresh perspective, promising a simpler, more direct solution in each moment than our busy minds might choose.
The mind loves to stay active, so why not channel that energy in a healthier direction? Encourage your mind to draw from your wealth of experience to make the best decisions in the now. Remember, it’s not someone else’s job to change so you can feel better. Instead, reflect on what you truly value, want, and need. Can you ask for it in a way that allows for all the possible paths to fulfillment?
Keep your focus here, and watch as complex problems dissolve into moment-by-moment steps, leading you away from struggle and toward flourishing. You may not think your way there, but it is there—waiting. Step into it, and once you do, you’ll never doubt the simple magic again.
Body: Nine of swords
Your body is more honest with you than your mind, but it’s deeply influenced by the stories your mind tells. This is why it’s so important to weed out thought patterns that suggest you aren’t up to the task or that the world has to change before you can be, do, or have what you love.
When you’re unhappy with what you see, practice reframing. Ask your mind to find evidence that what’s happening in front of you is working for you, not against you.
Nine, in numerology, is a number of mastery, and this is a Nine Year. Mastering your thoughts is key to helping your body thrive. Mastery comes through practice, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities ahead. Don’t worry about mistakes—Swords are tools for cutting through illusions. You get to decide whether to sever ties with overestimating threats and underestimating yourself or let fear cut you off from the people and resources that help you flourish.
This card invites you to move from needless worry into a place of sharp clarity. Mastery lies in knowing what you truly value and working from that foundation.
Heart: The Creator
This bonus card mirrors the Empress, who thrives on receiving and cultivating abundance. The Creator reminds us to honor our boundaries and values, filtering out what doesn’t align with us. Indiscriminate yeses and noes—without respecting our own limits—can lead to trouble. Some of those moments might even become hilarious cautionary tales, but the phrase “wisdom born of pain” often applies.
We are responsible for much of our suffering when we make survival-based bargains instead of pursuing what we truly want. Building self-esteem and trust is essential, but they only grow when you face your fears and take on the hard stuff.
Here’s a hint: We can do hard things together! The process doesn’t have to be perfect, but don’t let yourself off the hook from giving it your best effort. This is where having an accountability buddy can make a big difference. If you don’t have one, start by being a good one to yourself.
A healthy yes becomes possible when you know how to offer a healthy no or not yet. Work toward this balance, and watch as your adjustments pave the way for delightful new possibilities, ready to unfold when you are.
Spirit: Eight of cups
This Moon cycle calls for a trade-off: your intuition guides you to release the security that comes at the expense of authenticity. Holding onto safety at such a cost can leave you emotionally drained.
Your mind takes innocent leaps of faith, reassuring your body not to worry unnecessarily. Your heart informs you of what doesn’t serve you. Spirit steps in now, sweeping away survival-based, transactional living like the tide pulling out.
Water is soft, and there’s no harshness in this release. In fact, it can feel like a relief to loosen your grip and let go.
Timing is key. Right action becomes clear when you stay in the moment. Don’t get stuck gazing too far ahead or lost in the rearview mirror. Gently but firmly, bring your attention back to the present. If you find yourself drifting, don’t fret—just redirect your focus.
Think of it as a gym for your mastery. Each repetition builds strength. Before long, you’ll be strong, steady, and thriving, working from this moment as your most essential self, accomplishing your essential tasks, and flourishing in the process.
Astrology Transits brought to you by Mike Lacey From Astrodaddy
1/14/25 Splurge Warning
Venus Square Jupiter – 1133am – Pisces/Gemini 12degrees – Feelings of grand happiness and enjoyment. Gorgeous and expansive beauty. A shop to you drop mindset if you’re not careful. . This is good feeling could become extreme – be careful not to overdo it. However, with the Moon in LEO, you might end up splurging!
1/15/25 Watch Tempers
Sun Opposes Mars – 6:25pm – Cap/Cancer 26 degrees – This can be a combative time and if you are not cautious you could alienate the very people who can help you. A little diplomacy, although frustrating for you at the moment, can be very helpful. If you are feeling very frustrated by the need to involve other people in your equation, then you may benefit from a physical outlet. Sports, martial arts etc could be helpful. As you go after your goal, you may experience competition
Moon square Uranus – 8:13pm – Leo/Taur – 23 degrees – Emotional restlessness and impatience. Sudden reactions and impulsiveness, mood swings.
