Curiosity takes the lead. All the astrology, card readings, and omens surrounding this eclipse share a common thread: you don’t yet have all the info you need to make a well-informed move. Still, that won’t stop some from the ‘shoot first and ask questions later’ approach. It’s a bit of an Americanism, especially in what’s left of the Wild Wild West. But you can’t shoot your way through what’s unfolding. In fact it’s overkill. That’s why gathering information before taking action is so crucial. Raw force hurts more than it helps. It’s time to saddle up courage, vulnerability, and risk-taking ability. You’ll want them by your side during this Moon Cycle.
Mercury Retrograde in Aries can include a rush to speak, as well as jump to conclusions. This eclipse brings to light the extremes of fear-driven or hostility-driven choices. Excess fear can freeze us, while hostility can push us toward aggression to feel safe. Competition becomes one “acceptable” way to channel that aggression. If we’re first or the best, we think we’re safe—at least in that moment at the top. But those definitions are largely dictated by external factors. The goal this eclipse season is to ramp up your ability to embrace creative independence. In other words, the situation doesn’t define the person. The person defines the situation. But in order to do that you need to be sure you have all the pertinent facts, starting with the facts about YOU.
As we navigate this Solar Eclipse in Aries, coupled with a close connection to Chiron and a Mars/Saturn rendezvous, it helps transform any misery, especially the self-inflicted kind. (Like when we jump to the wrong conclusion and chaos ensues) The cards keep echoing the same message: do things differently. You possess hidden skills and abilities you haven’t even begun to tap into. In fact, you can turn anything that happens into a quest. You can discover powers you didn’t know you had within you. What a fantastic way to navigate this Mercury Retrograde in Aries alongside the Eclipse. So, what’s your superpower? Is it more physical? Can you sense the shift in a conversation? Or are you a heart-driven superhero who can adjust the emotional temperature in any situation with ease? The best part about this approach? There is no competition to be you…
Let your current circumstances serve to reveal your incredible skills at making things work for you. It does require you bravely face your current levels (and limits) of empowerment, so you can go beyond it. It may feel tender and uncomfortable to acknowledge those limits, especially the self created ones. You are free to do it the way you want and learn from whatever comes. With Aries so heavily featured, baby steps are likely. Whatever comes up this Moon cycle, put it to work. The cards and stars will help.
Thank you,
Lisa Greenfield
3/8 Aries Solar Eclipse – Six of Cups: Don’t Should on yourself
One of the biggest obstacles to unleashing our superpower is the baggage of ‘shoulds,’ ‘have tos,’ and ‘ought tos’ that we inherit. The moment we start ‘should-ing’ on ourselves, we shift from our heart to our head. But let’s face it, the mind isn’t our best guide. Our hearts wield a magnetic power thousands of times stronger than our minds—they can even measure the magnetic difference! So when we let our hearts lead and use our minds to figure out how to get there, we attract far more resources than we ever could by overthinking. However, to find our path, we need to recognize where we tend to rely on outside expectations of how things should be.
The Six of Cups card takes us back to childhood, where many of our beliefs take root. It’s no wonder—we often find comfort in carrying forward our family’s beliefs, even if we disagree with them. Surprise, we may catch ourselves repeating their words before we realize we’ve done it. It’s part of our primal need to belong in order to survive. Now, the question is, are we willing to shine a light into the corners where those ‘shoulds’ sneak into our present-day conversations and thoughts and limit us?
The shift could be as small as telling our minds to be on the lookout for those patterns. This simple act starts to disentangle us from other people’s energy, which can limit our creativity. That’s part of our survival skill, to stay alive through habit. We also default to familiar places to avoid the discomfort of failure when faced with new challenges. But growth means accepting that some things we try won’t work out. Are we ready to embrace disappointment as part of the learning process?
At its core, it’s about syncing our energy with the present moment, without filtering it through our preconceived notions. Sometimes, the best way to figure out what works is by noticing what doesn’t quite fit. Find your flow—it’s a journey filled with courage, willingness, participation, and curiosity to see what magic you can create with whatever is present before you.
4/9 The Hanged Man: Retrain The Brain
When the Hanged Man makes an appearance, it always emphasizes the importance of patience. This is a period of transition. Just like you can’t rush a butterfly out of its cocoon, you can’t force your way through the daily learning curve. One reason for this is something I’ve mentioned before: rushing often leads us back to our old habits. It’s like our muscles remember, and we react without fully engaging. Today’s aspects urge us to delve deep into our motivations. The Moon square to Pluto highlights where fear and peer pressure influenced our decisions more than our true instincts.
