Can you confront pain head-on when it arises? If not, you’re not alone in the struggle. Today’s Libra eclipse opposes the Aries Sun, with Mercury gearing up to retrograde back over Chiron. Our ability to connect with others is directly linked to how we handle our own pain. Without a healthy process for dealing with our own wounds, we inadvertently project pain into our relationships. As Mercury retrogrades in April, it urges us to examine our internal conflicts and how they manifest in our interactions with others. Our wounds are trying to communicate with us. They show up most often in disagreements. Are we willing to listen to the deeper message when they do? The eclipses in Aries and Libra carry that theme for most of this year. It our opportunity to reset both internal and external dialogue with relationship rewards as the outcome.
Consider this scenario: A friend shared an exchange with another friend about the struggles of being overweight. While the first friend had experienced minor weight fluctuations, the other had faced significant challenges. Initially, my friend attempted to relate by sharing her own less burdensome weight journey. However, she sensed discomfort on both sides in their conversation and withdrew, feeling dissatisfied. Returning to her friend later, she confessed her difficulty in truly empathizing and being present with her pain. This led to a more productive conversation. She could only go back for a better outcome once she confronted her fear that acknowledging privilege meant her own pain was somehow less than or dismissed. She took care of herself and then took better care of her friend. Her friend could feel the care extended, even in an imperfect process.
Acknowledging our own pain alongside another’s lies at the heart of many communication breakdowns. We can only fully support someone else when we believe our suffering will also be met with care and compassion. When we haven’t validated our own pain as worthy and deserving of attention, it seeps into our interactions, causing suffering for all involved. It unconsciously becomes a wound-ranking contest. Therefore, if you aim to be present for someone else’s pain, you must first acknowledge your own, at the very least. Consistent self-validation is crucial. Allow the mature aspect of yourself to stand alongside the younger version, offering your own support and understanding whenever necessary.
It takes repetition to have this become the new normal. So does non-judgmental listening. Remember, you don’t need to fix everything; you just need to be heard, seen, and acknowledged. As you learn to confront pain directly without evasion or deflection, its hold on you begins to diminish. You evolve one interaction at a time. Your choices, conversations, and actions aren’t colored by trying to ensure your pain gets ‘equal’ time. Because you’ve already taken quality time for what hurts you and built trust that you care enough about it to tend to it as an adult, not trying to rewrite history over and over again. If you don’t have good listeners, you may need to be the one who models it first. It’s a learning curve, one well worth making. The Cards and Stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
3/25 Libra Lunar Eclipse – The Chariot: Steady progress
We’re biologically wired to regulate our emotional state through others. It’s a double-edged sword. If you grew up in an unhealthy family environment, you’re likely to repeat those patterns in adulthood. But the good news is we can rewire our brains. This Moon cycle/eclipse strongly urges us to do just that. The Chariot signals success, but it comes with a warning: true victories take time. It’s a journey of steady progress. Understanding your internal response system is crucial, so you’re not constantly at the mercy of external circumstances. Get ready for a couple more Moon cycles where our vulnerabilities and coping mechanisms take center stage.
Relationships often involve survival tactics. Manipulation arises when people feel unable to voice their wants or needs and fear not being heard. Fragile self-esteem can’t handle the disappointment of unmet desires, leading to extreme measures to achieve them. Some suppress their needs to fit in, while others manipulate situations without considering the other person. Regardless of where you stand, now is the time to consciously choose the quality of connection you desire and learn healthier ways to attain it.
Take a cue from my friend and listen to the small voice within guiding you toward what feels right. She didn’t waste time justifying her actions or projecting her fears onto others. She didn’t know what to do other than confront her discomfort to see where that lead. Letting go of these patterns is a significant step, but it’s achievable. The outcome was an honest, safe, and loving conversation where everyone felt understood. Perfection wasn’t the goal; embracing messy, authentic emotions was. That’s a fantastic start to rewiring your brain for healthier intimacy. With the chariot as our guide during this eclipse, remember that you’re capable of achieving it. Stay the course and pursue a connected life that brings you joy. It’s not just possible; it’s real and within your reach with a little persistent effort
3/26 Five of Pentacles: Power of Projection
This five card underlines feelings of scarcity and a struggle to really connect with others. It lines up perfectly with the Moon opposite Chiron and Mercury cozying up to the asteroid Discord, Eris. To truly click with others, we’ve got to face up to the stories we’re spinning about them. You know, those interpretations we’ve picked up along the way that might not match the reality of the moment. Holding onto these tales creates a big old barrier between us and other people. Instead of being open and curious, we’re stuck defending our own turf. But when is it our own defensiveness that’s actually getting in the way, more than the other person?