1/17/25 Magic by Day – Manage the night
Sun sextile Neptune – 3:01am – Cap/Pisces 28degrees – Put thoughts together on paper about your creative ideas and a project you want to start. Actualize the magic in small steps to help make wishes turn into dreams come true.
Moon opposes Venus – 1:45pm – Virgo/Pisces – 14degrees – an overly passive nature – a smothering or possessive love, tendency towards emotional temptations or indulgence possible.
Moon opposes Saturn – 3:45pm – Virgo/Pisces – 16 degrees – defensiveness, feelings of isolation and loneliness, self judgement and repression of one’s basic needs.
You must be willing to go beyond comfort and face fears to realize more of the magical possibilities in your world. You have the power, will you put it to work for you?
1/18/25 Mindfulness matters
Moon opposes Neptune – 2:49pm – Virgo/Pisces – 27degrees – yin weakness, vulnerability, emotional confusion and projection
Sun sextiles North Node and trines South Node – 317pm – Cap/Pisces & Virgo – 29degrees – The Nodes are a sensitive point in an astrology chart and therefore transits are likely to indicate something significant when they occur. Sometimes the significance stands out and is obvious. At others it is more subtle and we have to look for the nuances. In this case the Sun and the North Node signify a positive new feature in your life, perhaps even a new chapter. Something or someone may enter your life right now enabling you to shine more brightly.
Venus conjunct Saturn – 5:17pm – Pisces 16 degrees – Today favors neither Love nor Money when you aren’t willing to do the work for them. Avoid first dates, signing papers or spending for a luxurious night out. stay home and get things done! You feel accomplished when you clear the decks. Relationships are a serious business for you right now. You ponder your options, possibly planning a make or break a commitment. A pause in your social calendar helps you reassess your friendships and more serious relationships. You may also spend time with work or business colleagues during this period. Memories of past loves may also play on your mind. The trick is to take love unions, past or present, seriously but not become too pre-occupied. The past needs to be reckoned with, assimilated and the way forward embraced.
Moon conjunct South Node and opposes North Node – 549pm – Virgo 29 degrees – This may be a short period of upsets. Try not to make any serious decisions but rather observe and learn from your current experiences. Letting go of past hurts, coming to terms with sad memories and making peace with sour feelings are the lessons right now. The end result offers feelings of greater comfort and tranquility you gave yourself.
Again, we thrive when challenges turn us inward to find our own strength, resilience and courage. Give yourself a pep talk, kiss any old wounds and take even one step in a direction or in a fresh way.
1/19/25 Alchemy creates expansion
Mercury sextile Venus – 8:57am – Cap/Pisces 28 degrees – This day improves your social life but considering Venus conjunct with Saturn yesterday still at play, keep your social interactions personal and private focusing on just one friend or sweetheart or loved one. This is a time when social conversations flow easily as you exchange ideas and stories with your associates. You are likely to communicate with a spirit of compromise and agreement. There are opportunities for harmonious interaction and clarity. You are also likely to have a heightened appreciation of beauty.
Sun enters Aquarius – 12 NOON – Time to be innovative. Shine in social groups. Gregarious pursuits rather than introspective. Be spontaneous.
Moon trines Jupiter – 7:05pm – Libra/Gemini 11 degrees. This is a brief but ideal time when you have the opportunity to take up new feel-good activities. You have the chance to take part in some enjoyable activities, to spread your wings and fly. This could be as simple as taking a day to explore your local area, put your feet up and read a book or take up a new hobby. On the other hand you may begin to think about an exciting plan to broaden your horizons – a new form of study, a trip abroad or the advent of a spiritual journey. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
1/20/25 Big Emotions
Moon Square Mercury – 8:25am – Lib/Cap 18 degrees – You may feel a little nervous or anxious during this brief period. Changes or news may be the catalyst for your moodiness. A woman, or women, in your life may be challenging you to change your thinking, but it could be anyone or anything that is upsetting your routine. Try not to worry too much. Many changes are blessings in disguise. You fare best when you apply positive thinking techniques. This way things will seem brighter.
