We are in week two of deliciously tempting windows of opportunity, enticing us to step outside our comfort zones.
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This Moon cycle offers deliciously tempting windows of opportunity, enticing us to step outside our comfort zones.
Time to break up with the story of you that no longer fits. Tell a better story, now is the time.
Time to break up with the story of you that no longer fits. Tell a better story, now is the time.
We receive a sweet assist to help build a new kind of belonging out of a fresh view of what matters most. Hint: it’s much more heart focused.
Make a wish and then expand your life as you make the dream possible. YOU are where the desire comes from, and the means by which it comes true.
Why would you knowingly pass up unconditional love? But it’s likely you have…because you’ve confused unconditional love with unconditional presence.
This eclipse discover that the situation doesn’t define you, you define the situation.
This Lunar Eclipse in Libra with Mercury Retrograde, insists we meet our own pain better to improve our relationships.