In this card, the illustration depicts a man suspended upside down by a butterfly. It reinforces the saying, ‘good things take time.’ It also places our heart above our mind. Once again, the message is to approach things differently, and to do that, you need to take the time to discover what ‘differently’ looks like for you. If hearing this again feels frustrating, I understand. But with yesterday’s eclipse and tomorrow’s Mars/Saturn meetup, the message is unavoidable. So, why not play with time? See if you can bend it, creating accordion-like folds. Imagine standout moments from the past on one side and future moments you’d like to stand out on the other. Then, feel the rhythm as you stretch and compress time together. At the very least, it’s a moment of creativity.
4/10 Ace of Wands: Inspired Freedom
The Moon teams up with Jupiter, and three hours later, it does the same with Uranus. This amps up our emotions before handing us scissors to cut old ties that hold us back when we yearn for freedom. We’re just ten days away from an exact conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. The Moon ignites our passion, helping us spot where we’ve opted for security over risk or let impulse take the lead over innovation. Today, Mars and Saturn meet up right in the heart of Pisces. Mars represents the gas pedal, while Saturn is the brakes. The aim here is to find your own balance of impulse control and inception.
While this Ace isn’t the suit of earth, it feels like the essence of whatever you decide to create on the potter’s wheel. Today offers a chance to understand more about how you kick off something new. Remember, this is your chance to express yourself uniquely, and there’s no need for a straight path. Linear progress is rarely possible when you’re starting from scratch, so toss that idea out the window. What’s exciting is feeling inspired, like a spark in a dark room. Keep going, and you’ll find you not only can ignite a flame but also decide how to keep it burning for whatever you desire. There are countless places and opportunities for you to fan the flames of passion and then figure out how to play with it safely. So why not enjoy a couple of those opportunities today?
4/11 Ten of Pentacles: Insights On Achievement
Tens carry the energy of tenfold possibilities, and this particular one represents physical activity. It’s about turning dreams into actions, which in turn shape our lives and leave a legacy. There’s inspiration available, the kind that makes dreams into reality. In these times of readily accessible optimism, it’s crucial to let your imagination soar and see where it takes you. Your aspirations offer valuable insights into your potential. Remember those superpowers? See where they manifest today, or at least keep an eye out for hints of them. They’re there, perhaps hidden behind a cluttered mind. That’s why it’s important to let your intuition guide you. Don’t just think your way through the day; you want to feel it first.
4/12 Five of Wands: Difficulties In Beginnings
You know, most of the good stuff we want to do tends to come with a multiple hurdles right off the bat. It’s like a test to see if our inspiration is just a passing whim or something deeper itching to come out. And, as we tackle each obstacle, we form this bond with our original idea. It grows and evolves with every challenge, picking up new layers along the way. It’s a bit like facing wind resistance—it’s tough, but it’s what helps us really take off. Right now, with the Moon throwing some punches at Saturn, it’s like a challenge to see how determined we are to push through whatever’s blocking our path.
Don’t be surprised if you’re hit with a wave of emotions when things don’t go as planned. It happens to the best of us, and especially possible today. But, it’s actually a golden opportunity to accept where you’re at without feeling stuck there. Remember, you’ve got this hidden superpowers in you waiting to emerge, especially with the Moon squaring off against Mars. You just have to tap into it. It’s there, waiting for you to figure out how to use it to your advantage. So, let your feelings add some spice to whatever you’re up to, without overthinking or judging them. They simply offer more insights for you to integrate into your creation, adding depth and texture.
4/13 The Hermit: Know Thyself
The Moon in Gemini squares Neptune before transitioning into Cancer before lunch. So, it’s a bit of a Hermit Crab kind of day, you know? These aspects highlight where we’re feeling sensitive, and taking a little break might just be the way to go. The Hermit reminds us to get to know ourselves as our own ultimate guide to where we’re headed. In most decks, the Hermit holds his lamp out in front, taking things nice and slow, with that circle of light guiding him along.