Moon opposes Chiron – 10:25am – Lib/Aries 19 degrees – When we store hurt feelings in our hearts and minds then we also tend to harbor them in our body. This can lead to physical illness, minor or major. This is your opportunity for cleansing the past, letting go of hurt feelings and moving forward. Drink lots of water, rest your weary feet and soul for a day to so and see any hurt feelings as opportunities for healing. Now is the time to build bridges rather than burn them.
1/21/25 Master reactions
Mercury Square Chiron 12:09am – we’re sleeping… yet we will feel this energy all day. Something or someone is likely to be upsetting your plans right now. This may be sparking memories of similar incidents in your younger days. Try not to react too strongly. You can only control your own reactions. Perhaps you can learn some valuable lessons from other people’s mistakes rather than your own. Memories and dreams are strong right now and these can be a good guide for right action in your own life. If others are behaving poorly then it is time to forgive and forget. At the same time you are free to let go and get on with your own plans. Healing comes in many forms.
Sun conjunct Pluto – 4:25am Aquarius 2 degrees – Again, we’re sleeping but this energy will be with us all day. Don’t be overly assertive today to get your way. Use a light touch. If someone tries to pressure you to agree with them in a manipulative manner -you need to resist. Your biological urges are powerful right now. Enjoy the feelings, learn from them and trust that all is in order. On the other hand if you feel that something is not quite right then trust your instincts and put those things to right. This is an ideal time to overcome any bad habits and replace them with empowering and enlivening activities.
1/22 Deepen Understanding
Moon trine Saturn – 5:37pm 16 degrees – we still feel the Sun conjunct Pluto from yesterday but we end the day on a lovely note. Our emotions are steady, secure. We have integrity and emotional satisfaction. This is the gift of getting through yesterday’s energy.
1/23/25 Liberation
Moon opposes Uranus – 7:09am Scorpio/taurus 23 degrees -A lot of strong feelings may pop up unexpectedly today. Your freedom rests in you mastering your reactions. You are not at the mercy of whatever happens, you always have the option to command your response towards beneficial outcomes. More than satisfying power plays, you thrive when big feelings are channeled like water power and light up all kinds of potential for you.
Mars sextile Uranus – 7:29am Can/Tau – 23 degrees – A wonderful day for travel or for feeling spontaneous, impulsive, experimental, curious, and extremely creative. See how well you do when you allow yourself to play. Inspiration strikes during this period. Your energy sparks up and you are ready to tackle new and exciting projects. Existing projects are also likely to stimulate. At last you see the light. You are able to breakthrough obstacles in innovative ways. A dynamic leader, inspiring others with your original ideas, you are electric. Any unusual hobbies, activities or original ideas are likely to take off right now.
Mercury opposes Mars – 12:49pm Cap/Can – 23 degrees – Someone may be critical of you today. But just brush it off. Take what is valuable of what they have to say and discard the rest. Some quick thinking is required during this period. You are required to be decisive, honest and assertive but to be careful how you express yourself. You are well advised to focus on your own affairs rather than try to direct others as it could come across in an aggressive rather than helpful manner. Conflict is to be avoided although you may have some difficulty doing this as you feel restless, irritable and offended by others’ actions. Can you escape for a while and let off some steam with an athletic pursuit? If not then focus your mind on the most positive outcome and count to ten before saying anything.
Mercury trine Uranus – 1:57pm Cap/Tau – 23 degrees – A remarkably good day where any and most news will be good news. Originality is the name of the day. Right now you need to think outside the square. An unexpected event or new may take you by surprise. Possibly even a relative may pay a surprise visit. Your powers of inventiveness are tested. This is an ideal time to experiment with new friends, activities, pastimes and projects. If you have been thinking of embracing new technology then now is the time. The more that you are set in your ways the more that you are likely to find this brief period upsetting. If you can see the opportunities that are available right now then you are likely to enjoy a new spark in life.