We tend to attract those who remind us of our history, but not exact replicas. And that’s where the magic happens, right in that gap between what we know and what’s new. It’s in that space that we learn how to respond differently, how to be more present and powerful in the here and now. But breaking free from that scarcity mindset, that belief that these people in front of us are our only shot, can be tough. Back in the day, we couldn’t just trade in family members who were giving us grief. But guess what? We’re not so stuck anymore. Remind yourself of that, especially when you feel dependent on the relationships you’ve got.
So, let’s talk about progress. It’s about comforting that part of ourselves that feels trapped by the limits of our current connections. Evolution doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a slow and steady journey that we’re all on. We each carve out our own path, making mistakes, learning, and growing along the way. And yeah, sometimes we slip up and project our own stories onto others. But that’s where that inner watchdog comes in handy. It’s about keeping eyes peeled for fresh opportunities to prove our own belief in abundance right? On any given day there is proof for the best and worst of what you believe. Scarcity is often a matter of looking out the wrong window. Pick another view and be pleasantly surprised.
3/27 The Moon: Intuitive Change Required
The Moon card represents our intuitive gifts and the fears that come with them. With the Scorpio Moon in harsh aspect with Pluto before dawn, we can’t pick and choose what we sense. To repress the unpleasant insights, puts the brakes on all incoming information. Which means to go to the next level, you must prepare to experience more of life as it is. Let’s unpack that statement before fear has you backing away. Good people make mistakes. That includes you. Can you see them, acknowledge them as the truth of the moment without blaming someone or something else?
To do that you may need to spend time on what it meant to be wrong or make a mistake when you were young. Was it safe to do so? If it wasn’t, can you make it safe for you now? The Moon trines Mars to help take a step in that direction. You can do something to comfort yourself about one or two past mistakes that are hard to admit but not impossible. It takes courage to look your errors square on and not deflect, blame or minimize them. What matters more is what you do afterwards. Can you repair what you helped to break? That only happens when you are accountable first. Remember your reluctance is likely tied to feeling unsafe to get things wrong. Hold onto the truth that good people can make mistakes.
3/28 Queen Of Pentacles: Creative Solutions
The Scorpio Moon trines Saturn to help ground the growth spurt of the last couple days. How exciting to recognize you are capable of doing more than your comfort zone allowed. As the Moon opposes Jupiter, observe how your emotions have quite a rich color palette. With Moon Venus in cozy communication, unexpressed desires may make an appearance. If some of these feelings have been a long-time suppressed, they may be noisy or awkward at first.
This Queen speaks of grounded abundance. So by all means, welcome those unleashed desires. Just don’t act on them all yet. Get to know them. Chat them up a bit and explore them. They may need fresh dressing before they go out in public. The sweet spot today is to welcome what comes in and leisurely decide where they best add to your life in the best way. Creative solutions are just the right way to stretch your growing world nicely.
3/29 Eight of Swords: Never Stuck
Prepare for some strong intuitive hits today with the Moon trine to Neptune. This alignment reminds us that we are only as stuck as we think we are. When applied to the increased insight, it means not letting fear hijack what you do with it. Our brain knows how to survive the familiar, so it will try to talk us into or out of the right action on our expanding inner guidance. As long as you know it’s happening, you still command the actual response. By all means, wisely find your next steps as exciting opportunities appear.
This eight is the hallmark of limited thinking. You are only as stuck as you believe you are. So if you don’t like that feeling, play with the idea that something else possible. Your intuition has plenty of guidance to offer along with equal measure of resistance. Like a race car driver who uses both feet for gas and brakes, there’s skill required. One you are learning. So breathe into the insights, insist your intuition leave bread crumbs for you to safely follow and see what’s next. You bring all your life-learned resources with you, so you are never stuck.