It’s a beautiful reminder to tune into what’s driving us, moment by moment. Many of us just cruise on autopilot until life throws a curveball our way. Well, this eclipse is shaking things up plenty, loosening us from anything that can’t handle the transformation. When life feels uncertain, those quiet moments to pause and reflect are pure gold. They help us figure out what we truly want next—none of that shoulda, woulda, coulda stuff. So take some time today to make a decision. Be more than just a doer; be a decider. Once you make up your mind, the path ahead will be lit up bright enough for you to take that next step.
4/14 Three of Wands: Almost Home
You know, you’re not defined by your past wounds. You have the power to create a life with fewer and fewer of those painful moments. Three is all about communication, and Mercury, well, it’s the ultimate trickster. So, when those same old situations come around, the ones that bring back memories of past hurt, try approaching them from a new angle. The thing is, what’s different now is YOU.
Once you truly believe that, it’s like breaking the four-minute mile—it changes everything to realize you can surpass what you thought were your limits. This three feels like a ship that’s crossed the entire ocean. It’s there in the harbor, you can see it. It just hasn’t docked yet. But hey, you’re almost home. So, look at whatever comes your way with fresh eyes. Take action, or maybe don’t, in a way that feels right to you, even if it’s unfamiliar. You’ve got this.
4/15 The Emperor: Personal Responsibility
Today’s aspects point to personal responsibility as the key ingredient. Blaming always stems from feeling powerless. Sure, acknowledge what happened, but keep the focus on your feelings and what you want to do about it. Can you speak up for what you want and need? If you can’t, there’s some work to do. It might be within yourself—giving yourself permission and confidence—or outside, building relationships that can handle more honest conversations.
Stay focused on your feelings and constructive ways to address your wants and needs. The Emperor reminds us of our ability to shape our world to our advantage. But it also warns against letting our wounds control us, expecting the world to accommodate us to avoid discomfort. Challenges will always be there. Your power lies in making your life a place where challenges fuel your best efforts instead of dampening your spirit. Ultimately, responsibility grants us the ability to respond. Find more of yours and add it to your skill set. Bravo! Well done, you.
4/16 Four Of Pentacles: Solid Foundation
This combination of today’s card and yesterday’s, along with the current aspects, practically begs you to reassess your “shoulds,” “have tos,” and “oughts.” Those inherited rules work better when you mix in what fits you instead of blindly following stuff that doesn’t. Fours always promise a solid base. That’s a mix of what you like about your upbringing’s structure and what you don’t. Which means you’ll want to take some time today to thoughtfully examine what that looks like for you, customized by you and for you.
With Mercury square to Ceres, tune in to what you’re feeding yourself. Whether it’s thoughts or food, does it leave you feeling nourished or a bit off? The aspects are subtle but there. So, spend your time listening to what your body tells you about what you’re taking in, whether it’s actually good for you or not. The best way to replace thoughts and habits you don’t want is to swap them out for ones you do. Invest in a few small changes and see how much better you feel over time.
4/17 Queen of Cups: Emotions As Power
Today, we’re diving deep into the realm of our intense emotions. The Queen of Cups is our guide through these emotional storms, as she’s no stranger to them herself. The key focus for today is embracing our feelings as they arise. Emotional mastery means being in sync with our emotions, responding to them appropriately and in real-time.
When we suppress or ignore our feelings, they tend to accumulate and fester inside us like murky ponds. And when something triggers that backlog, it can lead to a flood of emotions pouring out uncontrollably onto others.
The trick is to acknowledge our emotions, express them healthily in the moment, and then release them gradually. Maybe you need to take a breather, tidy up the house, or have a good cry. Once you’ve let those waves pass, you can return to deal with whatever stirred up the storm.
It’s a skill worth mastering—to feel deeply without hurting others in the process is a genuine form of self-expression. And the good news is, the Queen promises that all this emotional work will bring good fortune and happiness. Isn’t it satisfying to see your efforts pay off?
4/18 Wheel of Fortune: Add The Good
You’ve been putting in the hard yards, and today’s aspects are nudging you to balance that out with some well-deserved fun and rewards. What tickles your funny bone? Take some time to incorporate a bit of joy into your day. Whether it’s blasting music that transports you to a cherished memory or treating yourself to breakfast for dinner, allow yourself to indulge a little. Remember, all work and no play isn’t the recipe for a fulfilling life. Sure, handle your responsibilities, but sprinkle in some goodness, even in small doses, today. It’s a delightful habit to cultivate in life.