1/24/25 Restraint
Moon opposes Jupiter – 6:47pm sag/gem 11degrees – During this short Moon and Jupiter transit show some restraint even though you may be tempted (especially by others) to perform grand gestures. Grandiosity is not appealing. Neither is excess. With a little self-control you can reap the rewards of this influence rather than suffer the consequences.
1/25/25 Creative Power of Pleasure
Venus trines Mars – 347pm Pisces/Cancer 22 degrees – This is what’s called a romantic weekend. The influence of the planet Mars can begin two days before an exact transit and last two days after. Physical attraction is high on your agenda right now. If you direct your energies wisely then you can enjoy energetic, sexual and creative activities. You are also very charming during this brief period and can put this to good use. However, you may be motivated to spend money on something that improves your lifestyle or gives you pleasure. You can enjoy the company of both men and women and may also enjoy an outing to the theatre, museum, art gallery or tourist attraction.
1/26/25 Better Possibilities
Mercury sextile Neptune – 10:37am – Cap/Pisces – 28degrees – The sweet romantic aura of yesterday continues. This is what it’s like speaking to your partner without using words. Today your intuition will be strong and receptive. Affection swells. Your imagination is luring you to dream, but practical matters hold less mental appeal. You are unlikely to be able to concentrate on practical tasks. However, this is the ideal time to write song lyrics, listen to music, escape to an art gallery or meditate. Anything that uplifts your spirits is likely to be beneficial during this brief transit. You are more sympathetic today and you are also more sensitive. This is a good time to listen, breathe and meditate rather than act. Take your time, think about your beliefs and communicate with compassion and love.
Venus sextiles Uranus – 3:27pm – Pisces/Taurus – 23degrees – Romantic surprises are in store for those with an open heart. This week augurs well for social events with a difference. You are likely to connect with bright and sparky friends and/or colleagues. Other people energize you or pique a new interest with a difference. You may also benefit from a little retail therapy right now although your tastes are likely to vary from the norm. Social activities are exciting. Money matters may be a little erratic but you enjoy spending some of your earnings on pleasurable pursuits or possessions. This is an ideal time to share your original thoughts and passion.
1/27/25 The Unique You – Freak Flag in Hand
Mercury enters Aquarius – 6:57pm – Seek original and unique ideas. Enjoy exchanging ideas with other people, particularly friends and groups of people. With Jupiter still retrograde in Gemini, watch out for overheated brain drain. Be sure to do things that get your body and senses involved to help ground all the mental activity flying around. Do watch for aha moments when you see yourself, your past and other people with completely unexpected perspectives. When you get those breakthroughs test them in your body. Fear has us contract or tense and stay there. Truth has us open up and brace ourselves for action. Feel the difference as you go.
1/28/25 Free to master deep emotions
Moon conjunct Mercury – 1:47pm – During this brief period ideas flow freely. You express both your feelings and your thoughts with clarity. This is an excellent time for co-operative projects or for expressing your thoughts and feelings. You are compassionate and clear; receptive and assertive; and able to listen as well as express yourself. This is also an ideal time to listen to a lecture, read a book or watch an informational dvd. You are receptive to positive communications.
Moon conjunct Pluto – 2:57pm – Moments of emotional clarity occur during this short transit. These may be preceded by emotional outbursts, but it is also likely that you gain clarity from inspirational events. The planet Pluto always reveals and liberates through the truth in brief transits such as this, and in bigger ways on other occasions. Truthful feelings come to the surface. It is up to the individual whether or not the truth is embraced or a battle ensues. At the moment you are more likely to accept and feel relieved by the truth of your own emotions.
Mercury conjunct Pluto – 11:57pm Aquarius -2 degrees – If you need to get to the truth, start digging and you’ll get it. This can a beneficial time for a focusing on a particular project or person, keeping your thoughts positive and comments insightful. Your mind is likely to be sharp and therefore decisions are more easily made. Your conversations are likely to be more penetrating than usual, either on a personal or business level. You can be very persuasive and your powers of concentration are deep. You may enjoy activities such as chess, sudoku, mahjong or bridge.