3/30 Knight of Wands: Wisely Courageous
When the Sagittarius Moon trines the Aries Sun, we feel compelled to embark on new adventures. Courage accompanies this bold Knight, emphasizing that bravery is essential in life’s journey. However, this afternoon, the Moon squares off with Saturn, reminding us of the importance of responsibility as we explore. It’s like hiking in the desert; you wouldn’t dare venture out without ample water supplies and an emergency kit. Whatever beckons you today, ensure you thoroughly prepare and double-check your arrangements. Only then can you truly savor the day and create fond memories to cherish later on.
3/31 Ten Of Cups: Wanting All You Have
This Ten assures that dreams can come true and may signal ‘happily ever after’. However, today’s aspects highlight that the journey ahead still includes life’s hills, valleys, and pitfalls. This invites reflection on a favorite wedding toast: “Happiness isn’t having all you want; it’s wanting all you have.” As you undergo significant and uncomfortable growth, can you find happiness in everyday moments? Gratitude is beneficial, but more importantly, can you pause and discover something delightful in your day?
It could be an unexpected answer from a child, the hilarious antics of a pet, or the sight of fresh flowers bravely emerging in early spring. Perhaps it’s a good book or the aroma of your favorite food. When you actively seek delight, your life becomes richer with it, as what you seek, you often find. Tune into it the way you would a podcast or song you love. Fulfilling desires is one of the joys of being human.
Today offers reassurance that happiness is within reach. We simply need to bridge the gap between what is presently available and what remains unexplored. It’s time to practice healthy, secure acceptance of the goodness in this moment. The more you recognize it’s safe to receive what’s offered, including the challenges along the way, the more you connect with fulfillment and savor it as you go.
4/1 The Devil: Is In The excuses – Mercury Retrograde
No joke, the Devil makes an appearance today to shed light on the choices we often prefer to overlook. Additionally, Mercury turns retrograde, intersecting with both Chiron and the North Node twice before departing Aries for another year. There’s no avoiding it’s time to confront our temptations; whether they’re as obvious as convenient excuses for avoiding difficult tasks or as subtle as using excessive work to evade present life. The latter tends to keep people at arm’s length, despite the potential rewards. This Mercury retrograde underscores the consequences of immature communication.
The good news is that as the fastest-moving planet, swift maturation is feasible. However, the downside is that you can’t sidestep the fallout from staying stuck. With the Mars/Saturn conjunction, pressure mounts to embrace growth, or else pain is probable. Apologies for delivering unpleasant news, but there it is: touching a hot stove results in a burn, and acting on premature conclusions leads to blistering consequences, especially during Mercury retrograde.
A valuable aspect of this Mercury retrograde is its capacity to offer a fresh perspective on longstanding wounds. Instead of escalating perpetual conflicts where no one emerges victorious, it’s wiser to focus on understanding your own vulnerabilities. Investing effort in this direction can yield significant dividends. While the initial gains may seem modest, celebrating each shift is crucial. These pivotal changes can yield substantial long-term benefits, fostering genuine connection in subsequent interactions. There’s an abundance of richness to be found in such dialogues.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether to cling to excuses for what doesn’t work or embrace a fresh approach, forging a new path forward.
4/2 Nine Of Swords: Self Inflicted Pain
Most of the things we worry about never come to pass. Turns out, only about 15% of them actually occur, and over three-quarters of people found that they coped better than they had feared. While Mercury aids in resetting our communication, keep those statistics handy. Nines symbolize mastery, and swords represent the realm of thoughts. The message is straightforward: master your thoughts. Remember, you can counter those worst-case scenario images your brain conjures.
Since you can’t prevent your brain from its instinctive habit of anticipating the future, train it. Whenever you envision the worst-case scenario, insist that your brain pairs it with the best-case scenario.. If you master this simple practice, you can significantly reduce the unnecessary energy spent imagining undesirable outcomes. Stimulus, then response. You’re likely to encounter numerous opportunities to implement this approach. Today’s celestial influences lead you from success to challenge and back to success. Remember, Mercury in Aries learns quickly. Let today provide an opportunity to enjoy a bit of mental mastery.
4/3 Queen Of Cups: Kindred Spirits
What a delightful combination of celestial influences and cards today! This Queen symbolizes good fortune and happiness when used to its fullest potential. It aligns with Pluto, just as Venus aligns with Neptune. These two distinct cozy pairings assure us that when we confront and embrace our entire selves, positive outcomes ensue—outcomes better than we’ve had until now!