4/19 Seven Of Cups: Customize The Day
As the Sun shifts into Taurus today, this seven card comes into play to emphasize the importance of making better choices. It’s understandable to opt for what’s convenient rather than what’s truly beneficial. Yesterday’s reminder to inject some fun was aimed at balancing out those areas where we might need to make tougher decisions for our own well-being. Keep in mind that our minds can justify a poor choice in the moment, but that doesn’t erase the consequences.
Choosing what’s best for you might require a bit more effort. However, that doesn’t mean it has to feel like a grueling task. Sometimes, the harder path isn’t necessarily more noble; it’s just tougher. The key is finding a balance that challenges you without draining you entirely. While the extremes are easy to spot, your task is to customize your daily life in a way that suits you best. There’s a sweet spot—a Goldilocks zone—that’s just right for you. The trick is being open to discovering it. Good work, right?
4/20 Knight of Wands: What SHips Are Made For
Today, Jupiter aligns precisely with Uranus in Taurus at 21 degrees 49 minutes. This degree holds significant symbolism, and much has been written about this celestial rendezvous. Not since 1941 have these colossal forces met in Taurus. The Knight of Wands symbolizes courage—the boldest actions we can undertake. Taurus governs our physical bodies and material manifestations. So, when the Great Liberator, Uranus, teams up with the Great Expander, Jupiter, it calls on us to bravely push beyond our previous limits. It’s like the saying, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are made for.”
Jupiter kick-starts a twelve-year cycle of expansion, urging us to take courageous actions on our own behalf. Our greatest safeguard lies in doing what authentically aligns with our unique purpose. Granted, these choices aren’t without risks—life itself is a risk. However, fulfilling our earthly purpose means embracing these risks. This means that the entire Universe supports us as we confront the challenges that come our way. The word “courage” stems from “cour,” French for heart. These leaps of faith must be guided by the heart, not by the intellect. Your mind can help you navigate the “how,” but it’s your heart that discerns the “what.” So find those efforts that make your heart leap and follow it. The Universe will help.
4/21 King of Wands: Realign Resources For Success
What a whirlwind of aspects today, my friend. With Venus teaming up with Chiron and the Sun squaring Pluto, something has to give. Deep shifts are stirring, and resisting them only adds to the friction. So, what’s crucial now is honesty. How much do past wounds still influence our present decisions? We’re all guilty of being human—we naturally want to avoid pain. But here’s the thing: running from pain doesn’t make it disappear; it just swaps one kind of pain for another.
So, how about an upgrade? When you face something tough head-on, despite knowing it’s difficult, you tap into your inner strength. Remember, you’ve got untapped superpowers waiting to be unleashed. So, when faced with pain, let it motivate you to access those dormant abilities. Instead of blaming, shaming, or avoiding, use your energy to realign your resources.
This King assures us that seemingly impossible situations will eventually resolve, albeit not immediately. Patience is key. Consider this delay as an opportunity to strengthen your superpower muscles. If resolution takes time, why not use this time period to feel purposeful and empowered?
4/22 The Tower: Unleashed Potential
Today, the Libra Moon navigates a series of oppositions with the planets still lingering in Aries. First, Mercury steps into the ring, followed by Chiron, Venus, and finally Eris. It’s like a cosmic showdown, with the Tower card symbolizing the unleashed potential of power in the mix.
Remember our chat about blending the past with the present? Well, today is your chance to craft your world exactly as you see fit, regardless of the challenges that arise. While you may not have control over the initial ingredients, think of yourself as the Master Chef of your day—skillfully using whatever is at your disposal.
In the imagery of the Tower card, walls and doors are blown away, revealing boundless possibilities. But just like those elephants trained to stay put by chains, it’s up to you to embrace your newfound freedom and explore beyond your previous limits. Now that your chains are removed, you don’t have to keep operating within the same scope. What will you make of this newfound liberty?
The chaos and disappointments may feel overwhelming at times, but they provide fertile ground for growth and discovery. Embrace the feelings of disappointment, grief, or frustration, and then let them go, taking another step forward. Let your emotions become just another ingredient in the concoction of your life. Like waves on the shore, allow those unwelcome feelings to recede as fresh ones come in to take their place. No judgment necessary—simply let the tide go out.
For some, this may feel like long-awaited freedom, while for others, it might be a shock to the system. Whatever you’re feeling, embrace it fully, incorporate what is welcome into your journey, and keep moving forward. Remember, there’s a masterpiece waiting to be crafted out of whatever life throws your way.