On the flip side, if we neglect to take charge as the responsible adult overseeing all the different versions of ourselves, emotional overload, deceit, and disappointment may ensue. Quite the dilemma, isn’t it?
When we deceive ourselves about our true nature, achieving desired outcomes becomes improbable at best and impossible at worst. The invitation here is to start from where you are, right now. You’re flawed, yet still worthy of love. Demonstrate this by acknowledging and accepting your imperfections today. The fear that prevents us from facing uncomfortable truth exaggerates the consequences of confronting reality. So, take a few moments, at the very least, to embrace yourself just as you are. Doing so enables us to extend the same kindness to others without condoning negative behavior. Instead, it fosters improved behavior all around!
When we understand that we are loved and accepted, we’re motivated to improve our behavior towards those who accept us just the way we are. Whether this acceptance comes from others or from ourselves, opt for this mindset. Doing so strengthens your self-trust with tangible evidence. In fact, the presence of two Queens in a single cycle signifies a significant encounter of kindred spirits. This doubles your capacity to draw positive things towards you, as Queens symbolize the feminine allure. Acknowledge it, extend it, and celebrate creating a world where this reality holds fresh significance.
4/4 Eight of Wands: Energy Output
Anticipate a day filled with unexpected twists and turns. This marks the second occurrence of the number eight in a cycle, which invariably brings unforeseen developments to the forefront. On the bright side, you’ll discover ways to express your authentic self and maintain integrity despite external influences. However, as Venus transitions into Aries tonight, a cautionary note is warranted. Be mindful of charging ahead recklessly. Impatience and indignation in response to delays won’t propel you forward; instead, they’re more likely to alienate valuable resources. Regardless of how justified your frustration may feel, it’s essential to recognize that you don’t have the full picture yet.
This eight serves as a reminder that the energy you project returns to you in kind. It’s not about punishment; rather, it reflects the same frequency you transmit. Therefore, whether you receive positive or less favorable feedback, consider it your personal report card. Adjust your actions accordingly to ensure better outcomes in the future.
4/5 Nine of Wands: Disciplined Approach
Astrologically, it’s a relatively quiet day with one favorable and one challenging aspect. On the positive side, it’s simpler to maintain a disciplined approach to whatever challenges arise. This proves beneficial as you may encounter a few irritating interruptions. With Mercury retrograde, we find ourselves revisiting details we previously overlooked or rushed through. This time around, it’s crucial to exercise thoroughness and delve into the nitty-gritty. During conversations, be sure to ask questions and confirm your understanding by repeating what you believe you’ve heard. Taking preventive measures unquestionably yields dividends today.
4/6 Two of Wands: Carried Away
Today’s celestial influences challenge our capacity to remain present in the moment and address it as it unfolds. Don’t allow minor sparks to ignite major fires and don’t let small challenges escalate into significant issues.. This period tests our determination to communicate more authentically with ourselves and others. It’s natural to crave a sense of belonging, yet it’s also understandable that our adeptness at fitting in and achieving our desires may be more aligned with the past than the present. Therefore, trust your intuition and pay attention to the narratives you tell yourself. False stories give you spiritual indigestion. It’s meant to help realign your focus. The objective is to engage with others from an inspired standpoint while maintaining robust, healthy boundaries that stem from an ever-expanding understanding of who you are in the present moment.
4/7 Eight Of Pentacles: Burdens Lesson As We Learn
What a wonderful message to conclude this Moon cycle! The presence of three eights signifies a lightening of burdens. Isn’t that a relief? This Eight serves as a reminder that true artisans don’t merely learn; they master their craft. Because what you project out into the world reflects back to you. When you offer your best, you receive the best in return. Today, with the Moon in conjunction with Neptune, it’s likely that your dreams carry valuable insights for you. Not only dreams, but signs may also appear with messages that feel divinely timed.
It’s truly delightful to sense the universe conspiring to offer you guidance in playful, unconventional, and symbolic ways. For instance, I once encountered a bus with “Come to Peru” written on the back just as I contemplated purchasing a ticket. How serendipitous! Where will you lighten your load with a dash of inspired guidance? Challenge the universe and remain open to how it responds. I always make it a point to request not to overlook the signs! Hence, the bus painted with an answer. What will your request be?